by Snarky 13 years ago
Yet another Word GameIt is easy, we start with a word like "spittoon" the next person has to think of a word that starts with the last letter of the previous word, in this case, they have to use the letter "n" So they could use the word, "Native". The next person...
by NGRIA Bassett 14 years ago
Change only one letter to make new word.. The word must be a genuine English word. No swear words please. Let's keep it clean. Start!!Bone
by simplyjo 6 years ago
Okay so I saw many 5 letter word games floating around in The Sandpit but lets face it 5 letter words are easy - real easy ! So, lets spice things up a bit and here comes a brand new - SIX LETTER WORD GAME - for all fellow hubbers It's Simple, really. All you need to do is write a word of 6...
by Eric Graudins 15 years ago
OK, you've all played the namby pamby word games where you have to think of a word with 5 letters. And the difficult word games where you have to think of a word with 6 letters.This one will put hairs on your chest.(or at least make you run for your dictionary)In this game, you have to put in a...
by dingdong 10 years ago
As the title suggests, examples:enzymeharshmilleniumyesterdayPost any word that suits:beginning and ending letter of the word is same.
by Pamda Man 15 years ago
This is an endless word game. The rule is you change one letter of the word only.Example:duckdockcockcookcoop5 steps to make a duck go back to his coop. So, we will start from a three letter word. And every time we succeed we increase the number of letters. Until it reaches six letters.Mission 1:...