Hi everyone, ready to start a new week? First of all, a big thank you to all the HubMobsters who took part in last week's HubMob of Summer Sport's.
The special mention for being the most prolific HubMobsters of the week goes to:
Simple Tim with 7 hubs, followed closely by
Englightenedsoul with 6 hubs on the topic.
This is our last week of July and to finish the month we are going back to a previous topic which prompted a lot of hub submissions but also left many Hubbers and HubMobsters with unfinished/unpublished hubs on the topic. This week we are going to dust out those health hubs which are waiting to be published in your long list of "to do" things.
As during the March contest the choice on subtopics to write your hub is very wide. Some of the main categories you can hub about this week are:
Aging and Longevity
Alternative and Natural Medicine
Diet and Weight Loss
Disabilities and the Disabled
Diseases, Disorders and Conditions
Exercise and Fitness
First Aid
Health Care, Drugs and Insurance
Kids Health
Medicine and Health Science
Men's Health and Wellness
Mental Health
Oral Health
Personal Health Information and Self-Help
Pregnancy, Fertility and Reproductive Systems
Vision and Eye Care
Women's Health
To join this week's HubMob please follow the steps below:
1. YOU MUST START YOUR HUB CLICKING THIS LINK. Choose the Answer the Request green button. Choose the MAKE A HUB ABOUT IT option.
2. Choose a relevant title for your Hub to get a good ranking in the search engines, AVOID starting your title with "Weekly HubMob"
3. Select the category on your hub to best suit your topic.
4. Include the HubMob RSS Feed in your hub: http://hubpages.com/question/62962/hubm … ew&rss
For more information on how to add the RSS feed to your hub you can click here http://hubpages.com/_21xfti5lz5gfl/hub/ … HubMob-Hub
5. Add the HubMob graphic below to your hub so that everyone who reads it will know that it is part of the official HubMob topic of the week.
6. After you publish your HubMob Hub, come back to the forum and post a link to your hub with a brief description of what you wrote about and why. Take advantage of the free publicity!
If you are still not sure about what is a HubMob and the benefits of taking part in one I created this guide http://hubpages.com/hub/What-is-a-HubMo … o-join-one please feel free to come up with any questions if you have any doubts left.
I just published a hub that fits in the hubmob!
http://hubpages.com/hub/If-I-can-fitnes … so-can-you
Great idea. I really need to write more hubpages!
Just posted a hub (my first) That fits right in with the subject. Take a look and give me a critique on my first baby
I did not do the March contest-so no health hubs in my to do list! but I'll stop by later in the week if I have some free time.
I have a hub already written but not published that fits in with this Hub Mob. Is there a way I can get it into the HubMob without redoing it?
Not really
However if you wrote your hub answering one of the previous requests (the March request for Health Hubs) you can still publish it and post it here as it is part of the same thing.
Just make sure you tell rmcrayne about it so she can include it in the relevant HubMob round up.
Just what I need to get me going again on hubpages, thanks!
Thanks Princessa! Here is the first one of what I plan to be three but maybe more if I get on a roll.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Soothing-Strate … -Back-Pain
and here is the second one
http://hubpages.com/hub/Blood-Pressure- … atural-Way
Anyone tried to post to the Summer Sports hubmob thread today? I tried to reply to Simple Tim about spammers, but got error messages on multiple attempts.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Overview-of-Pol … ar-Disease
A "what is..." article on an autoimmune disease (Polyarteritis Nodosa) my brother has
Thanks for the mention Princessa. The last week Hubmob was great and had fun writing them. Wish I had some expertise in health topics as well, I would have definitely taken part in this week hubmob. But I wish everyone all the best!!
I just pub. a hub on 'safety'. Is there any way to have that count as part of this weeks hubmob?
Sorry, all HubMob hubs MUST start from the "answer the request" link above.
Hi Princessa-I actually saw the answer shortly after asking the question. OK. I have succussfully rss'd the hub, but have NOT successfully figured out how to get the 'hubmob' graphic onto my hub. HELP! Thanks,
Home and Herbal Remedies for Hemorrhoids | Piles
http://hubpages.com/hub/Home-and-Herbal … oids-Piles
Rather than rewrite two hubs I already had written but not published prior to this weekly Hub Mob topic I have written a whole new hub and with Princessa's kind and helpful suggestion I have linked it to my two unpublished pubs which fall into this weeks category. A lot of work but well worth it.
Here are the other two:
And, I'm two away from 50 hubs! And so darn proud of myself
I'm so glad this is the HubMob topic because I've been planning on posting this Hub!
Educate for Tobacco-Free Youth
I created a webpage to help after-school program facilitators (and any other educators) who want to teach students about tobacco. I know that when I served with an after-school program, there were a lot of different topics that I needed to teach my students about, but that I didn't really have an extensive background in, so I feel that my lessons and activities weren't as effective as they could have been. This has links to information, lessons and activities, and resources.
Please visit and feel free to leave feedback! Thanks so much!
