top earning hubs have disappeared from google?!?

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  1. profile image0
    girly_girl09posted 15 years ago

    Both of my top earning hubs have disappeared from google; without a trace! They are still ranked high with Yahoo and other search engines. I only noticed this because my earnings basically stopped today.

    Why is this?  I didn't do searches for all 40 of my other hubs, but I spot checked 10 of them and those hubs are still doing fine on google.

    I searched on here for info but it was over 9 months old...I know that Google is constantly updating things.

    Does this still happen to you guys and what can I do about it, if anything?

    It was encouraging and greatly motivating to be earning from those hubs. Now I feel like I'm back at square one.

  2. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    Learn SEO smile

    1. nicomp profile image62
      nicompposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Start here:

      PS> I'm being facetious.

  3. Lissie profile image76
    Lissieposted 15 years ago

    Well the hubs cant be older than 10 days cause that's when you joined - so this pattern is normal a combo of "news" which gets new hubs ranked high for a while and the sandbox which will see hubs drop off for a while.

    a while is anywhere from a day to multiple months entirely depends on the niche

    Just keep building backlinks to them

    1. profile image0
      girly_girl09posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Is it normal for them to completely disappear though? They were ranked on the 2nd and 3rd pages, but now aren't showing up at all. It's one thing if they had dropped, even to like page 800 or something lol, but if I search the title's in quotation marks, absolutely nothing appears for these two articles.

      1. Lissie profile image76
        Lissieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        If you cant find them when typing site: then you have been indexed
        If they show up when you do this search they have just been sandboxed

        If they have been deindexed thats less common

        1. profile image0
          girly_girl09posted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Nope, totally gone. The only remnant of one of the "missing" hubs is just a link to it that is part of another hub that happened to link to this one.

          i'm hoping that they'll somehow get re-added again. My count is up to four that have completely disappeared now...I dont want to check anymore! lol

    2. belief713 profile image61
      belief713posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      That's what I'm working on doing now... in addition to new content. Don't waste too much time trying to figure it out. Just do what works and it will all come out in the wash.

  4. profile image0
    shreekrishnaposted 15 years ago

    i think ,

    google also use this technique.

    newest is first till he remain new.

    untill he get a minimum required traffic to get palce on first few pages..

  5. Christa Dovel profile image70
    Christa Dovelposted 15 years ago

    The same thing has happened to me, this past week.  One of my hubs was the first listing on Google under one set of search words, and on the third page using a related set of word, now it is gone.  I can find back links to it, but not the original article. 

    I am still getting hits from other search engines.

  6. Everyday Miracles profile image86
    Everyday Miraclesposted 15 years ago

    Which two are they?

  7. profile image0
    girly_girl09posted 15 years ago

    my hub on unclaimed money and another about one of my favorite shows from growing up, beverly hills 90210. I wouldn't be so concerned if they had moved to page rank 800 or something, but they're completely gone. sad

  8. Everyday Miracles profile image86
    Everyday Miraclesposted 15 years ago

    Darnit... See, I need to not do this when tired. I get results, but not YOUR results. Sorry about that!

    1. profile image0
      shreekrishnaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      which camera did you use.

    2. profile image0
      girly_girl09posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      awwww, thanks for looking!

      I did find that part of it, but that still means that the page itself has disappeared from google and has no chance of coming up in its search engine. (unless it magically reappears)

    3. profile image0
      girly_girl09posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      lol thats ok!!!!!! I totally understand that. As of yesterday, I had only had like four hours sleep in 3 days. Luckily, last night I got a lot of zzzzzzz's in!

      (Major insomniac right here!)

  9. profile image0
    girly_girl09posted 15 years ago

    my hub on family vacation ideas for Minneapolis is completely gone from google, too. there are two backlinks from from the travel category. the hub, itself, has disappeared.

    I am scared to check the other ones, now!

    my washington, d.c. travel article is gone, too.

    ok, I am not looking this is wayyyyyy too discouraging.

  10. Everyday Miracles profile image86
    Everyday Miraclesposted 15 years ago

    Yes, yes it was yours, darnit!

    That one is showing up in Google. I am clearly having a rough night!

    1. profile image0
      girly_girl09posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      yeah but it's not the actual page itself. it can't be searched for with key words like I could when the page was still listed. Even though a page disappears from google doesn't make it disappear from other sites that had a link to it.

      For example: Say I had a really raunchy porno page or something that linked to and google removed my site, would still exist.

      1. Everyday Miracles profile image86
        Everyday Miraclesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        No. That's your page. I clicked. Twice. It's yours smile

  11. Everyday Miracles profile image86
    Everyday Miraclesposted 15 years ago

    See my post above. The 90210 one was yours indeed. The others I'm still not finding. But I would relax and expect them to come back. The ones that are showing links here on Hubpages will still direct to you, so try to relax and rest easy. There is probably a reason for this and it will pass. It isn't duplicate content (or I would have found it by now trying to help you) and you aren't doing anything wrong. Try not to be discouraged.

