copied content

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  1. blue dog profile image60
    blue dogposted 15 years ago

    still new here, but the question is:  what to do with a fellow hubber who has copied my article content from another site and placed it on his personal website?

    1. JYOTI KOTHARI profile image60
      JYOTI KOTHARIposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      All of your writings in hubpages are copyrighted. You can sue him for violating your copy right.
      You may chose to warn him and he may withdraw.
      Jyoti Kothari

    2. profile image0
      sandra rinckposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      make sure he/she has added a backlink to your profile or something. 

      I know I have used other hubbers content on external sites but I always ask first and include a link to them.  smile

  2. spidergirl364 profile image59
    spidergirl364posted 15 years ago

    kill him.

  3. blue dog profile image60
    blue dogposted 15 years ago

    if it were so easy.  a follow-up question would be what does hp do with its members who knowingly practice this sort of behavior, for lack of a better term?

    1. Ambition profile image60
      Ambitionposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Well you cannot do nothing but google will itself punish him for plagiarizing

      1. Karen Banes profile image71
        Karen Banesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Yes but unfortunately google punishes the plagarized as much as the plagarizer - as I understand it duplicate content is duplicate content to seach engines regardless of who posted it first (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about this)

  4. spidergirl364 profile image59
    spidergirl364posted 15 years ago

    theres a link on the bottom right of the page labele "copyright" that would help you ^^

  5. lrohner profile image67
    lrohnerposted 15 years ago

    You should also contact him and give him a formal cease and desist. You'll find some useful information here: … rtylawyers

  6. relache profile image68
    relacheposted 15 years ago

    File a DMCA complaint.  Send one to the violator, a copy to their ISP and if they use AdSense, file a copy with Google.

  7. blue dog profile image60
    blue dogposted 15 years ago

    thanks, everyone, for the help.  i've re-checked his site, the article has been removed.  the greater issue now is that he is a fellow hubber.

  8. Uninvited Writer profile image79
    Uninvited Writerposted 15 years ago

    What is the blog address so we can check it out and see if he copied anything from the rest of us?

    1. blue dog profile image60
      blue dogposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      the article in question appeared on his website.  am i allowed to post that here?  i'm sure he's busy scrambling to clean up his mess.

  9. relache profile image68
    relacheposted 15 years ago

    If you have an issue with a fellow Hub site user, the appropriate method for dealing with them is to contact the site admin (the FAQ/help page details this), not start a public lynching in the forums.

    1. blue dog profile image60
      blue dogposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      actually, i'm trying to follow proper procedure here by asking questions.  they may not be the right ones, but they're questions nonetheless.  i don't see anything here resembling a public lynching.

    2. Vee Rose profile image59
      Vee Roseposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Great advice.

  10. relache profile image68
    relacheposted 15 years ago

    My reply was partially to answer your question and partially to point out that Uninvited Writer was encouraging the matter to go in a direction that is inappropriate.

  11. kmackey32 profile image63
    kmackey32posted 15 years ago

    Well I think its a good thing to post in the forums so everyone else can watch for there own work to be copied. Its something I would have never thought of happening. Thank You!

  12. HealthCare Basics profile image60
    HealthCare Basicsposted 15 years ago

    Sorry to hear that BlueDog. I had a similar experience with an article I wrote. I was scanning the news wires and came across an article that quoted an entire paragraph except for one word on how a drug worked on the central nervous system. I sent a warning e-mail to the writer, but never heard back.

  13. bigmikeh profile image68
    bigmikehposted 15 years ago

    Google webmaster help states

    If you find that another site is duplicating your content by scraping (misappropriating and republishing) it, it's unlikely that this will negatively impact your site's ranking in Google search results pages. If you do spot a case that's particularly frustrating, you are welcome to file a DMCA request to claim ownership of the content and request removal of the other site from Google's index.

    So you can request the other site be deindexed, if you want to.

  14. blue dog profile image60
    blue dogposted 15 years ago

    thanks, everyone, for your help, comments, and suggestions.
    relalche, you are correct.  now that the dust has settled, somewhat, perhaps the question is why would a hubber - one who has over 2,500 posts and also has been in the hubs system for 17 months -  try getting a newbie in hot water?   unwanted writer, ??

    actually there is another question regarding the original question.  why is team hubpages position on plagiarizers this:  they review "_________ Hubs that have duplicate content and have unpublished those that violate our rules.  We cannot, however, control what a hubber publishes on their own websites, like, and the only recourse for those instances is contacting the author as you have done."

    so, the guy plagiarizes, and i report it.  then everything is hunky dori?  he's still commenting, he's still becoming the fan of, and he's still publishing. a dollar to a nickel says he's still plagiarizing.   this is what we, as a hub community, have to put up with?  not even a slap on the wrist?  how about a thump on the forehead?

    how about this: maybe team hubpages could let us all be a member of his fan club, that way we can all keep an eye on him.

  15. Maddie Ruud profile image72
    Maddie Ruudposted 15 years ago

    If a Hubber is caught repeatedly posting others' hubs on another site for personal gain, I do ban them.  In this case, however, we only had one complaint (from you, blue dog), and it wasn't a hub that had been ripped off.


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