Getting paid.

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  1. Amanda Abbott profile image64
    Amanda Abbottposted 8 years ago

    I've been on hubpages for a few months now and I'll I've been paid so far is one cent. I have six hubs and tons of views.  Am I doing something wrong? Or do I just need to publish more hubs?


    1. profile image0
      calculus-geometryposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Earnings are more or less proportional to views, so if your articles aren't getting a lot of traffic you won't make much money.

      There are many different ways to get more views; the easiest is to write hubs that answer questions people search the internet for, and that way people will come across your hubs when they search on google.  To get traffic this way it's important to make your titles crystal clear using words and phrases that people google.  Something like "How to Make Cheap DIY Curtains from Bed Sheets" is better than "How I Fabricated Some Inexpensive Window Coverings Last Weekend"

      Some people also get traffic by promoting their articles on social media, and others get a lot of traffic from hub images that are pinned on Pinterest. 

      And of course, the more hubs you have the more views you will get.

      Creative writing and personal essays don't really get much traffic on HP, so if that is mainly what you want to write you might consider other publishing venues.

      Hope that helps, and best of luck to you.

    2. paradigm search profile image55
      paradigm searchposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Sounds like you should have earned more than one cent. Do you have Status Active for AdSense and Ad Program at ?

      Also, if statuses are indeed active; the stats page total restarts at zero every month. Maybe shows more earnings?

    3. Sherry Hewins profile image86
      Sherry Hewinsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      As paradigm search said, make sure your earnings settings are correct. Also, when I first started, I looked around for hubbers to interact with. Read a few hubs and comment on them. Follow a few people, in other words,  make some friends. This will probably up your views a little. While you won't make much money from that, and it is not a long-term strategy,  it can be encouaging while you are waiting for organic traffic to find you.

  2. NateB11 profile image84
    NateB11posted 8 years ago

    As a rough estimate, a writer needs somewhere near 700 views a day, or at least somewhere near 21,000 a month, to reach the payment threshold in a month--if you have the HP Ad Program activated. So, that's quite a bit of traffic necessary to reach payout. But it also depends on how much you earn per view, which is dependent on what advertisers are paying for the ads on your Hubs; which is dependent on subject matter and what kind of visitors you get.

    Advice on how to get traffic that others have offered is good. If you want a pretty effective and relatively simple way to come up with traffic-getting titles, you might want to check out Wrylilt's Hub on getting traffic using Google Suggest for finding titles for your Hubs.

  3. Sue Adams profile image91
    Sue Adamsposted 8 years ago

    It may take a year to make the payment threshold and it certainly won't happen with just 6 hubs.

  4. Marisa Wright profile image85
    Marisa Wrightposted 8 years ago

    What do you mean by "tons" of views?   

    On average, you can expect to make between $2 - $5 per thousand views.

  5. Amanda Abbott profile image64
    Amanda Abbottposted 8 years ago

    I'm figuring it out now. I still need more followers and views. I've uploaded a video on YouTube with a direct link to my hubpages site. I also post new articles on Twitter and Facebook every day. Any other suggestions?

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Followers will not get you a significant number of views.  Followers on HubPages are other members, and we are all writers first, readers second.  You can't start making money until you start attracting readers from Google, Bing and Yahoo!  And remember, you need thousands of views to make a few dollars.

      To attract readers from the search engines, you need to be writing about stuff people are searching FOR.   Take a look at your Hubs - who do you think is searching for those subjects, and what would they have to type into Google to find them?  For most of them, I can't think of a good answer to that - which means no one from outside HubPages is likely to find them, and therefore they don't stand a chance of earning income.

      You're not alone - the online world is very frustrating for poets, and those who like to write creative or opinion pieces.  People don't search for that kind of stuff on Google much - and if they do, they are more likely to end up on dedicated poetry or short story websites than on a place like HubPages.   So your poems and creative pieces would get a much wider readership on one of those sites - but then, those sites do not pay!

  6. profile image0
    Robilo2posted 8 years ago

    Other ideas - submit your URLs to to get them indexed in many search engines.  Follow the directions carefully and some require you to respond to their email etc to prevent fraud.

    Also - look at your article summary - that is the data that shows to the internet surfer when your page is one of the results.. make sure you have included internet search terms/keywords in your summary!  Here is a free tool to help you understand keywords ...

    Then - research your page listing by using your keywords in the various engines and locate the position of your HP article.   Some of mine are still on page 2 of the google results, some are still nowhere to be found.... I do have a few articles on the top 10 results.... just by narrowing the keywords to my article niche.

    And - become a member of the most popular blogsites that relate to your topics - that way you can add commentary and hopefully provide a link to your article on HP.


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