This hubber has stolen my youtube video and posted to his blog

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  1. digitalbayer profile image31
    digitalbayerposted 17 years ago

    This hubber is a stealer. He has stolen my youtube video and posted it to his hub after deleting last 10 seconds of my video . My original video and here is his video     .

    This is his hub … With-Bonus

    What should i do? Thanks.

    1. profile image0
      Terri Paajanenposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      Is it YOUR video, that you created yourself?  This same video is all over youtube, I found 6 variations of it all posted by different people all promoting this Google Assassin thing.

    2. Jerrico Usher profile image55
      Jerrico Usherposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      make a new video?

      1. Jerrico Usher profile image55
        Jerrico Usherposted 17 years agoin reply to this

        gee thanx for burning my eyes, you put the wrong link up there.. ewww

  2. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 17 years ago

    If you believe a copyright infringment is involved, then the best thing to do would be to file a DMCA complaint with YouTube and have the video removed at the source.

    I have flagged that hub as needing revision, not because of the video, but because it violates our "overly promotional" policy.  Both of your hubs are violating this policy as well.

    Overly Promotional - Solely or excessively promotes another site(s), especially when Hub links all point to one site.

  3. digitalbayer profile image31
    digitalbayerposted 17 years ago

    Thank you very much. Hub is a great place to promote something within and outside. But stealing and overly promotion is a serious issue , which should be dealt with care. I am having great success with my hubs.
    Thank you everybody once again.

  4. darkside profile image60
    darksideposted 17 years ago

    From what I can see you've got like... none.

  5. Marisa Wright profile image85
    Marisa Wrightposted 17 years ago


    Did you understand Paul's post?   HubPages may be a great place to promote your work, but you have to write interesting, informative articles too.  You can't just advertise how wonderful your stuff is.

  6. Lissie profile image77
    Lissieposted 17 years ago

    I'm a cynic and  I thought well versed in internet marketing strategies.  In over a year on the internet I've only ever bought 1 ebook (which I was happy with) until I saw the "Google Assassin" stuff a few days ago.  I signed up and although it taught me a bit about affiliate marketing - which I knew next to nothing about -  unfortunately its a con - after a few hours its obvious that you can do almost everything via the free tools at adwords and clickbank.
    So  Iam back to rule 1 - don't buy anything which is promoted using multiple fonts, colours, testimonials, and a time-bound offer  !
    I did however find warrior forums which was the only place that had honest reviews - even digital point let me down on this one!

    1. profile image0
      El Rayposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      I apologize for not staying on topic, but I wanted to respond to Lissie's post.


      You're not alone and believe me, I know how you feel, Most new marketers can learn what they need to know about IM methods in a good forum or two and get more from it than any ebook. But that doesn't mean all "how to" IM products are bogus ...some are pretty good. The guy who created Google Assassin has 3 previous books that were considered excellent -- Adwords Miracle, Affiliate Project X & Day Job Killer. As far as your GA purchase goes, it's overpriced and as you've discovered, much of what it offers toolwise you can get for free. Also, you can request a refund and you should get it without any incident. You've only purchased 1 ebook in the time you've been online? That's impressive :-)

      1. Lissie profile image77
        Lissieposted 17 years agoin reply to this

        Yes I heard that about his previous articles so may have a look at those.  I got my money back - I am impressed with ClickBank for that side of it anyway.  I guess that means  I can try some more of these and return them if required.  Its an odd concept being able to easily return something - I don't expect to be able to return a hard copy book if  Idon't like but I guess its no fair given the amount of hype online!

        1. embitca profile image82
          embitcaposted 17 years agoin reply to this

          Don't bother. Each book he writes is just a re-spin of his previous ones. He does have some interesting stuff, but once you're read it once you don't need to read it again. My one takeway from all of his stuff (what the hell is his name, Chris?) was to use the actual product name for SEO. Of course, he meant PPC, but SEO works too. LOL

          There's a guy on the Warrior forum who has a good book. It's probably the only affiliate marketing ebook I've read twice. Confessions of a Lazy Super Affiliate. Some of this traffic generation ideas will take some serious work, but one of them is totally out of the box, not the usual "submit to delicious, digg, stumbleupon" kind of stuff.

        2. embitca profile image82
          embitcaposted 17 years agoin reply to this

          Really? B&N, Amazon and Borders take books back all the time. I always return books to the bookstore if I've decided at home that it's rubbish. Or, more frequently, realize I've already read it smile

  7. jimmythejock profile image82
    jimmythejockposted 17 years ago

    I warn anyone who is thinking about Google-Assassin to think again, Google are not stupid and will get wise very quickly, and i am sure they will remove the accounts of anyone they suspect may be using it.....jimmy

  8. profile image50
    coolinfernoposted 17 years ago

    Sir can you help me about the problem form the youtube they posted.....
    Im the one of the relative of the people involve in this video. im his grand father the guy in this video.. he suffered o lot when they post his video ... can help me delete this video sir . . . for the sake of my grand son . his totaly ashamed for this video . also he try to suicide when he saw his video in the youtube . can you delete this video


  9. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 17 years ago

    I am completely lost on this one?

  10. profile image0
    Marye Audetposted 17 years ago

    I demand that you buy me a new keyboard..I just spit coffee all over mine.
    Very funny.

    1. Jerrico Usher profile image55
      Jerrico Usherposted 17 years agoin reply to this



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