What to do if you have too many ideas for hubs and not enough time?

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  1. wendi_w profile image61
    wendi_wposted 13 years ago

    What to do if you have too many ideas for hubs and not enough time?

    I hear many people ask how do you come up with hub ideas. Writer's block seems to be a big issue. I on the other hand have the opposite problem I normally have more ideas than time and find it difficult to focus on just one! Any ideas how I can learn to focus more on one at a time?


  2. Brett.Tesol profile image53
    Brett.Tesolposted 13 years ago

    Keep a notebook with you and jot down the titles and ideas, then brainstorm them for a few minutes. This way you can return to them at a later time, without worrying about forgetting them. There is bound to be a time when ideas aren't flowing as fast, so why not build up an idea/hub bank now ;-)

    Of course, if you really don't have time, you could always give some ideas to other hubbers ;-) lol

  3. Tom_Radford profile image60
    Tom_Radfordposted 13 years ago

    Either combine similar ideas into one hub, or tweet/facebook/social bookmark some ideas to gauge interest and make hubs from the popular ones.

  4. profile image0
    timonwellerposted 13 years ago

    Hey Wendi,
    By jotting down your ideas in full you can then work out a better plan of action to get them all done. Otherwise i find it is easy to procrastinate which one to do first.

  5. Doctor Kristy profile image85
    Doctor Kristyposted 13 years ago

    What I tend to do is just create a new hub with the title and leave it there to come back to it later.

    The title reminds me of the idea, and I just do the article when I have time.

  6. Darknlovely3436 profile image68
    Darknlovely3436posted 13 years ago

    hubs and the kind you want to write about is easy. take four topic
    and focus on one, take the one you are easy with and drop down some idea, for instant,

    Money market, if you want to write about this topic, do a little research.

    Poetry....asked yourself, do i like poetry,
    can i put my inner feeling on paper,
    have you every hear someone descrive himself as an athlete, only to add that he hasn't touched the basketvall court (or football field or swimmingpool) in 30  years, well, we have news for that someone, he is no athlete, . he is just a person who like to talk about an athlete
    have you written in years. so rules applied here.(smile
    Finding the right tme and place to write.
    Carry around a tape recorder or a notebook  use these tools as storage space for the stull that rains down on your brain during the day, .. a little ideas is better than no idea at all:)  take an hour a day in a quiet place and meditate.. blank out everyone and every distraction for an hour... thse little exercise ,strengthen the mind body and soul..... i hope that i can help.

    Now i am going to read some of your work to see , if you have protential(smile will be right back..

    one love /dark/

  7. profile image0
    Suramya.Kposted 13 years ago

    Doctor Kristy has a brilliant idea which I've been following too. Whenever I feel like its now, I write the title and a few more sentences. Whenever I come back to reach over the comments and read other hubs, I add to them. I have written my 3-hub series of Payoneer MasterCard the same way.

  8. acewebdesign profile image59
    acewebdesignposted 13 years ago

    Its the world of smart phones. Your thoughts, put them on a note-pad. Different pages for different subjects. And when free choose the best amongst them and start writing.

  9. AnkushKohli profile image61
    AnkushKohliposted 13 years ago

    Make a list of them and choose on the basis of prioritization field would be most important , event  and time. Because action always need right time and right place.  All the best

  10. lisabeaman profile image68
    lisabeamanposted 13 years ago

    I often have the same problem! When it's not a good time to write, I will have lots of ideas and thoughts and can formulate some incredible writing in my head... but when I do have the time (like right now for instance) I don't know which idea to focus on and those amazing thoughts are long gone, so I end up procrastinating instead!

    Thanks for asking the question... Even though I don't have any great answers, I think I'll try a few of these suggestions myself smile

  11. froch profile image60
    frochposted 13 years ago

    It is good idea to...write ideas.

    You can believe me: there is no possibility to remember all ideas.

    In last year, I registered 1500 (!!!) ideas on my cellphone. At present I'm exploring this archive in case of realize some of them.

    Summarying: If you will no write (or register by another way) fresh ideas, you will forget it so fast.

  12. Pollyannalana profile image62
    Pollyannalanaposted 13 years ago

    Yea I keep word documents all over my desktop and sometimes I have some half finished sometimes completely and it is there for days you are just too busy. You may forget a great idea if you don't jot it somewhere.

  13. Dennis AuBuchon profile image62
    Dennis AuBuchonposted 13 years ago

    When I get an idea for an article or hub I put it on a spreadsheet in the portion where I think the topic would best be a good fit.  I write articles/hubs for several sites and I have established what kind of articles/hubs I will write on each of them.

    I find a spreadsheet is a great way to keep focused on each topic and this way I never forget them.  It is also a great way to keep hot topics on the front burner.  I have a large list of topics for each site for which I write some of which will take more time than others.  Some require some research and understanding of the basic topic while others I pull from my personal experiences or work experiences.  I have worked over 35 years and I have seen and learned much about issues and topics important to America.  These are where I have been focusing my attention, especially lately. 

    Sometimes I have topics that I feel are good ones to write but circumstances place them ahead of the list as a result of news events or issues being reported.

  14. luvmygirlz profile image64
    luvmygirlzposted 13 years ago

    Pace yourself. Get a note book and write down your ideas. This way you have your ideas on paper and not have to worry about forgetting them later. Then do your hub on one idea at a time and then go back to your idea list. This is what I do anyway. I just started this a few days ago, so I am learning as I go, but thought this might help you a little. Good luck

  15. profile image0
    jasper420posted 13 years ago

    write all your ideas down on a peice of paper and use them one by one to make great intresting hubs

  16. lzlpio90 profile image69
    lzlpio90posted 13 years ago

    same with my issue. I am currently working full time and i just have small time writing a hub. When i get back home and try to sleep, i think about many things and ideas are crashing into my mind.


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