Editing problem

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  1. wilderness profile image89
    wildernessposted 7 years ago

    I've been going through all my hubs, removing the sidebars and come across a strange bug that appears to be getting worse.

    I open the edit screen, then edit a text capsule.  Close observation tells me it is a little small, or at least the font seems small.  But when I try to click on a space, say to add a new word, nothing happens.  The "X" in the corner doesn't work, and if the "save" button is pushed I'm back to the edit hub screen, but the entire text of that capsule has disappeared.  The capsule remains, but nothing in it.

    I can block a word (or more), but then can't do anything with it (delete, make a link, etc.) and can't get it unblocked either.  And the same thing with the "x" and "save".

    The only way out I've found is to save the capsule, deleting all the text when it does, and close the browser tab.  The new "save" isn't saved that way, and if I re-open the edict screen I can try again.  If memory serves, the "save" button didn't used to delete all the text, and I could try again, but now it's taking all the text out when I save the capsule.  So far, no disasters, but it IS scary - these are old hubs and I can't quote what each capsule has in it.  If it truly does disappear I've got a problem.

    I'm using Chrome for a browser, and have found the problem through several sites (don't remember which ones, except I'm pretty sure DenGarden was one of them.

    1. RJ Schwartz profile image84
      RJ Schwartzposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I've been experiencing some issues this week also; which only seem to be an issue when I use IE (Firefox seems fine) - the top menu bar has been frozen and no matter where I click, nothing would open.

    2. profile image0
      Christy Kirwanposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      For those of you who have experienced this issue, could you let me know what article you were trying to edit when this happened? Engineers are trying to track this issue down.

      1. Glenn Stok profile image94
        Glenn Stokposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Christy, I was working on the following hub making some changes when it happened to me.


        See my post in this thread with the details of what happened. It happened two days ago (Sept 27th). I was working on the capsule for item number 6 in my hub.

        As I mentioned, the content of the text capsule never actually got lost. After I ended the edit session, it magically reappeared in the published hub. It only looked like the capsule became empty while I was still in edit mode.

        The issue resolved itself very quickly. I wasn't worried to try it again since I have a backup anyway. So I was able to complete my editing when I went back in a while later.

        My browser is Safari Ver 11 (11604. and the OS is ElCapitan (Version 10.11.6) on a Mac.

      2. wilderness profile image89
        wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Really sorry, Christy!  I didn't record which hubs gave the problem, but there were a dozen or more.  And now I've finished the job and not editing any more.

        If it helps any, I'm pretty sure that it only happened when I used the "edit" button on the stat screen to go directly to the edit mode as opening the hub.  And, although I can't be positive now, I think that exiting edit and then using the edit button on the hub did NOT show the problem.  Sure wish I'd paid more attention!  I'll remember in the future - you guys do such a good job and I so seldom have trouble that I forgot to keep records of it.

      3. weezyschannel profile image89
        weezyschannelposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        It's happening on all of my articles... I even try to add a photo capsule and  the photo will show and I can actually write the title of what I'm putting a picture of, but I cannot write the source, the URL or anything in the comments.  I cannot click save; sometimes I can click on the X to exit out and sometimes the photo will stay but I still can't type anything at all and it's not just the photo capsule; It's anything that I try to edit. I've also noticed that the pencil icon for editing the text box is red( just to clarify),  the box is unchecked that says to display this capsule.

        I have tried the Chrome browser, Safari, dolphin and Puffin and none of them work... Sometimes I can change the picture but I can't click the save button and I have to exit out and the capsule I end up deleting because I can't do anything with it.

  2. Will Apse profile image90
    Will Apseposted 7 years ago

    If you say which browser you are using and which sites are the problem, someone can have a look.

    1. wilderness profile image89
      wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Should have known better - thanks, Will.

  3. Glenn Stok profile image94
    Glenn Stokposted 7 years ago

    I had a similar problem yesterday, but I thought it was fixed as it only happened to me once.

    It was very similar to what you describe. I wanted to change just a few words. But then all the text vanished. I wanted to X out of the capsule in order to save my text, but that didn't work. So I tried the save button since I knew I had the entire hub archived anyway (since I write all my hubs offline).

    Just as you experienced, the save button was the only way to get out of the capsule. And as expected, the text was no longer there for that particular capsule.

    The funny thing is, that after I ended the edit session and looked at the hub outside of edit, the text was there. It never really was lost. So I wonder if the same happened with you in the end. Was the mysterious capsule's content back again after getting out of edit?

    I was using Safari on a Mac, so if it is the same problem, it's not related to just one type of browser.

    1. wilderness profile image89
      wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, that's the problem.  I never tried the "done editing" button for fear it would save that way, instead just closing the browser tab.  Nice to know that it won't permanently save that "change", though!

  4. Marsei profile image95
    Marseiposted 7 years ago

    Same here, been using Foxfire.


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