    Take it easy, take your time, you're going to be fine. You've written some great hubs in a very short period of time (I thought *I* was fast!) and you're getting traffic and some clicks. Relax, rest, and give yourself a breather if that's what you need. If it isn't, tweak older hubs. If you happen to have tweaked these hubs recently, that could be what's going on. Give Google some time to get you indexed again properly. You're good smile

    1. profile image0
      girly_girl09posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      thanks for your help! hopefully you are correct and they'll come back again. In the meantime, I will take try to build some quality back links to those pages (actually, all my pages...don't want this to happen to all of them lol)

      1. Everyday Miracles profile image86
        Everyday Miraclesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        You can take my advice or leave it, but I would work on tweaking your hubs first. They are well written, but they could use some tweaks. Some of the capsule features will actually help you to rise in Google, such as the news capsule, which offers fresh content on a regular basis (which Google likes!). RSS is also good if you have a feed to plug in. And of course Amazon and Ebay can increase your earnings. You're already using Amazon (not sure about Ebay as I haven't had time to read all of your hubs!).

        Organic backlinks are always best. Building some initial backlinks will help you to get those organic backlinks though. The problem that I have had when building them in the past has been related to the fact that it's ridiculously time consuming. I prefer to work on cultivating my hubs and trust my fans to link me than to go around commenting on blogs or changing signature links in forums every week or two. When you leave comments, make sure that you're doing more than just dropping off a link, too! I always make my goal to get a permanent link in the links section of a site wink

        Again, try to relax. I'm sure that things will work out in the end. You have a large number of very high quality hubs. Pay attention to Analytics and your traffic and revenue should grow. If you haven't already, tie analytics with adsense. Works great for me and helps me track my keywords!

        1. profile image0
          girly_girl09posted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks again for all your advice. It's really helpful. I definitely will take heed and spend a few hours tonight working on tweaking them as I'm not in a writing mood tonight. lol burn out!!!

  12. Everyday Miracles profile image86
    Everyday Miraclesposted 15 years ago

    It's funny, I've spent today "fixing" older hubs. A couple have been completely rewritten, but for the most part it was supposed to be a "day off" in terms of writing. The truth is though that now I'm hankering even more to move forward with the two series I have currently going so that I can get to work on the one I have planned. Then DH and I were brainstorming earlier and I am eager to get on with ANOTHER new project.

    I hated writing before I came to Hubpages. Doesn't it just figure?

    BTW, are you open to personal requests? Having spent the past half hour browsing your hubs I have a need I think you might be able to fill wink

    1. profile image0
      girly_girl09posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Bring it on! I'd love to give your request a try. smile

      And I know what you mean about hating writing. I have to do it all the time for classes and work. My current major doesn't interest me that much but it's practical. I'm eventually going to go to law school and I think I'll have a better time when it comes to analyzing and writing on all sorts of topics that I'm interested in. 

      When I found HP 10 days ago, I was doing research for a paper that I was supposed to work on all semester long and saved until the last minute! Anyways, I signed up and began writing on here, KNOWING that my paper was due in 48 hours lol. I ended up getting it done on time but that just proves how fun it is to write on HP!

  13. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    You can hope. Or you can learn. smile

    1. profile image0
      girly_girl09posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I am reading up on backlinking and seo right now...any suggested resources for me to review? smile

      I haven't run a website for a couple years now, but "back in the day", using link directories helped, is this still true?

  14. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    I usually send people here

    I think it is the best available book, and it is free.

    And yes, the name of the game is backlinks, and directories still work. I doubt anybody would accept a hub to directory though, they usually are accepting only home pages. Yet nowadays there are a plenty of other opportunities for backlinking all over the place. smile

    1. profile image0
      girly_girl09posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      thanks very much!

      one last question (for now!) hehe....what about twitter? I just signed up for a new twitter account for hubpages (can't use my personal one because it's mostly for work......hmmmm guess that's not really personal lol!!!) anyways, would posting hublinks through tweets help? I know all links are automatically shortened to a tinyurl, so maybe it wouldn't they wouldn't even count as a backlink?

  15. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    Twitter may be a traffic source all by itself, so it is good to figure it out. I did not yet - but I am in the process smile

    And it does not shorten all urls, only long ones, so for some urls you can actually have backlinks from twitter. Unlikely for hubs though, too long. smile

    1. profile image0
      girly_girl09posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Twitter can be a GREAT traffic source (at least for what I have used it for) problem is, I really don't want to tweet my hubs on my personal/work twitter. Also sucks, because I could have a gold mine for traffic on facebook and I don't want to post my hubs on there, either as there are a lot of colleagues.

      that really sucks that hubpage links won't count as backlinks on there because of the url forwarding...argh!

    2. Lissie profile image76
      Lissieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Try twitwall - it gives you anchored do-follow backlinks - kinda cool - also you are not restricted to 140 chars - same login as your twitter a/c when you post the "entry" it twits automatically

      1. Everyday Miracles profile image86
        Everyday Miraclesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks, Lissie!

        1. nicomp profile image62
          nicompposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I'm suspicious about giving out my Twitter ID and PW in order to get a twitwall account. Anyone else have a thought on that?

