I need some guidance or advice please

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  1. Art West profile image65
    Art Westposted 15 years ago

    Here is my situation.

    I have been writing on HubPages for 7 months and have only gotten $24.93 in my Google Adsense account and have $0 in my Amazon account.

    Here are my numbers and what I have done.  I have written 53 hubs, the topics include finance, movies, music, sports, and how to articles.  My Hub rating has been consistently in the mid 80's to low 90's.  I looked at about 15 of my hub metrics and the earning potential broke down something like this: 3 had $, 2 had $$$, 1 had $$$$ the remaining 9 have $$$$$.  I have reviewed Google Adwords and found words with fairly high traffic.  I have used those as tags and have also put those words in my articles.  I submit my articles to Google, Yahoo, Bing, Google Bookmarks, Open Directory Project (partner with AOL) and Submit Express (submits to 20+ search engines).

    So where am I going wrong?  Any advice would be appreciated.


    1. Jeffrey_L profile image60
      Jeffrey_Lposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Art West,

      You shouldn't submit your articles to any search engine, at least I would not.

      Just focus on building back links and your pages will end up in the Se rps.

    2. relache profile image66
      relacheposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      The dollar signs from the Hub Metrics are an indication of potential, not a guarantee of earnings.  If you don't actually get quality site visitors who wind up clicking on links or making purchases, you don't earn anything.

      You say you found "words with fairly high traffic" but are you making Hubs on topics that have a lot of competition?  That's not going to be helpful.  And what do you consider high traffic?  Got any Hubs pulling down a few hundred pageviews per day?  That's what you need to start seeing results.

      You might like to read the following


    3. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not an expert but I think you're going about promotion completely the wrong way.  For one thing, there are some experts who say you shouldn't submit any websites to search engines - and your Hubs aren't even websites, they're just individual web pages. Stop thinking of Hubs as a website, and do some browsing for Hubs about how to promote, and I think you'll do better.  I don't do much promotion myself so can't help you much there!

      You can't put any tracking or verification codes on your Hubs, like you can on a website, so you'll find some avenues just won't work for HP. 

      I also had a look at your Hubs. It looks like you're pushing Amazon because your Amazon capsule is in the top right-hand corner, which is the prime position for ads.  If it's not doing well for you, I would try moving it down. 

      Lissie wrote a good Hub about Adsense placement:

      Are you splitting your text up over several capsules to maximise your ads?  I assume you've got your ads set on "high".

      The Hubs I looked at were too short.  And surely you can find some Youtube videos on your subjects?  A Youtube clip keeps visitors on your Hub longer (which is good for page rank) and also creates a backlink on Youtube. 

      Several of your Hubs seem to be on topical subjects which would have a short life, and would have a lot of competition.  HubPages recommends "evergreen" topics, i.e. ones that are going to be of interest for a long time.  It can take a few months for a Hub to really start earning - if it's very topical, it's not going to maintain its readership long enough to start earning.

  2. Mac Mission profile image60
    Mac Missionposted 15 years ago

    regarding the google adsense you should get atleast 1000 clicks per day and also when you write article it might attract the visitors to click on ads. there is long way to go if you have 1000 clicks per day then you might got 10 clicks per day atleast......

  3. Ultimate Hubber profile image73
    Ultimate Hubberposted 15 years ago

    Well try to get some traffic from search engines.

    These can help you.

    1)Increase your online earnings

    2)How to get more search engine traffic

  4. Art West profile image65
    Art Westposted 15 years ago

    Thanks for the advice.

    I now have another question.  I went to feedcat and to try and boost my feed.  I got a message that says "Warning – this feed has no tracking icon placed on your website!"  So how do I place a tracking icon on my website?

    Also, I know this is probably a dumb question, but how do you back link?


    1. profile image0
      sandra rinckposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Here is a good one. http://hubpages.com/hub/Hubpages-backli … or-Dummies

      Hubpages backlinking for Dummies. big_smile

  5. kmackey32 profile image53
    kmackey32posted 15 years ago

    Also try submitting your rss feed to sites. I did this last night and got a few clicks shortly after. Im not trying to spam but I just wrote a hub on some sites to submit too.

  6. Art West profile image65
    Art Westposted 15 years ago

    Thanks for all of the advice.

    I'll look into trying these tips. Right now I am getting 20-50 views per day for ALL of my hubs combined.  My "big" hub is the one about a new three stooges movie which has had over 1500 views and I wrote it about 3 months ago.  So as you can see, anything should help.

    If anyone has any more advice, please feel free to post it.

    Thanks again everyone!

  7. DoodleLyn profile image72
    DoodleLynposted 15 years ago

    Good luck Art. Great advice Marisa. That's one of the things I love about the forums. I learn a lot from reading people's answers. I'm going to try some of these ideas also.

  8. Art West profile image65
    Art Westposted 15 years ago

    Thanks for your backlinking for dummies article sandra rinck! 

    I just did my first backlinks. 

    I have also attempted to do some of the things that have been suggested.  Hopefully I will start having more success.

    Thanks again everyone.

  9. sunforged profile image75
    sunforgedposted 15 years ago

    Just confirming that you cannot use feedcat with hubpages
    and it really seems with your results that all the energy your putting in after the fact on your hubs should be pushed towards the planning stage.

    Im sure you know this - but when you find a keyword, or even better a longtail term that you want to pursue..after finding its estimated value in your keyword tool ( i imagine this is what draws you, and confirming it gets substantial traffic)

    Make sure you then put that term into google both with and without "quotes" ..aim for terms that have less than 80,000 competitors

    Also check out that first page- who is your competition? Is it possible to usurp them?

    For example your not going to beat nbc.com, thehuffingtonpost, slate and other big time authority sites

    Pick your battles wisely, spend the time planning and reseraching before rather than trying to beat a dead horse after you bought it


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