by Snarky 13 years ago
Yet another Word GameIt is easy, we start with a word like "spittoon" the next person has to think of a word that starts with the last letter of the previous word, in this case, they have to use the letter "n" So they could use the word, "Native". The next person...
by Mariah Aiken 12 years ago
What's another word for thesaurus?
by thirdmillenium 14 years ago
Make another word with one word.Mine: tears = starePlease, would you continue?
by carol stanley 12 years ago
Why are the last letters of words jumping to another word?Just installed windows 8. When I write the letters of some words jump to another or the word disappears and jumps down off the page? Anyone have this problem..My computer is brand new Del
by Kate MacAlpine 12 years ago
Is there a substitute word for "forgive"?When we've been betrayed or emotionally devastated by someone, it seems as if the key to mental health of the person betrayed is forgiveness. However, "forgive" doesn't work for some people. "Understanding" the...
by MissMelissaK 11 years ago
What is the deal with America worshiping Baal? And why is it so deceptive?Let's face it! If you scratch the surface of America's culture, you'll see Baal at work very clearly. Baal is another word for Lord, but not just any Lord. It's another word for satan and he has done...