HubberScore Struggle!

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  1. profile image0
    Engeltaposted 7 years ago

    I have been on Hubpages for almost 3 years now! I have never experienced such a low HubberScore of 43-45, it has always been 70+, even in my worst days. What's even worse for my current situation, it is that this dreadful experience does not seem to have an end, it has been like this for almost 2 months now, and it has taken a toll on my earnings as well.
    Can you help me, if you have some tricks under your sleeve on how to raise the HubberScore? (Yes, I have read the FAQ over and over again and I have followed every single tip on it!)

    1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image76
      TIMETRAVELER2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Your Hubber Score has nothing to do with your earnings.  However, it is an indication that you are doing something wrong.  Unfortunately, it's difficult to know exactly what that is.  I'm going to check out one of your hubs to see if I can spot any problems.  If there aren't any, it might be that you have too much competition for the topics you're writing about.

      1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image76
        TIMETRAVELER2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I'm back.  I just checked your article about relationship advice and found these things:

        Your title is not correct.
        You are not using capsules.
        Your photos are not sourced.
        Many of your photos are clearly illegal to use.
        Your use of English is, in some places, incorrect.
        Your ad has absolutely nothing to do with your topic.

        Any or all of these issues could be the reason why your views are not good and your hubber score is low.  Also, many of the topics you write about only repeat information that can be found anywhere on the net.  Also,people rarely do well when they only have 29 articles online. 100 would be more like it.

        You say you're following all of the guidelines, but clearly you are not.  If you want to succeed here, you need to go back and rework every article AFTER you read the info in the learning center about what you need to do to be able to write well on this site.

        I'm not saying these things to be mean, but there is no use in wasting your time if you're not going to do what is necessary to do well here.   It took me a long time to learn how to write online, and the lessons I learned were difficult, so I'm speaking from experience.

        1. profile image0
          Engeltaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks for this reply. I will definitely start working on them, or maybe write completely new hubs.

      2. profile image0
        Engeltaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry, to correct you but what you state "HubberScore has nothing to do with your earnings" is not true at all, because I have done my calculations. That's a statement from Hubpages, which maybe is there only to fool us.

        1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image76
          TIMETRAVELER2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Not quite sure what you mean about it being a statement from HP...but I do know that Hubber score is a mixture of many things, including your participation on the site, the aggregate scores of your hubs and other things.  As I noted, it is only an indication that something may be wrong with your posts...and from what I saw, that's pretty much your situation.  If posts are not top quality as well as competitive, Google lowers their rankings and THIS is what affects income.

          1. profile image0
            Engeltaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            Hmmm ok. Can I ask you sth if you don't mind to share? Do you have any hubs featured at ToughNickel ? Because I have, and that's one site which you can't publish links from because it is detected as "spam". Maybe I will kill that one hub.. so do you?

            1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image76
              TIMETRAVELER2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

              Just one...but I don't have any links on it.

        2. Marisa Wright profile image86
          Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          TT2 is right.  Scores have nothing to do with earnings.   Many people find that Hubs with a low score earn more than those with a high score.  I have one high-scoring Hub that barely earns a cent, and others with lower scores that have earned thousands.

          As for HubberScore, a large component of that is your activity, which has nothing to do with earnings

          If you are seeing a correlation, it's likely coincidence.  Are any of your Hubs unFeatured?

    2. Angelo Grant profile image81
      Angelo Grantposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I am interested in learning how much you earned prior to your absence vs how much you are earning now? I just want a measure of how active I need to be in order to meet my targets. Averages or ranges would be useful.

      1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image76
        TIMETRAVELER2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

        It's against the TOS to discuss specific earnings.  People can be banned for doing so.

      2. profile image0
        Engeltaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Earnings are not relevant to how active you are or not. Earnings are based on your views. You should do the calculation yourself, of how many views you get per day, and how much you earn per day, so you can calculate how much you are paid per view. smile

    3. Ijar profile image60
      Ijarposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Hi  iam new member  can teach  me  how i do  ?

      1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image76
        TIMETRAVELER2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

        This is a site for native speakers of English.  From what you just wrote it is clear that your ability with English is not good enough for you to be participating here.  Take some immersion and grammar classes and then come back and try this site.  Right now, you are not ready to write here.

