Changes made & Still not published :( :( PLEASE HELP (Hotel SEO Blog)

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  1. Shaurya Singh profile image60
    Shaurya Singhposted 8 years ago

    Hi Hubbers,

    Have made multiple edits to my blog and have spent a lot of time looking at each and every detail.
    But still no luck getting published. Also, after I re-submit I am not getting any status update regarding the Hub. Please help
    Hotel SEO: Essential tips to Rank on 1st page of Google (must be signed in to view). What can I do to improve? Thanks!

    1. theraggededge profile image87
      theraggededgeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You'll have to remove that Perch Service Apartments link and most of that bold text. It makes the article unreadable. The whole thing is a horrible mess.

      What is OTA? Guest blogging? Your average hotelier is not likely to have a clue. You don't even say what SEO is. You can't assume your readers understand these terms. Using jargon in a hub is not a good idea, as it will be picked up as misspellings and bad grammar.

      Don't write "Schema dot org", just say "Schema's markup tool"

      Clean up your formatting and it might stand a chance of getting through.

    2. RJ Schwartz profile image85
      RJ Schwartzposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Too much bold text, no clear flow of information, too many terms that the average reader won't immediately grasp.  and it has the feel of a self-promoting piece (see my expertise on linkedin.)  The piece just doesn't have an "article feel" but instead a rapid assault of bullet points and facts - more like a presentation you'd put in front of a potential customer instead of an article for any random reader.

      Perhaps start with explaining to the reader what SEO is all about, it's importance for this industry, and so on.

  2. Shaurya Singh profile image60
    Shaurya Singhposted 8 years ago

    Thank you Mr Schwartz and Ms Bev,

    Getting a Hub published ain't no mean feat , but I have noted your helpful pints and will incorporate the same.

    Much Appreciated,


    P.S- Read both your blogs, and liked the easy flowing writing style. Definitely learnt a thing or two from each

    1. theraggededge profile image87
      theraggededgeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      smile Keep working at it. You have all the content and suggestions there, all you need to do is work out the best way to present them.

      Have you seen this? … tellar-Hub

      It gives a lot of good advice, and is a good example of an ideal layout.

      1. Shaurya Singh profile image60
        Shaurya Singhposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you, I did visit the link smile

  3. NatashaL profile image81
    NatashaLposted 8 years ago

    You have made some improvements and taken some of our advice.

    Unfortunately, this Hub still needs some work.

    You still have some long, unwieldy sentences:  "If possible create a blog section (this will also help decrease bounce rates, and increase traffic to your site by increasing the number of your keywords that you can rank on).'  This could be two sentences.

    Why do we need the bold print in the first sentence?

    This sentence is a run-on:  "Gone are the days when keyword stuffing and forceful mentions could boost your rank, if anything these methods are now akin to black hat SEO and will most likely get your site penalized."

    Do you have permission to use your images?  If not, you may want to try Pixabay or Pexels for Creative Commons images.

    The layout is inconsistent.  You have subtitles in some spaces, bullet points in others.

    You still haven't explained what SEO is.  At least explain what the acronym stands for and why hoteliers should be concerned about it.  This should be in your first paragraph.

    "Organic Listings – What’s that?
    Google likes profits. Period. In its quest for adding revenue Google has changed the way ads are served on organic search queries. With the latest update Google Search Ads are now almost indistinguishable from Organic results and are placed in such a manner that they dominate the entire first page view."

    This doesn't explain what an organic listing is.  Why are the bolded words capitalized?

    For your numbered list.
    1.  Explain why "small inconsistencies matter."  Link to sources that support this statement. 
    The Google social area is Google Plus, not Google plus.
    This sentence is a run-on:  "Use programs like like ICE Portal or VFM Leonardo, this will help tidy up pictures of your Hotel over the web, including the OTAs."
    2.  "The holy grail of SEO and the “not so secret sauce is still high quality back-links”. Nothing gives Google more confidence in your site than a back-link from a high Domain Authority website."  Your quotation marks should go around "not-so-secret sauce.'
    Why is Domain Authority capitalized?
    What is domain authority?
    What is a back link?
    Why is "High Quality Relevant Content" capitalized?
    Infographic is one word.
    3.  What purpose do meta tags serve?  How do you best utilize them if you're in the hotel business?
    4.  This sentence is a run-on:  "Most badly structured URL’s are way too long and complicated, these are typically generated automatically by content management systems like WordPress or Weebly whenever you create a new page."
    Why is a short URL better than a long one?  Explain clearly.
    This sentence is long and clumsy:  "Short, easy to remember and targeted keyword, these 3 are the must have qualities of any URL- but the last is the most important (keyword selection is permanent, so make sure you chose the most relevant)."

    6.  What is a long-tail keyword?
    Where on the site should the hotelier post information about the hotel's location?

    You're improving, which is a good thing.  The condensed version of my advice is this:
    1.  Explain any acronyms (SEO, OTA, DA) and explain why we need to know what these are.
    2.  Use shorter, more succinct sentences.  The more unfamiliar or complex a topic is, the clearer and simpler your vocabulary and sentence structure should be.
    3.  Expand on general statements.
    4.  Use subtitling consistently.
    5.  Use only images you have permission to use.
    6.  Be sure that you capitalize only words that need to be capitalized.

    Good luck!

    1. RJ Schwartz profile image85
      RJ Schwartzposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Excellent and detailed response / this writer is lucky to have the advice you've given

      1. Shaurya Singh profile image60
        Shaurya Singhposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Could not agree more smile

    2. Shaurya Singh profile image60
      Shaurya Singhposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you @ Natasha,

      I cannot thank you enough for the time and effort you have taken to help me and am truly humbled by the same.

      Your points were so thorough that it took a considerable amount of time to incorporate them into my post. I also read your posts to understand better usage of grammar, punctuation and sentence structure.

      With regards to images I have only used the images where the writer/ website has expressed that the same can be used online (they have even provided the source code for the same on their site). Otherwise I have used images from free image sites and have done properer source attribution as well.

      I have again re-submitted the post and hope for a better result this time around but, am open to working more if need be.

      The process of improving my post has been thoroughly enriching for me.

      Much appreciated,

  4. Shaurya Singh profile image60
    Shaurya Singhposted 8 years ago

    Dear All,

    After multiple edits and iterations it seems I have been able to get the Hub published.
    I thank each and every one of you for your comments ad suggestions.
    As an aside, I would also like to ask as to what must be done to make the content "featured" as I feel I have given my 100% to this post from a writing as well as technical perspective.


    1. theraggededge profile image87
      theraggededgeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Congratulations smile

      You should be able to see on your dashboard when the hub is featured. If not, well we'll take another look.

      Now what's the next one about?

      1. Shaurya Singh profile image60
        Shaurya Singhposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you,

        I already feel "winded" from getting this one out the door , lol smile
        I write on a range of topics.. will keep you posted ma'am.



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