          1. profile image0
            girly_girl09posted 15 years agoin reply to this

            I have heard about this site. I'm assuming since Lissie uses it that it's legit. smile I also know a few others who use it. Since my HubPages Twitter account isn't my personal one, I'm definitely going to try it....nothing to lose, really. smile

  16. The Empire profile image67
    The Empireposted 15 years ago

    @girly_girl09 - Did your hubs ever get reindexed?  I'm going through the same problem right now.

  17. profile image0
    girly_girl09posted 15 years ago

    They did! Unfortunately, I have no idea why. I wish I could offer you some advice! Earnings are up 100x and are wonderful because of high-rankings of my re-indexed hubs.

    I did get discouraged for a while there, but just keep writing quality hubs. While you're waiting for them to re-appear, writing more quality content will definitely help you out. They'll eventually get re-indexed like mine did. Since they were re-indexed, I've earned about $40 in the last 18 days.

    I did sign up with mybloglog which gives lots of quality backlinks via might try that?

    Good luck!

  18. The Empire profile image67
    The Empireposted 15 years ago

    Thank you very much!  I have a feeling they're under watch right now because I may have gone too aggressive with linking, we'll see though.  This gives me hope that it'll work out for the best.

    1. profile image0
      girly_girl09posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      That could be it. Although, I never thought about backlinks, so I don't think that was my problem. I think it actually may happen to all Hubs at first and people just don't notice. The only reason I noticed because one of them was earning me several dollars per day and it stopped suddenly. smile

      Do you find that almost all of them are gone that you wrote in the same time period? That's what happened to me. They magically started re-appearing after about one week.

  19. The Empire profile image67
    The Empireposted 15 years ago

    That's exactly it.  All of my hubs from the 13th to the 16th are gone, plus one from the 17th.

  20. Zeta Sfico profile image59
    Zeta Sficoposted 15 years ago

    if you had modified your hub that appear in 1st SERP page, it may disappear for a while if u added keyword or changed a little ur content. my hub disappeared once after modified and got reindexed back after 3 days on 1st SERP page. if that's the case. other than that, ur hub already in google's sandbox. wait about a week or two maybe. if your hub not appear after that period, then i suggest you to rewrite your hub, change title and add more specific keyword.

  21. dawei888 profile image61
    dawei888posted 15 years ago

    It's possible somebody else copied your content in their on their own blog or site. Then, google came in and whacked both of you off. The general trend I've noticed with my sites (not hubs) is that they start on google with excellent traffic. Then, they get kicked off google then appear on the 1st page of yahoo a few months later.

    1. profile image57
      Rob Smithposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I'm jumping in here because I've had a hubpage disappear from Google as well.

      I'm really confused.  Here's what I know...

      My hub was at #6 on the first SERP of Googlefor five days.  Then I added two new capsules (on topic) and an hour later this hub moved to the #1 spot on Google.

      I went to bed, and when I woke up in the morning - it was gone from Google!  Not just buried, but gone!  It's #7 on Yahoo right now, but gone completely from Google for two days now.

      I checked my keyword density, and it was only 1.64%

      Thanks for any advice you can give.  I'm looking forward to following & participating in this discussion. Hopefully we can work together to figure something out here.

  22. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 15 years ago

    Your competition might have changed, gotten better backlinks for example.

    New webpages sometimes go to the top for a while, then fall back in the standings. Some come back, some don't.

  23. Will Apse profile image89
    Will Apseposted 15 years ago

    My most successful page was getting about sixty visits a day from google at the top of page 2 for the key words. I tried a little tweaking to get onto page 1 and it disappeared from the index completely for a week. Weeks later it is still way down. Yahoo traffic never changed.

    I think if you are getting okay traffic it is best to leave well alone. Unless you are an SEO genius, maybe.

  24. profile image57
    Rob Smithposted 15 years ago

    I wonder if it could be the resource section I have on my hub.  I started a list of consultants (with links to their websites).  There are seven there and a few others throughout the page - but it is a very long page.

    If anyone has a minute to scan my hub and tell me if they see anything amiss, I would greatly appreciate it.
    EHS Outsourcing Hub


    1. Will Apse profile image89
      Will Apseposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      The series of links in the capsule quoted below all lead back to your one and only hub. 3 links in a row in what seems to be just one link is a bit strange, especially when they refer back to the page they are posted on.

      "Skill Based Matching Is The Best Way To Find A Consultant

      There is a great service out there geared towards EHS job seekers and EHS consultants. It's called

      *EnvironmentalSafetyHealthCrossing dot com.* three links here

      They basically crawl..."

      Also if  EnvironmentalSafetyHealthCrossing dot com is a direct affiliate link its not allowed as far as I know. You need to link to an intermediate page. I'm willing to be corrected here.

      1. profile image57
        Rob Smithposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you very much Will!

        I have fixed that link problem.  I'm not sure how I did that and it was definitely not intentional.  Thanks for taking the time to look it over.  I appreciate your help.

        By the way, there are no affiliate links in my hub.

        Update on my disappearing hubpage:

        It reappeared today on page one of Google in the #8 position.
        Several hours later, it is not in the Google index again.  This is very confusing.

        I went from #6 (added two capsules) moved to #1.  Then disappeared.  Back at #8. Disappeared again.


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