  2. Jodah profile image89
    Jodahposted 7 years ago

    Engelta, I reread your "Psychology of a Murderer.." hub. It is well written. HubPages requirements have changed in recent times however. Your titles, for instance, any words with more than three letters (e.g. the, is, and etc) should have capital letters. Apart from that I would just advise you to listen to TimeTraveller2's advice. My own Hubber score dropped from the low 90s to mid 80s and continues to hover there, but form 70s to 40s is a big drop.

    1. profile image0
      Engeltaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, and it happened in just 2 months or so, that's why I find it weird.

    2. CatherineGiordano profile image78
      CatherineGiordanoposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I have also seen a drop in my hubber score. It was at about 95 for a year. Then a couple of months agog it started dropping and it seems now to hover in the high 80's. i have no idea why. Just about every hub I write gets moved to a niche ssite in from 1 to 5 days. My old hubs are being updatedi and submitted and they get accepted also. I'm doing everything right (so far as I know)--reading and commenting on other hubs, publishing new hubs frequently, getting more views (on average) than before, getting new followers, following more people, commenting in forums.

      Something has changed. But HP won't say what the scores are based on so I don't know how to fix it. I've tried everything.

      I know I shouldn't let a score bother me, but it does.

      Also my best hub (and it is on a niche site) gets a high number of views consistently (It is usually at the top of the list everyday) has had the hub score fall from mid-90s to high 70's. There's the occasional negative comment, but I don't approve them. Since nothing about the hub itself has changed, why this huge drop in score? P.S. None of my other niche-site hubs have seen a large drop in their scores.

      1. CatherineGiordano profile image78
        CatherineGiordanoposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Some people were talking about links. My best performing hub does have a link to a book in it, but HP approved the link. It is highly relevant and I see a few sales from it every week. (People buying the book proves that it is relevant.) Is the hub being penalized for having a link.

        1. profile image0
          Engeltaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          No, not at all! I wish that you earn even more from it!

  3. Marisa Wright profile image86
    Marisa Wrightposted 7 years ago

    Engelta, if you've been away for a while, it can be hard to get your head around all the new requirements.

    If you look at the slider on my profile, you'll find a Hub called "The Basic HubPages Rules".   That summarises ALL the current rules.

    Your HubberScore is based on several elements.  One element is an average of all your Hub Scores, so if you've got some low scoring ones you could focus on improving those - that will bring your score up.   

    However, one big element of HubberScore is your level of activity.  If you haven't been on the forums, or updating your Hubs, or reading and commenting on other people's Hubs, then your score will suffer.  You don't have to do ALL those things, just some of them.  For instance, I very rarely read Hubs or comment on them, but I do spend a lot of time on the forums and that's what keeps my score high.

    1. profile image0
      Engeltaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      My average HubScore is around 70 in fact. Maybe my absence for some time is the reason behind this. Thanks for replying.

  4. MKishor profile image56
    MKishorposted 7 years ago

    @Marisa - How is it related to writing comments on forums? I thought the score depends on the quality of hubs. Not understanding how writing comments can improve your hub scores?

    1. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      There are two scores.  Neither of them is a measure of quality.

      The first is that each of your Hubs has a score.  That's based on a mixture of:

      - The quality of the Hub as assessed by the Quality Assessment Process;
      - The word count;
      - Traffic;
      - The number of comments the Hub receives;
      - Your HubberScore.

      The second is your HubberScore, which is the number that appears on your picture.   That is based on:

      - The average HubScore of all your Hubs;
      - Your activity in the Forums;
      - Your support of other Hubbers through comments;
      - The number and quality of your Questions and Answers.

      You'll notice that HubberScore is a factor in HubScore and HubScore is a factor in HubberScore - I don't get how they manage to do that without creating a circular reference, but maybe that explains why scores can be so cock-eyed sometimes!

      1. CatherineGiordano profile image78
        CatherineGiordanoposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        My Hub Score dropped about 5-7 points and as I look at your list, I can see no reason for it except participation in questions and answers. Hubbers don't get any earnings for that so it seems like a waste of time.

        I check in on the help forum on a regular basis because I always learn valuable information here.

        Did the algo change so that my hubber score is now being penalized for not participating in Questions and Answers?  Nothing else has changed (and average hub score is high) except I am now doing new hubs more often than before and updating old hubs more frequently.

