How many hubs you write in a month??? I have been trying to write atleast 10 hub

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  1. maheshpatwal profile image68
    maheshpatwalposted 13 years ago

    How many hubs you write in a month??? I have been trying to write atleast 10 hubs a month but...

    still not able to reach that mark due to other obligation and professional life. How do you manage this problem???

  2. Mark Ewbie profile image59
    Mark Ewbieposted 13 years ago

    I have managed it by taking time off work.  Crazy I know, but I have lost all interest in proper work, and prefer to spend my time on Hubpages.

    Oh, how many?  Just under one a day.

  3. Autumn Lynn profile image66
    Autumn Lynnposted 13 years ago

    I have been here only one month and written 6 hubs. I have a few more unpublished. I have spent a lot of time reading and trying to get the ideas behind how to be successful here on hubpages. I think with time it will get easier and easier to write more quickly. I have 3 small kids and that does make it very hard to get anything done that requires concentration of any kind. I have read several hubs about article writing that explain developing a system for writing article more quickly. Even so you have to find some time somewhere and force yourself into the routine of writing something during that time. I try to set aside some time after my kids sleep to write. I am searching for other places in the day to add in time. Good luck. I know it is not easy to find time.

  4. the clean life profile image68
    the clean lifeposted 13 years ago

    maheshpatwal , so nice to here from you here. I write about 20 hubs per month . Last night I published one and started a new one but got too tired to finish it.
    Writing now has taken over me and I just love it.
    See you in the forum again I hope. We are still at the samne one.
    Have a Merry Christmas and a Safe , Healthy and Happy New Years

  5. cascoly profile image60
    cascolyposted 13 years ago

    as usual, it depends...

    first, there's the amount of time you can devote, but larger factors are the types of hubs you want to write and what your experience and knowledge base is.  eg, i use my travel jouernals going back 20-30 years as basis for some of my hubs on travel.  these take some time, still, to add mapsm, pix, etc. 

    much easier to create are recipe hubs, esp'ly since i have so many already written up for my personal use. 

    in the end, the hubs per day/month, etc is really rather meaningless - what counts more is the quality of what you write, and how many people are interested.

    i've been here 3 months & written about 80 hubs

  6. Sullen91 profile image71
    Sullen91posted 13 years ago

    I respect the hard workers that churn out hubs. It takes the ambition of a lion and the determination of a turtoise. Still, I am wary of the risk that people go from making hubs about substantive topics to advertising their opinions.

  7. TheRaptorClaw profile image60
    TheRaptorClawposted 13 years ago

    Well i have a lot of spare time. I have wrote 14 hubs in December and i have some unpublished.

  8. simeonvisser profile image66
    simeonvisserposted 13 years ago

    I have 18 hubs in roughly 50 days... so I guess that's about one hub every three days. Stay dedicated and keep writing those hubs!

  9. bogerk profile image68
    bogerkposted 13 years ago

    I have been trying to write about 4-5 Hubs a week, so maybe somewhere around 20 in a month.

  10. QudsiaP1 profile image61
    QudsiaP1posted 13 years ago

    Well, writing for me is a passion, food for my soul.

    I write only when it comes to me.

    Forcing myself to write will just produce mindless jargon.

  11. Don Ship profile image74
    Don Shipposted 13 years ago

    I've been trying hard to write about 4 hubs a week at least, let's say roughly about 20-25 hubs a Month!

  12. jamesbrownbete profile image60
    jamesbrownbeteposted 13 years ago

    Its not actually about how many hubs you can publish. The rule of thumb is to publish a quality hub as possible and work with your SEO to make it more valuable and many people could read and benefit with it. Never mind about the number. Just don't worry about if you cannot met your allotted requirements in a month.

  13. maheshpatwal profile image68
    maheshpatwalposted 13 years ago

    Thank you all for your honest answers.......really liked what James said about the quality. yeah agree with you that quality is the main ingredients besides patience and dedication as pointed out by sullen.
    We'll keep these basic points in mind while writing the hubs.

    @mark my friend its been more than 2-3  months since talked to you in HP...... will see you in our main thread........

    Thanks again to all. Have best greetings of the seasons...........

  14. ColibriPhoto profile image72
    ColibriPhotoposted 13 years ago

    I have only been here 3 days and I have published 6 hubs. I am still getting familiar with the site. I am retired so I have a lot of free time to write about what I enjoy most. I hope to write 1 or 2 articles a day, but that will depend on many factors. It is difficult to find time over the holidays.

  15. PK2010 profile image65
    PK2010posted 13 years ago

    I think numbers are not as important as quality of content. Using an interesting choice of words can also draw readers.
    You need time as well and dedication which can be difficult if you have other things going on in your life. Like Autumn Lynn, I have four children and work full time from 9-5, five days a week, so its pretty difficult for me. I write mostly during the weekends. When ideas come to my head during the week I try to save a draft in the notes section of my iphone and hope that when I eventually get round to it, I will remember what my intentions for the feature were.
    Practice makes perfect and good things come to those who wait and persevere so you will reach the mark in time.
    All the best.

  16. zanaworld profile image58
    zanaworldposted 13 years ago

    In two years, I have done only 25 hubpages.  But wait a minute...

    In the past one month alone I have written 14 hubpages.

    So it depends how you spend your time on hubpages.  On an average, it is good idea to have at least 15 hubpages per month (with 1 hubpage every alternate day).

    But there are some hubbers who has written over 75 hubs in less than 2-months after signing up.

    Once there was some competition on HubPages to write 30-hubpages in a month...


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