Hi, I joined the hubmob challenge this week for two reasons: First, I wanted a new challenge (boy did I get my wish!) working with the rss / graphic material, and second, working as a nurse, it was a good topic for me.
I am a strong advocate for the mentally ill. If anyone has ever experienced a loved one having to be hospitalized in a psychiatric facility, or if you are just curious as to how someone can get committed, then read my hub:
Hi, Welcome to the HubMob. I am really happy that you gave it a try. You see, it is easier than what you thought.
1) You answered the request properly. That bit is done!
2) You wrote some interesting and great content. Thumbs up for that.
3) Now you just need to add both the RSS feed and the graphic. I wrote some easy instructions on how to do this: http://hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Write-a-HubMob-Hub I know you have been there already, but maybe now that you've published your hub things are clearer.
As for the graphic I find that the easiest way (at least for me) it is saving it to your computer and copying it from there.
Well said! Thanks for making us more aware of this pertinent health issue which often goes undiagnosed!
I just finished a health hub:
I will definitely do some health hubs this week. I have loads of diseases and conditions hubs remaining to be published. Thanks a lot Princessa for giving us this chance again.
Here is my first ever HubMob Hub
http://hubpages.com/hub/Aromatherapy-Es … -Treatment
I found that having a specific topic really spurred me on and look forward to contributing more HubMob Hubs!
Welcome to HubMob! Careful, we're addictive
hi rmcrayne, thank you for the welcome, I think you could be right - as I say, I really enjoyed writing when I had a topic to write for - it helped the 'writer's block' as I was completely stuck for my next hub!
HubMob Weekly Topic: The return of the Health Hubs Hub #1 by soni2006
What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Where to Buy Carpal Tunnel Splints Online?
http://hubpages.com/_3e18e2wvz8nn9/hub/ … nts-online
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome also known as CTS is caused due to repetitive strain injury. It is a condition characterized by numbness, pain, a prickling needle sensation...
My hub for this week :
How To Get Flat Abs And Bid Goodbye To Belly Fat
http://hubpages.com/hub/How-To-Get-Flat … -Belly-Fat
Natural Remedies for stretch marks
http://hubpages.com/hub/Natural-Remedie … etch-marks
Hi hubber friends, here is another hub by me.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Health-Care-Nut … ts-For-You
Here is another one in the health line from me:
My first one on the topic: http://hubpages.com/hub/emergency-contraception it is about the "morning after pill" as emergency contraception.
Schizophrenia is a chronic and disabling brain disorder that changes the way the brain processes outside stimuli. Schizophrenia is a psychological brain disorder that is chronic in nature.The effective home treatment for Schizophrenia ideally aims at getting rid of this disease by reducing its various disabling symptoms in a natural way.
Home remedies for Schizophrenia
Hi friends, here is another hub by me.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Health-Care-Nut … ts-For-You
Second one this week: http://hubpages.com/hub/Aromatherapy-Baths relax and enjoy...
HubMob Weekly Topic: The return of the Health Hubs
Hub #2 by soni2006
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: Causes | Symptoms | Treatment with Elbow Splint | Surgery
http://hubpages.com/hub/cubital-tunnel- … nt-surgery
In some acute cases of cubital tunnel syndrome, symptoms get relieved without surgery with the use of conservative measures like prescription of effective anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce inflammation and pain....
Hi, I'm new to the hubmob community. I have two questions if anyone can help. They might seem obvious to everyone, so bear with me. 1. what is the deadline for the hubs? 2. is there a limit? Thank you.
HubMob topics run from Monday to Monday, however the question never closes. You can continue to publish on any topic started from the HubMob link in Princessa's first post. For late postings, just shoot me a message to get you into the HubMob roundup hub.
There is no limit to the number of HubMob hubs you can publish each week.
Here are some references:
http://hubpages.com/hub/What-is-a-HubMo … o-join-one
Yeah! (Finally...pant, pant, ) Thanks for all of your help, LOL
this seems like a really good idea. I will be writing hubmobs alot, it seems fun and kind of more focused than writing about something so random.
It is a great idea. Come on board. Just follow the instructions at the beginning of this forum.
Home Remedies to Quit smoking
hi princessa..
its really helpful for people who can find health tips on board..
i have hubs for health in office and oral health..you can review them once.. thanx
http://hubpages.com/hub/WANT-TO-IMPRESS … FIRST-TALK
Hello all
Nice to be writing HubMob hubs again. Here's my latest.
HubMob Weekly Topic: The return of the Health Hubs
Hub #3 by soni2006 - What is Distal Radius Fracture - Where to Buy a Splint for this Fracture?
http://hubpages.com/_3e18e2wvz8nn9/hub/ … s-fracture
A fracture of the distal radius is a break at the distal end of the radius bone closest to the wrist. Your doctor can prescribe you a distal radial fracture splint to wear which you can buy from an online store like Amazon or Ebay....
