How long does it take for Google Adsense to accept me?

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  1. Patrick Howes profile image60
    Patrick Howesposted 10 years ago


    I have sent in numerous applications to Google Adsense so I can start to make a little money on HubPages, yet they keep shooting me down. It keeps saying "insufficient content" every time I get their email back. What should I do? I've written ten articles so far, all have been more than 800 words (most are 1,000+) and I'm not sure what to do next.

    Am I missing something, do I need to write more or do anything to help change this?

    Please check out my articles and see if I'm doing everything correctly.

    Thank you in advance for any help on this matter...

    1. Hezekiah profile image68
      Hezekiahposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I actually got accepted through my youtube channel. I had a lot of video plays for my music tuition videos. I used that adsense  account on Hubpages.

    2. relache profile image67
      relacheposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Google does not consider ten Hubs to be sufficient, especially when combined with a three-week-old account.

      Write more Hubs.  It's better to have anywhere between three and four dozen, and for that content to have been published for one to two months.  Google is looking for what they call "an established web presence."

    3. maryjenga11 profile image61
      maryjenga11posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I also read to write about 30 hubs, and that sometimes 500 words are enough. Keep trying, it might take a bit longer, but they should eventually approve you.

    4. profile image0
      Christy Kirwanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Patrick,

      We recommend at least 20-25 high-quality articles and that your first article should be at least one month old before applying. You'll need to write 10-15 more Hubs and wait another couple weeks. Hang in there, you're halfway there. smile

    5. TolovajWordsmith profile image92
      TolovajWordsmithposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe 20-25 articles looks a lot at the moment, but in reality you can't expect to earn significant money with only few articles, so more is always better - for you as publisher and Google as advertiser.

      Another beauty of more articles lies in authority of your profile, which is related to the number of your articles. If you can manage to build several dozens of articles around one particular theme, your authority will boost traffic on all articles.

  2. Rinnegan XV profile image37
    Rinnegan XVposted 10 years ago

    write atleast 20 then try ........ and dont send multiple requests otherwise your account will be banned from adsense permanently !!

  3. Patrick Howes profile image60
    Patrick Howesposted 10 years ago

    Okay thank you all for the help and support. Its greatly appreciated. I will keep writing more hubs!

  4. Susan Trump profile image60
    Susan Trumpposted 10 years ago

    Everyone seems to agree that you need a minimum of ten pieces before applying.  Why then is hp sending me info to sign up immediately after 6 hubs?  Is that customary or have things changed maybe?

    1. PsychGeek profile image89
      PsychGeekposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I noticed after about 7 Hubs I started to get a notice when I clicked publish about signing up for Adsense if I didn't already have an account (which I didn't).  I waited until I had 10 Hubs and then applied and was surprised to be accepted and fully signed up within a week.  I have no idea if the notice comes up when it appears you have enough content or if it is just random, but my application seemed pretty straight forward at the 10 Hub point.

      1. Susan Trump profile image60
        Susan Trumpposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I'll wait.  It seems like good advice.  Thanks PG

    2. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That does seem pretty stupid and HubPages ought to change it!

      1. Susan Trump profile image60
        Susan Trumpposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Looks like Christy is about to do just that.  No problem.

    3. profile image0
      Christy Kirwanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You're right, Susan, it doesn't make much sense for us to notify Hubbers so early. I suspect this is a lingering notification from several years ago when it was much easier to be approved by AdSense. I'm looking into having the number of Hubs extended before Hubbers see this notice. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

      1. Susan Trump profile image60
        Susan Trumpposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Christy, it good to know you are live and real.  I'll wait then.


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