        1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image76
          TIMETRAVELER2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Actually, unless something has changed, people do earn from the QA section because responses are considered to be views.

          1. Marisa Wright profile image86
            Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            Yes they do, but there is only one ad on each page.  Also, once the Question stops getting new answers, it is marked "no follow", which means Google can't see it. Therefore it has a short life span, probably too short to let it move up the rankings enough to get a decent readership.

            1. CatherineGiordano profile image78
              CatherineGiordanoposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              That's interesting. How do you know you earn from posting a question?

              1. Marisa Wright profile image86
                Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                It was announced at some point.  I don't think you can tell whether you've earned anything from a question or how much, but I may be wrong.  But as I said, because they are so short-lived, it's likely to be only a few pennies.

        2. Marisa Wright profile image86
          Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Like I said, all I can say is that I never participate in Q&A yet my score is higher than yours. I think that's because I'm very active in the forums.

    2. Au fait profile image85
      Au faitposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      MKishor, not your hub scores, but your hubber score.  Participation on this site is part of your hubber score.

  5. Jason mackenzie profile image62
    Jason mackenzieposted 7 years ago

    Hi, I think hubscore is dependent on both factors - quality of your hubs and interacting with other hubbers. That said, it would be help to find out how the score plunges so as to avoid the same pitfalls. Looking forward to further insights on this thread, thanks, regards...

  6. Jason mackenzie profile image62
    Jason mackenzieposted 7 years ago

    Hmmm....thanks Marisa Wright for the detailed explanation. From now on, will keep track on both counts and observe if it makes a difference. Cheers!!!

  7. kanaujiamonu profile image62
    kanaujiamonuposted 7 years ago

    ya, same thing i also experienced few day back, my hubs core dropped from 80+ to 70....n i think wen u r less active on HP or participation , then might be dis is reaon for dropping.

    1. profile image0
      Engeltaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I have more time on my hands now, so I will definitely work on this. I just can't give up on this, as I already have 2000 views per day. I will keep my spirit up and maybe praying a little while I work on this problem

      1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image76
        TIMETRAVELER2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

        With 2000 views per day, you should not be having trouble earning.  I don't understand this!

        1. profile image0
          Engeltaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          That's what I am trying to say! The lower the hubberscore, the less you get paid per view, which means less money in the end!

          1. Marisa Wright profile image86
            Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            Where do you get that idea?   It is just not true.  The rates of pay are based on what advertisers are paying for ads on the subject you're writing about.

            Recently they have been dropping for many people, as advertisers are lowering their rates everywhere.

            1. profile image0
              Engeltaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              Because I have done my calculations!

              well, whatever, nobody will listen me on this, so I am not talking about it anymore!

  8. Marie Flint profile image73
    Marie Flintposted 7 years ago

    Dear Engelta, please don't let scores fluster you. My score tends to be generally good (around 90, more or less), and I don't participate much on HubPages these days. Traffic has something to do with the score; individual hub scores also affect the score. If you unpublish (don't delete) a few of your lowest scoring hubs, that should bring your score up a bit. I'll take a look at your page and see if I have any more suggestions. HubPro might be the culprit (I'll see). Any insight I gain will be sent through Fan Mail.

    1. profile image0
      Engeltaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I have always deleted them! And you just reminded me of that clever quote "never work on your problems with the same mindset that created them in the first place". I will try unpublishing instead. I have lost many good hubs along the way just because they wouldn't get featured no matter what. Thanks for the idea!

    2. profile image0
      Engeltaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I just wanted to thank you for the trick you shared. I think it is working smile)

  9. Rupert Taylor profile image96
    Rupert Taylorposted 7 years ago

    I have the inside dope on how Hubber scores are calculated.
    It starts with your shoe size, which is then multiplied by the last three numbers of your PayPal account. The result, known in the IT world as the Glastbooble Factor, is then fed into a TRS80 (cassette storage) and is divided by the time it takes an armadillo to kick in the bumps on a dill pickle. In three weeks time the TRS80 will spit out your Hubber score. Not many people know this.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Rupert for telling us the true formula!   ROFLMAO!

  10. stephenteacher profile image71
    stephenteacherposted 7 years ago

    Perhaps people do not realize that a hubscore most assuredly can affect earnings for that hub.