Hub 3 for elayne001
http://hubpages.com/hub/Health-Hazards- … Laboratory
It was an answer to a question Mentalist acer asked me.
Health Hub #4 for this week
Health Aids for Weak Hands
Health hub #1 Ear Infections in Children
HubMob Weekly Topic: The return of the Health Hubs
HUB#4 by soni2006 - Had An Ankle Sprain in Sports - Prevent Fracture By Buying Best Ankle Brace
http://hubpages.com/hub/ankle-sprain-in … brace?done
There are several types of ankle braces available in the market but finding the best brace to prevent fracture can be difficult sometimes. For this reason, manufacturers of orthopedic appliances ...
Here is my contribution. Staying healthy by staying honest.
Telling Lies Can Affect Your Health
http://hubpages.com/hub/Telling-Lies-Ca … our-Health
Finally finished my first HubMob Hub. Hopefully it is done right.
http://hubpages.com/_3lz92piqj3jrvhub/N … -Easy-Way.
This hub is all about starting a nutritional healthy lifestyle. It gives insight of what to look for in foods, labels, portions, and includes a sample weekly menu. Have with it.
Hi, your first HubMob is great, you did everything right.
I've just noticed that your link here to your hub is not working it should be: http://hubpages.com/hub/Nutrition-the-Easy-Way
Thanks Princessa I have a habit of inserting my tracker. I need all the credit I can get
Really good job on this hub and welcome to HubMob. I really like your graphics!
The link's not working on this post - its -
Alright! my first Hubmob Entry! This hub contains info on diabetes, what insurance will cover, and where to find local support
Take the time to read it all at http://hubpages.com/hub/How-to-find-Dia … plies?done
And good luck to everyone
Thanks! Good luck back to you. This was my first hubmob entry as well.
My 2 nd Helpful Health Hub for this week :
Memory Improvement-Smart Tips
I just made a Hub about playing pick up soccer. I feel like this weeks topic allowed me to find a new kind of hub to write about. I like to excercise but hate going to the gym and having to do time consuming work outs so here my hub about playing pick up soccer.
to the HUBMOB McConnell Group, mdscoggins, Cuselax, Denise and Alison Graham
Health Topics and Remedies
Gateway to links on a myriad of health topics and health-related topics. Ailments: Polyarteritis Nodosa, mental illness, cancer, children’s ear infections. Remedies and treatment for: Back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome, distal radius fracture, ankle sprains, pregnancy prevention, migraine headaches, weak hands, improving memory, children’s pinworms. Natural Remedies for: Blood pressure, hemorrhoids and piles, yeast infections, stretch marks, aromatherapy bath, essential oils for first aid. Exercise, flat abs, get in shape quick, pick up soccer. People with disabilities, tobacco use. Nutrition, nutritional supplements and products, healing foods, Farmers Market. Miscellaneous: Medical laboratory safety, impact of lies on mental health, CPR, diabetes insurance, Baby Boomers’ health.
How to get rid of Pinworms in Children
http://hubpages.com/hub/How-to-get-rid- … n-Children
Just finnished a new hub on an excercise called the burpee hope everyone gives this a try.
Hi! this is my contribution for this weekly hubmob :
http://hubpages.com/hub/Rheumatoid-Arth … erspective
How to live a long, healthy life
My 3rd Health Hub
Hand Exercises With Simple Hand Grips And Exerciser For Busy People
http://hubpages.com/hub/Hand-Exercises- … usy-People
by Wendy Iturrizaga 14 years ago
Hello everyone, here we go for the third week this month mirroring the Helpful Health Hubs contest and this week we are going to Hub about Exercise and fitness. We have already done this topic about 2 months ago, but I am sure that there are many of you who have plenty of ideas for new...
by Wendy Iturrizaga 13 years ago
Hello, are you ready to start a new month and join in this month's HubPages challenge and contest? I know I am! and for April the HubMob team has prepared a special treat for you so you can keep plenty of ideas coming to join this month's contest.For April we are going to have a two...
by Ryan Hupfer 15 years ago
For this week's HubMob, I have decided to cover a topic that is truly close to many people's hearts - their pets. I have never really been a pet owner, but as I meet more and more people I realize the huge role that they play in the lives of others around me. So, this HubMob is basically a way for...
by Ryan Hupfer 15 years ago
awesome image created by Jerrico UsherHere we go again, Hubbbers, it's time for the weekly attack of the HubMobsters! Perhaps someone should warn the Internet? This week's HubMob Topic is getting me excited: It's All About Halloween: Dressing Up, Making Treats and Being Scary. Hub about your...
by Leandraluv 14 years ago
I read about the HubMob weekly topic? Please point me in the right direction.
by Simone Haruko Smith 11 years ago
With icy roads, high volumes of holiday travel, and end-of-year rushes, driving can get pretty dangerous this time of year. In light of our presently risky roads, I am making this week's Weekly Topic Inspiration challenge all about car safety and safe driving.Please share your advice on driving...
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