Trolls in Hubpage forums

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  1. TessSchlesinger profile image60
    TessSchlesingerposted 7 years ago

    Yup, there are trolls on hubpage forums.

    The goal of a troll is to make the 'victim' lose his/her cool. Then the troll is won. According to a recent study, trolls really are nasty people. They want to humiliate, embarras, belittle,, etc. They don't have any friends and are jealous people.

    They have several methods for doing that, and the more subtle they are in getting their jibes and digs in, the greater their win.

    So, here's how they do it. They ignore what has actually been said and keep hurling accusations at you. They twist what you have said and make it mean something else. They ignore your comments at crucial moments. Again their goal is to inflame or belittle.

    To quote a troll ""It just makes me happy when I can make someone angry. It sounds weird but I kind of feed off their anger. The angrier I can get them, the better I feel," he told"   (

    Trolls enjoy the infamy popularity that is given to them. Why would that be?   

    To quote "Controversy, anger, hatred, and baseless flaming breed popularity. ...  (}

    Why would trolls who belittle and set out to anger other people be popular?

    A study published a few days ago says that 30% of humanity are jealous of other people, and they want, above all things, to be superior to other people. People who enjoy the belittle of other people fall into this group, so they enjoy trolling.

    When has the troll lost? When he is exposed as a troll.

    1. Oztinato profile image76
      Oztinatoposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Report trolls to hp editors and they quickly get rid of them.

    2. asifahsankhan profile image61
      asifahsankhanposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the heads up.

      Yes, it is true. There are trolls here. But aren't they everywhere?

      PS: Here's a hint (picture) for everyone who doesn't quite know what a "TROLL" looks like:

      Reporting them is the only way to get rid off them.... for a short while I guess....

    3. Rafini profile image82
      Rafiniposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      One more thing about trolls:

      They don't give up.  If they can't bait you with insults and negative comments they'll throw a compliment at you just to get your attention.  When you bite, they'll proceed with cleverly manipulating the conversation in the direction they had always intended....

    4. profile image0
      Christy Kirwanposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Tess,

      Trolling is against the HubPages rules, so if you see people engaging in this behavior (whether you're part of the conversation or not-- and we recommend not engaging trolls) please use the report function to report the trolling comments in order to make the moderators aware of the issue.

      1. kenneth avery profile image81
        kenneth averyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        If I were to email you via Team HP would you reply?

        1. profile image0
          Christy Kirwanposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          I am no longer working on the Team emails, but you will absolutely get a reply from one of the moderators. smile

          1. kenneth avery profile image81
            kenneth averyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            That, for me, is sad news. OH, I am happy if you were promoted for you deserve it, but was it something I say to you? If so, I apologize.

            1. profile image0
              Christy Kirwanposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              Not at all! I love interacting with Hubbers, but after we hired a couple new moderators, my time was needed more elsewhere.

              1. kenneth avery profile image81
                kenneth averyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                @Christy Kirwan:
                Whew! That is good to know. My mouth, well, errr, fingers/keyboard sometimes get me in unwanted places that I have to spend time explaining what I mean. Hey, a hub idea. Thanks, Dear Friend, Christy smile

  2. lobobrandon profile image91
    lobobrandonposted 7 years ago

    I don't agree. I think I know the forum thread you're referring to. The Troll loses when no one pays attention to him/her. In the other thread the person was obviously treated as a troll but kept on going with more twists to every statement said lol

    1. kenneth avery profile image81
      kenneth averyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I appreciate the heads-up on trolls. Since I am not in this or
      any other forum that much, this advice will come in handy.

    2. Marketing Merit profile image88
      Marketing Meritposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      100% agree Lobobrandon. There's nothing a troll hates more than to be ignored. Hence, the expression, "Don't feed the trolls!"

      1. TessSchlesinger profile image60
        TessSchlesingerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        This wasn't about feeding the trolls or how to deal with them. Just that the techniquest that trolls use are alive and well  on HP..

        1. Marketing Merit profile image88
          Marketing Meritposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          My reply was in response to Lobobrandon's comment, as imported in my reply, and not yours.

        2. lobobrandon profile image91
          lobobrandonposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Hey Tess, yes I wasn't countering what you're saying. I agree that there are trolls around. Everywhere on the internet, and HP is no exception.

          A lot of the younger generation has no real emotions when it comes to people telling them stuff as they grew up with the internet and they never take anything to heart. That's the way you and all of us need to be when it comes to the internet, especially forums.

    3. TessSchlesinger profile image60
      TessSchlesingerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      It's not a matter of particular threads. There are many. Virtually every question here shows evidence of trolling technques. The point is it's troll behaviour.

  3. Say Yes To Life profile image79
    Say Yes To Lifeposted 7 years ago

    Just coolly respond like my ex would:  "I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person." Then walk away.

  4. gmwilliams profile image81
    gmwilliamsposted 7 years ago

    Trolls are truly unhappy souls.  If they weren't, they wouldn't be on.......ATTACK.

    It is best to report them.  Ignoring them only makes them....WORSE.   Also, trolls are emotionally immature.

    1. Sherry Hewins profile image86
      Sherry Hewinsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      If they received no response at all, they would go elsewhere. I report and do not reply to them. Unfortunately, if they are provocative enough, someone will respond to them.

  5. janshares profile image94
    jansharesposted 7 years ago

    Good info, Tess. This should be a hub. The trolls on HP are tame compared to those on Twitter. I had to sign off the other night it got so bad. And they weren't even directed at me! Just really hurtful and vile, about First Lady Michelle Obama. It was awful. Only one mild reply to one of my tweets but I ignored it and blocked the culprit. Sad times we're in, eh?

    1. Will Apse profile image90
      Will Apseposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Michelle Obama is likable, intelligent and articulate and that is enough to make many less fortunate people hate her. Her height and obvious athleticism are probably a bit alarming for anemic basement dwellers, too, lol.


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