    It is a measure of quality of the hub. Which do you think has priority being shown on hub? Low scoring hubs, or high scoring hubs? That would equal more or less traffic. Traffic is what would drive earnings most of the time.

    Since your hubscore is affected by your hubber score....your hubber score will ultimately also affect your earnings.

    The quality of a hub also affects whether it is featured or not. If your hub is not featured, you will get zero traffic from google. No earnings via google.

    Sure, if one goes out and gets tons of visitors on their own, the score will not matter.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You are putting the cart before the horse.   HubScore is affected by traffic and earnings, not vice versa.  If a Hub is getting a lot of traffic, the HubScore will go up. If it's not getting traffic, the HubScore will fall.

      HubScore has NOTHING to do with whether a Hub gets unFeatured or not.  Hubs are unFeatured because of lack of traffic, not because of scores.

      If a Hub is unFeatured for quality, that's because it failed the QAP.  Again, it has nothing to do with HubScore.

      Sure, it's likely HubPages chooses "related Hubs" based partly on HubScore, but the amount of traffic you get by that means is (or should be) a very small part of your total traffic.

      Did you read my post?   Scores are not based purely on quality.  They are based on a mixture of elements as follows:

      Hub Score is based on:

      - The quality of the Hub as assessed by the Quality Assessment Process;
      - The word count;
      - Traffic;
      - The number of comments the Hub receives;
      - Your HubberScore.

      HubberScore is based on:

      - The average HubScore of all your Hubs;
      - Your activity in the Forums;
      - Your support of other Hubbers through comments;
      - The number and quality of your Questions and Answers.

      1. stephenteacher profile image71
        stephenteacherposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Here's a quote from hub directly, "High-scoring Hubs are rewarded with better coverage and increased exposure while low-scoring Hubs are less likely to be featured on the site....... keep in mind that the quality of your Hub is what matters the most."

        Even so, even you state that your hubscore is affected by your hubber score.

        Your scores are an indicator of quality. Higher quality, more exposure. No way can you separate the two. More exposure would affect earnings.

        There is no way a lousy hub is going to be turned into a golden hub simply because a person ramped up traffic to it.

        1. Marisa Wright profile image86
          Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Like I said, that quote refers to your Hub being featured in the "related Hubs" section on other Hubs - or on the front page of HubPages or the niche sites. That's the "exposure" they're talking about - not higher ranking on the search engines.  Extra exposure within HubPages is nice, BUT the majority of HubPages visitors never even see the front page of HP or the niche sites. 

          Over 90% of HubPages traffic is people who click directly from Google to a Hub, not to the front page.  They may click on related Hubs, but they are just as likely to click back to Google for more results.  And they're very unlikely to go to the front page or to your profile.   So that "exposure" doesn't have a big impact on earnings at all.

          Your HubScore is affected by your HubberScore and your HubberScore is affected by your HubScore.   I'm not sure what you're trying to say about that.

          It's unlikely a lousy Hub will be turned into a golden Hub because of traffic, because a lousy Hub wouldn't get through QAP in the first place.  But it's entirely possible for a pedestrian Hub to outscore a beautifully crafted Hub because of traffic.  It's the way the system works.  I'm not making those elements up - you can find the breakdown of HubScore and HubberScore in the Learning Centre.

  11. Michael Kismet profile image87
    Michael Kismetposted 7 years ago

    You really like exclamation points, you're like a wizard casting spells.  I'm just joking, of course.

    The information and advice everyone is trying to impart on you is accurate.  My Hubber score fluctuates hourly, and like you, it use to irk me. However, I never really noticed a direct correlation between my Hubber score and my earnings, so I deduced that it is vain and didn't make sense to be too worried over it.

    I know how hard it is to accept criticism from your peers, but you should follow their suggestions, in my opinion. The bullet points discussed is just a collective common sense at this point. Things change, and we all need to adapt accordingly. Don't give up!

  12. Venkatachari M profile image86
    Venkatachari Mposted 7 years ago

    I think you do not login daily and participate in any activity regularly at HP. Keep reading and commenting almost daily, sharing your thoughts.

    1. profile image0
      Engeltaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I think I am doing something right, as I witness my HubberScore getting better. I also did the trick that MarieFlint recommended me, and it is working smile

  13. profile image0
    lindaspeaksposted 7 years ago

    I agree with you. Because You would think all of that writing you have done you would earn more.


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