F/back on Hub:Why do women love knee high fashion leather boots with a

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  1. Fahsionboots profile image40
    Fahsionbootsposted 8 years ago

    I' like feedback on my hub please: Why do women love knee high fashion leather boots with a heel?

    Hi, they keep telling me that my hub looks:
    1. too promotional
    How can I make it look less promotional please?

    2. too short
    any ideas on how to get to 800 words (they recommend)

    thanks in advance

    1. Elsie Hagley profile image70
      Elsie Hagleyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I couldn't view "why do women love knee high fashion leather boots with a heel" as it mustn't be featured yet.
      I had a look at "Women's Fashion Boots" it has eight eBay links with about 200 words.
      Is it featured?
      Try removing all the links, leaving one sale article.
      Add a poll, video, are a few ideas.
      HubPages don't like sale hubs, they are considered spam.
      Have a nice day.

      1. Fahsionboots profile image40
        Fahsionbootsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Ok thanx Elsie, very good advice. sorry I forgot the reason why I listed the hub in forums is because they won't publish it...tricky. One day when I get up to 15 hubs (or whatever the number of hubs it takes) to get into adsense I'll ask you for advice. I've read many articles on here but it seems there are a lot of people having problems being accepted into adsense and then not receiving or receiving very little revenue and when you can't get a job every penny adds up. But leave revenue for a much later date as probably the rules will change by then.
        thanks again.

        1. galleryofgrace profile image71
          galleryofgraceposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Obvious sales hubs will not be accepted by Hubpages.

          1. Fahsionboots profile image40
            Fahsionbootsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks for taking the time to comment. So what do we do with the ebay and amazon capsules that they offer us to include in our hubs? One of their logos wouldn't look very discrete sitting in the middle of our hubspages ...confused

      2. Fahsionboots profile image40
        Fahsionbootsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Hey Elsie, boy you were lucky to see my other hubpage titled Womens Fashion Boots  published as a FEATURE page back on 16.10.2015. For some reason they NOW are going back on their decision to ok it as a featured hub. I guess they have been tossing and turning in their sleep for 5 days as to whether they had made the correct decision. I would have made that decision before they gave me the green light....strange..
        Now I have to work out how many of the following I have violated by their over-generalized commenting. I mean is it one or all of the following?...so ambiguous. Read here:

        Overly Promotional means that one or more of the following is true about your Hub. It:
        *Solely or excessively promotes another site, product, or service
        *Over-uses words or phrases that disrupt the Hub’s readability, which may include repeated emphasis of phrases with bold or italics
        *Links more than 2 times to a single domain
        *Gives a short teaser and a link to "read more" or "continue"
        *Links to a page that contains largely the same content as your Hub
        *Has excessive Amazon or eBay capsules

        1. theraggededge profile image96
          theraggededgeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          HubPages is not a suitable platform for sales pages. Yes, there are Amazon capsules but that doesn't mean you can fill a hub with them. If your hubs are being unfeatured, that is the reason. Even your username is a bit of a giveaway.

          HP have given you a list of possible violations - which ones do you think apply?

          1. Fahsionboots profile image40
            Fahsionbootsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            thanks, all I can be certain about is that I can remove ebay capsules. Wish they would delete amazon and ebay capsules from the selection list completely to save myself and others time. They approved the hub as a feature 5 days ago so I guess I will keep removing one thing and then ask if they can re-publish it as I don't know which (if any) of the other things actually apply to my page.
            I think I will just give up being a hubpage publisher since 2012.
            Yes, I should have called my username something more discrete like 12345 (some number I can remember)....probably can't change it now.

            1. Millionaire Tips profile image89
              Millionaire Tipsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Did you deliberately spell "fashion" wrong?

              1. Fahsionboots profile image40
                Fahsionbootsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Yes, Fashionboots was already taken and I didn't think anybody would notice. It can't be accused of being spammy because it doesn't even spell a real word. Oh thanks for that link you gave below but some of the posts that they have marked as "ok hubs" wouldn't get a look in now having 6 or 7 selling hubs in their page....

                1. Millionaire Tips profile image89
                  Millionaire Tipsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Ah, I see.  I did think it was done on purpose.  Like fashion with an accent, making it even more fashionable!

  2. Millionaire Tips profile image89
    Millionaire Tipsposted 8 years ago

    I recommend reading this forum thread,

    In particular following the link to the blog post that is in it. The blog post has examples of hubs that are considered over-promotional and hubs that are not.


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