Some hubbers have written a hub a day for seven months. How is this possible? W

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  1. brakel2 profile image70
    brakel2posted 13 years ago

    Some hubbers have written a hub a day for seven months. How is this possible?  What about research?

  2. profile image0
    awesome77posted 13 years ago

    unique research can be bought and you own it exclusively. It is best to pick a "longtail" keyword and write about it. If you follow that you will make more money, than writing feel good stuff.

    So to answer your question, they either bought the research or just good and fast writers!

  3. profile image0
    shazwellynposted 13 years ago

    Many of WryLilt's hubs are packaged together targeting Amazon.  She is clever at this and it is quite possible to generate several of these packages together in one day.  She does have a good mix, though, simple Amazon hubs amongst adsense targeted hubs on stuff she knows well.

    However, I cant actually talk on her behalf - why dont you ask her yourself?

  4. WryLilt profile image86
    WryLiltposted 13 years ago

    Hi brakel2,

    Basically I'm still in the 'I know about it' phase. You'll be amazed at how much you know. And how much you've already researched. I learnt all about inducing labor while I went overdue. I learnt how to write an essay in a really quick and easy way from a high school English teacher. I learnt how to get a refund without a receipt because I've worked at refunds counters and in retail for over five years. I've learnt how to pull off a cheap wedding because we only had a $3000 budget. I've learnt how to deal with a partner with a snoring problem because I've been married to him for nearly four years! And I've written about all these things!

    Shazwellyn is right - I do have some (42) Amazon hubs on this account as well (although more on other accounts). The secret to researching an Amazon hub is to look at the description of the product and reviews on any item you wish to write a hub about. Some people write 200-300 word reviews on one item! If you read through the reviews you can easily pick up the most important points and make a list of what does and doesn't work as well as things that may appeal to the reader.

    Think about what you know. It can be something simple like a recipe or even a trick your mom taught you about how to clean mould off the ceiling. Whatever it is, there are LOTS of things that YOU ALREADY KNOW that other people don't know. And you can share these things!

  5. bogerk profile image68
    bogerkposted 13 years ago

    I would think in order to write on hub a day you would need to work from home or at least not have a 9-5 that kept you away from your computer.

    But, if you had in-depth knowledge on your subjects, then it does seem possible ... depending on length.

  6. Mr. Thinktank profile image67
    Mr. Thinktankposted 13 years ago

    Most people write about their own opinions or experiences if they are able to write a hub each day. Hubs don't have to just be facts and information, but can be about fiction topics as well.

  7. cascoly profile image60
    cascolyposted 13 years ago

    i've been here about 2 months and published over 60 hubs & agree with the others - to produce a hub a day you need to alreadyhave a good knowledge of your subjects

    my hubs revolve around food, travel & history, and i've been doing similar writing for my web pages over the last 15 years.  plus i have thousands of photos and my mostly hand-written journals available from our travels.

    i've currently got over 100 hubs that i plan to write, and could generate more in a short time. i used to enter a lot of recipe contests, so also have a couple hundred recipes written already

    it takes me about 30' to do a  recipe hub, and i've spent 3-4 hours creating some of  the more detailed travel hubs

  8. online4income profile image75
    online4incomeposted 13 years ago

    I think writing requires experience, interests and a will to write. Those who have any or all of these can easily write about anything they have in there mind.

    It also depends on how frequently we conceive an idea, after all we all have infinite things before us, yet we hardly see all of them. Those who have some experience with writing can easily communicate there mind in words.

  9. dablufox profile image59
    dablufoxposted 13 years ago

    A lot of hubbers follow the quantitive approach, that is write heaps of hubs and earn a little from each. Though I think you will find the more seasoned you are at hubbing you tend to become a lot more selective, perform a healthy amount of niche market research and keyword research for each hub as well as put more effort in promoting your hubs with topical content and backlinks.

    Writing heaps of hubs is a good way to develop your writing style and ability and although a crude method of finding out which topics are more profitable than others.

    Although as you gain experience and knowledge you really want to get a greater reward for less work.

    This ultimately means publishing really high quality hubs, which provide superior value to readers.

  10. Wayne Brown profile image81
    Wayne Brownposted 13 years ago

    It depends totally on what you are writing about.  For example, I write poetry, fictional short stories, political commentary and humor mostly. Research is not a huge factor unless you are writing about subjects which are foreign to you.  WB

  11. kschang profile image86
    kschangposted 13 years ago

    It should take more more than an hour to write a hub. When you surf the net you should be book marking of scrap-booking interesting site / ideas in notetakers such as Evernote and collating them into hubs offline. Then you can just cut and paste later.

  12. Security News profile image61
    Security Newsposted 13 years ago

    Writing Hubs just happens. You end up spending your time doing something you love.

  13. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 13 years ago

    Individual Hubbers who have done that aside, it's possible to write an article with about a half hour/forty-five minutes of research, and with another forty-five minutes to an hour/hour-and-a-half; provided the subject is one that requires "basic" research (as opposed to in-depth or particularly challenging research).  So, with the right kind of subject, the writing part of a Hub may only average an hour or so to write.  Adding the extras to make it a "Hub" doesn't take long at all.

    Also, people who write from assimilated knowledge (or those who write from personal experience, possibly supplemented with some reference links) can sometimes come up with the writing portion of the Hub in as little as twenty minutes.

    Developing a "system" for writing articles (or Hubs) can help a writer just automatically follow a step-by-step process.

  14. Karen Wodke profile image69
    Karen Wodkeposted 13 years ago

    I think if someone does not work outside the home, they could do it. Or if their hub consists of creative writing, short stories and the like (like some of mine), it's easier because it requires little or no research sometimes. Also, I think some people are very fast at researching and putting together an article.

  15. Sustainable Sue profile image96
    Sustainable Sueposted 13 years ago

    The contest is for posting a hub a day, not writing one. You can spend a day writing rough drafts and compiling photos of seven hubs, then each subsequent day finish one up and launch it.  Knowing what you're talking about helps tremendously.


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