Just Joined HubPages Minutes Ago-Saying Hello

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  1. Dale Mazurek profile image63
    Dale Mazurekposted 15 years ago

    I need to get to work on my first hub but wanted to stop by and say hello.

    I have a number of interests that I want to write about so I better get writing.

    You can learn a little more about me on my profile.



    1. lawretta profile image65
      lawrettaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      welcome man!!! wish you the best here..

    2. Army Infantry Mom profile image60
      Army Infantry Momposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I'm new to hubpages myself,..but I absolutly love it here. Everyone is so friendly and I have learned more here than anywhere else.

  2. kmackey32 profile image53
    kmackey32posted 15 years ago

    HI! You will like it here. Good luck buddy.

    1. Dale Mazurek profile image63
      Dale Mazurekposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you.  Have heard a lot about Hubpages but now looking forward to being the one talking about it


      1. Candie V profile image71
        Candie Vposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Just wait till you cause a ruckus and they start a forum talking ABOUT you!! Then you will have "arrived"!!! LOL

        Another thing I should point out.. unless you are one.. there are a fair number of "alter egos" floating around.. Very mysterious!!

        1. Dale Mazurek profile image63
          Dale Mazurekposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I want to cause that ruckus as long as its in a good way,  controversial is ok, just not hatred

  3. Jen's Solitude profile image80
    Jen's Solitudeposted 15 years ago

    Hi Dale, Welcome to hubpages and nice fish. smile I will check out your profile page.

  4. RedElf profile image89
    RedElfposted 15 years ago

    Looking froward to reading what you have to say - welcome!

  5. Dale Mazurek profile image63
    Dale Mazurekposted 15 years ago

    Thank you,  Working on my very first hub at this very moment.

    Loving it here so far.

    Very easy to navigate and thats very important.

    See you in a bit with my first hub


  6. profile image0
    ralwusposted 15 years ago

    Welcome. Are you molesting a fish?

    1. Dale Mazurek profile image63
      Dale Mazurekposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Lol, never thought of molesting a fish but no had just caught it and was holding it up for the camera.

      1. profile image0
        ralwusposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Nice catch. Do it right now, smoke it. No not in a bong either! On a cedar baord. LOL I must now check you out for security reasons known only by me.

  7. lxxy profile image61
    lxxyposted 15 years ago

    Nice to have a new Hubber!

  8. JSwanson profile image61
    JSwansonposted 15 years ago

    Im quite new here as well.  So far it has been a great experience.  I looked at your hub and profile and if you are true to your words I believe you could go along ways here


    1. Dale Mazurek profile image63
      Dale Mazurekposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Jenny. 

      I do plan on being true to my words.  I have so much to write about in all my topics the problem is I dont know where to start.

  9. frogdropping profile image76
    frogdroppingposted 15 years ago

    Dale - welcome to Hubpages. I'm sure you'll find it addictive smile

    1. Dale Mazurek profile image63
      Dale Mazurekposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Im already friggen addicted  lol


    2. Christenstock profile image56
      Christenstockposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      This place is definitely addictive!

      1. Dale Mazurek profile image63
        Dale Mazurekposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        You aint kidding.  Ive been working on stuff for my affiliate marketing series but somehow keep ending up back at the forum.


  10. profile image0
    ralwusposted 15 years ago

    Well now, after reading yer profile, you pass. I am a 15 year veteran of the oil patch. Specifically I was a Catskinner for most of that time, but I started out roughneckin' and then drillin' and you know the rest with all the women in the doghouse and lipstick on the shorts and pushers and dope in 5 gallon buckets with the 30 foot joints.

    1. Dale Mazurek profile image63
      Dale Mazurekposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Well I think you will really enjoy my hubs and stories about the oil patch.  Many will be very funny and others will be educational as many people really dont know what goes on back here and as one rig pig to another we know its a different world.

  11. LondonGirl profile image82
    LondonGirlposted 15 years ago

    <waves> hello!

  12. Pete Maida profile image60
    Pete Maidaposted 15 years ago

    Welcome Dale; I'm looking forward to reading some hubs.

