Word count limit on forum posts

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  1. Marisa Wright profile image86
    Marisa Wrightposted 15 years ago

    Would it be possible to introduce a word count limit on forum posts?

    Look at the forums and you'll find there's never a good reason for a long forum post.

    Spammers write a long post to advertise their DVD ripper or whatever. 
    Religious fanatics write a long post to preach. 
    Confused newbies write a long post because they think the forums are where they're supposed to write their stories.
    Lazy commenters don't bother to edit the post they're replying to.

    Limiting the length of posts would reduce all those abuses and make the forums much nicer to read. 

    If a person had to edit the post they're replying to,instead of just hitting the button, it would also give them time to calm down before posting their reply!

    1. profile image0
      sneakorocksolidposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      What planet are you from? Thats way too rational and I don't know about that 'nice' thing. That all sounds less than manly to me. Have you thought about buffing up a bit?

    2. emievil profile image63
      emievilposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I definitely agree! smile

  2. Eric Graudins profile image61
    Eric Graudinsposted 15 years ago

    Good idea.

    I think that a 200 word limit would be great.

    This would be educational: It would teach people to state their case succinctly.

    And minimise the repeated responses of 15 screens of someone's cut and pasted junk adding only the profound comment of "I agree".

    Cheers, Eric G.

    1. Luciendasky profile image60
      Luciendaskyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I agree... lol big_smilebig_smilebig_smilebig_smile

  3. profile image0
    Crazdwriterposted 15 years ago

    I force myself to write long hubs...I always feel bad that I don't write as much as the other hubbers do in here.  So yes I agree!

  4. profile image0
    pgrundyposted 15 years ago

    Great idea. 200 words is plenty for a conversation.

  5. yoshi97 profile image57
    yoshi97posted 15 years ago

    but ... but ... I can't even complete a coherent thought in less than 200 words. smile

    Besides, twitter allows 160 words, is that enough for a conversation? (erm wait, I think that's 160 characters ... skip that)

    What if someone goes into the hospital and needs to relate the events that occurred?

    500 might be a more realistic limit smile

    1. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      If the story's worth telling, they can write a Hub.

    2. sunforged profile image77
      sunforgedposted 15 years agoin reply to this


  6. tdarby profile image60
    tdarbyposted 15 years ago

    Love the idea.  (Yeah, I got my message out in 3 words, until I felt compelled to point out the fact that I got my message out in 3 words.)

  7. RooBee profile image79
    RooBeeposted 15 years ago

    IMHO, this is a great idea. If it's not too logistically difficult for the staff to implement, it seems like a win-win.

    Maybe much of what is ending up in the forums will be turned in to glorious new hubs instead if there was a word limit. Woohoo!

  8. Misha profile image66
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    Can we settle for a one-liner? wink

    And yes, I fully support the idea! smile

  9. profile image0
    mtsi1098posted 15 years ago

    This is a good idea...

  10. relache profile image68
    relacheposted 15 years ago

    Ditto to Marisa's idea.  I'd also like to see quote and reply be two separate buttons and the quote one be put in whatever spot makes it less obvious than reply.

  11. Tom Cornett profile image81
    Tom Cornettposted 15 years ago

    200 words is plenty! smile   Great idea!  smile

  12. lrohner profile image67
    lrohnerposted 15 years ago

    Great idea, Marisa!!!

  13. profile image0
    sneakorocksolidposted 15 years ago

    I'm not sure I know 200 different words. Does each word count one or do some count 2?

  14. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 15 years ago

    It's an interesting idea, but Marisa you've made a number of posts that considerably exceed that limit, this one for instance, as has Misha, who is normally fairly terse.

    1. Misha profile image66
      Mishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I can always split them in two or three tongue Besides, this was 18 months ago, I got better since wink

    2. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Having read my post, I think it only strengthens my argument...

      I would be quite happy to edit my posts to stay within a limit, if I felt it was to my benefit otherwise.

      Actually I didn't suggest the 200 word limit - I'd probably be a little more generous, say 300 words.

  15. Shirley Anderson profile image71
    Shirley Andersonposted 15 years ago

    I think the threads announcing HubMob topics, rules, etc. each week need more than that.

    Other than that sort of thing, I think it's a great idea.

  16. Eaglekiwi profile image76
    Eaglekiwiposted 15 years ago

    I like it ,and Im getting better too,usually,sometimes ,mostly.

    Hey can you please tell me how to post/reply back without the whole previous post ( I remember Eric demonstating it months back, but um I forgot) thanks.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      It's pretty easy. You can see the text you just quoted, so all you have to do is delete the bits you don't need.  Just make sure you don't accidentally delete the quote marks (the bits in square brackets)

      1. Eaglekiwi profile image76
        Eaglekiwiposted 15 years agoin reply to this
  17. profile image0
    ralwusposted 15 years ago

    Wow. this place is gettin' better alla time!

  18. Uninvited Writer profile image76
    Uninvited Writerposted 15 years ago

    You click on "post a reply" smile

  19. Uninvited Writer profile image76
    Uninvited Writerposted 15 years ago

    Of course, as beenie is proving right now. Length does not always go along with spam...

  20. dutchman1951 profile image60
    dutchman1951posted 15 years ago

    Go after the spamers as what they are spammers, turn them in.
    The threads are fine, limiting speech, means somewone can not present facts to re-but an argument. It kills civil discussion.

    Though I admit in a lot of emotional toppics, so much for facts!...lol

    Jon in nashville

    1. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Jon, people could still circumvent the word limit by making more than one post.  And that could be a good thing, because it should be possible to write an effective rebuttal of a point in <300 words.  If you're writing more than that, chances are you're trying to rebut more than one point - in which case, splitting them up into separate posts would make it clearer.

  21. charanjeet kaur profile image61
    charanjeet kaurposted 15 years ago

    I am with you on this Marisa with the recent comments sectiom swamped with words, sometimes i wonder it could well fit a hub. So this should be taken into consideration.

  22. Pearldiver profile image70
    Pearldiverposted 15 years ago

    I assume you realise that such a change would have a detrimental effect on the manufacturers of Soap Boxes? smile

    1. emievil profile image63
      emievilposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      lol PD, I love love love your avatar. That puppy is soooooo cute. smile

      1. Pearldiver profile image70
        Pearldiverposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo It's Really ME... I've been mucking around with computers since I was Whelped.. lol

        1. emievil profile image63
          emievilposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          LOL lol didn't know you are hairy and has a paw big_smile.

          1. Pearldiver profile image70
            Pearldiverposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            I'm Warm & I've got 4 paws and I can... you know.... lick my bum yikes


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