Hubscore and hubber score decline!!!

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  1. nehanatu86 profile image67
    nehanatu86posted 5 months ago

    I have seen a steady decline in my hubberscore in the past few weeks. My score was in the 90s some time back and it is in the 70s now!?

    I have also noticed that individual hub scores of my hubs are at all all-time low. For example I have never had a hub with a hub scores below 55. And now some of my hubscores are in the 40s. One even has a score of 38 today.

    Anyone knows what is going on?? I am really concerned.

    1. SerenityHalo profile image92
      SerenityHaloposted 5 months agoin reply to this

      I believe it has to do with the move to Discover. Other people’s scores have dropped as well.

    2. WriterJanis profile image89
      WriterJanisposted 5 months agoin reply to this

      I agree with Andrea, My scores are down as well. My Hubscore is usually in the 90s, but at the time that I'm posting this, it has dropped to 89. Some of my articles are down, too, that used to be on Niche sites before being moved back to Discover.

    3. Matt Wells profile imageSTAFF
      Matt Wellsposted 5 months agoin reply to this

      Just give it a little time. The scores will adjust. It's nothing to worry about.

      1. nehanatu86 profile image67
        nehanatu86posted 4 months agoin reply to this

        Okay so as advised by the staff Matt Wells, I gave it time!

        I do not see the hubber scores and hub scores adjusting themselves.

        My hubber score has always been in the 90s for years. And most of my hub scores have also been in the 80s and the 90s ranges.

        I noticed a lot of people who commented on the thread saying they have also been impacted - but their score is still in the 90s or at least 80s.

        Why has my hubber score not been readjusted to what it used to be always!?

        1. theraggededge profile image87
          theraggededgeposted 4 months agoin reply to this

          Mine always hovered around 95 - 97. But not anymore. It dropped overnight. I think I've offended the holy algorithm big_smile

          1. nehanatu86 profile image67
            nehanatu86posted 4 months agoin reply to this

            89 is still close to the 90s. I fail to understand what have I done to deserve a hubber score of 61!?? I have been in the 90s for more than a decade!!

        2. Kaili Bisson profile image88
          Kaili Bissonposted 4 months agoin reply to this

          I’m noticing the same trend. My hubber score has dropped to 90, which feels low for me, and many of my individual hubs are scoring in the 70s. In the past, I would have simply unpublished anything that performed that 'poorly.' These are niche hubs focused on music that used to score in the 90s and often showed up on Page 1 in a Google search. My earnings are dismal—I’m projected to make less than $10 this month. As Patty mentioned, editing can help somewhat, so I plan to work on that.

          I have to admit, I’m not very motivated to write new hubs right now. It’s disappointing, especially since I just retired and was looking forward to dedicating more time to my writing. I’ve been collaborating with a fantastic niche editor here, which was making a huge felt like team work! After more than 12 years on this platform, it’s hard to accept that this might be the end of the road.

    4. incomeguru profile image86
      incomeguruposted 5 months agoin reply to this

      Absolutely disgusting.

    5. nehanatu86 profile image67
      nehanatu86posted 5 months agoin reply to this

      Okay, thank you all for your responses. But 2 weeks before posting this question my hubberscore was in the 90s. When I posted this question It was it the higher 70s. And right now it is 58!!! Is this some kind of a joke!?? Seriously!?

      My highest scoring hubs have always been in the 90s. And in worst cases in the higher 80s. But never this low. Ever!

  2. theraggededge profile image87
    theraggededgeposted 5 months ago

    Same. I've always had a good number of articles ranking at 100 and the high 90s. My hubberscore hasn't been lower than 96 for years. And now HubPages hates me big_smile

    1. bravewarrior profile image83
      bravewarriorposted 5 months agoin reply to this

      HubPages doesn't hate us, TAG does! mad

      HP, please take back your platform!!!

      1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image87
        Patty Inglish, MSposted 4 months agoin reply to this

        Yeah, TAG is a headache to me some days but my edits are helping somewhat, so I'll keep on for now. Frustrating, though.

  3. Arensshi profile image70
    Arensshiposted 5 months ago

    mine too sad

  4. PaulGoodman67 profile image96
    PaulGoodman67posted 5 months ago

    Hub score and author score don't matter. They're arbitrary.

  5. Titia profile image94
    Titiaposted 4 months ago

    My best Hub scores were and still are hoovering in the 70's and 80's.
    My Hubber score hasn't changed and is still 92.

    What concerns me more is that my views and earnings have dropped tremendously. I never earned much, but I reached payout every 2 months. Seems that that is history now.

  6. lifelovemystery profile image73
    lifelovemysteryposted 4 months ago

    Same issue with my profile score and hub scores. However, I haven't been active for several years, so I think it's my fault. My score used to be in the 90's and is currently 70. The strange thing is that six of seven HubPro articles are scored in the 50's and 60's. Make it make sense.

  7. Miebakagh57 profile image70
    Miebakagh57posted 4 months ago

    In my early beginning in 2012, I was at 65. Six months later, it rose to between 84 and 86.                                     And five years later, it start to plument down to 43 and 41. I was worried and concern, and get in contact with teamhubpages.                                     They response is that I follow other writers here; follow comments (curiously when the comment system was being phrased out), post threads, and others.                                      Seriously, I took a hint in editing my articles. My profile and hubscore began to rise. Then, it nose dive again 2 years ago to 43. Now, it's rising. Only today I notice it hit 75, now its 74.


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