    1. Dale Mazurek profile image63
      Dale Mazurekposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thyank you.  I have plans of a lot of hubs if I could ever get out of the forum for long enough.


  13. spiderpam profile image76
    spiderpamposted 15 years ago

    Hello smile

  14. rancidTaste profile image65
    rancidTasteposted 15 years ago

    Hello!! Welcome to hubpages

    1. Dale Mazurek profile image63
      Dale Mazurekposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Wow 205 hubs.  I thank you for the welcome.  I just joined your fan club.  It seems you have a lot of great information on so many of my weak spots.  I look forward to using your hubs as references when mt technical know nothing kicks in.


  15. Eric Graudins profile image60
    Eric Graudinsposted 15 years ago

    Hi Dale,
    Welcome to HubPages.

    We get lots of drive by marketers here who make nuisances of themselves, but they don't generally last long. If you write about marketing in the way you describe, you'll be welcome and it will help a lot of people here. And I'll leave you alone :-)

    I'm also looking forward to finding out about the oil patch - whatever that is.

    cheers, Eric G.
    P.S. Nice fish. We have some of the best trout fishing in the world where I live.

    1. Dale Mazurek profile image63
      Dale Mazurekposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the advice.  I know I could wear out my welcome in a hurry.  However I wont because its the different approach I chose about a year ago that finally helped me see success.


  16. profile image0
    Feline Prophetposted 15 years ago

    Welcome aboard...looks like you're doing a good job with the hubs already! smile

    1. Dale Mazurek profile image63
      Dale Mazurekposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks.  I want the stuff I write here to mean something to someone.  I want people to enjoy and still get benefit from what Im writing.  I hope I can live up to what I say.

  17. febriedethan profile image88
    febriedethanposted 15 years ago

    Welcome to HubPages Dale, I look forward of your next hub smile

  18. RooBee profile image80
    RooBeeposted 15 years ago

    Hello and welcome!! HubPages really is an amazing community - I love this place! smile
    ps @ralwus- LOVE the new pic - what're we smoking? (and I'm referring to the food) smile

  19. profile image0
    nazishnasimposted 15 years ago

    Hello newbie,
    I think something's sticking on yer nose.

  20. andromida profile image58
    andromidaposted 15 years ago

    Hello Dale,welcome to hubpage.Hope to interact with you
    in forums.

  21. Dale Mazurek profile image63
    Dale Mazurekposted 15 years ago

    Wow what a response to a new hubber.

    Thanks everyone

  22. Kanila profile image60
    Kanilaposted 15 years ago

    Welcome Dale! I'm sure you'll love it here. You can always have fun writing and reading on hubpages smile
    Looking forward to reading your stuff.

  23. yoshi97 profile image58
    yoshi97posted 15 years ago

    Hello there!

    Made $.37 my first week, but I expect that will grow in time. I recommend the Google Adsense program and the Amazon affiliate program, as these seem to be working for me so far.

    Word here on the street has it that in three months things improve for payout. If that's the case, this could be a pretty good thing. Regardless, I enjoy writing, reviewing products, and getting to know other hubbers better (mostly the later). smile

    1. Dale Mazurek profile image63
      Dale Mazurekposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for that advice.  I am new to Hubber only because it was a time issue. I have known for a longtime that I need to get my butt in here.

      What I am not new to is Adsense, Amazon and ebay.  Without giving any numbers I do know the positive effect these can have on a persons bank balance.

      As long as you stay positive and work hard things will move forward for you.

  24. packerpack profile image60
    packerpackposted 15 years ago

    Looks like I am very late but still welcome to the Hubbing world!

  25. blondepoet profile image73
    blondepoetposted 15 years ago

    Gidday Dale great to see you, throw another shrimp on the barby smile

  26. babedoll50 profile image60
    babedoll50posted 15 years ago

    Welcome Dale

    I hope you follow through on your promises that you outlined in your profile. 

    However dont just limit yourself to those topics.  Its great to have that in mind but HubPages is an open door for almost anything.

    You do seem to off to a good start.  I believe you will do well here.


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