If we flag a hub, does it say which hubber put in the flag, or is it anonymous. I mean, could someone turn around and flag your hub to retaliate? How does it work exactly? Thanks.
you're basically sending a private message to hub staffers. The owner/author of the hub will have no idea who flagged them. HubStaff will take a look at the hub and decide if it has violated anything or if there is, indeed an issue.
When you go to flag a hub, here's the message that is displayed with the violation checklist:
Personally, I have better things to do than try to impose my values on others. But-hey-some people have no sense of humor. That's why it's always a good idea to research your hub topic here. I do searches.
If you're concerned about people with nothing better to do trying to impose their will on you or cut down their potential competition type your topics into the search box and keep track of all the other hubs written on the subject on which you are writing. Personally, nothing here offends me (so far). A lot of hubs BORE me but none offend me . . . so far. HUb pages is based in America. Some people need to remember that.
When someone flags you they are anonymous. (Come on, if they had the courage to face you they would post a comment, right?) Don't sweat it. The powers-that-be are not going to put too much weight in the opinion of one person if no one else bothers you. . . . especially if your flagged hub has been posted for months without incident.
Why would you worry about retaliation if you don't flag anyone's hub? I try to mind my own business. This isn't grade school. Although it IS possible that if you flag the hub of someone who writes about the same subject as several other hubbers you could potentially cause trouble for everyone who writes about that subject; I suppose.
Be courageous. Comment directly to the author. This is the internet. All they can truly do is post or refuse to post your comment.
Flagging is not about values. It's about alerting HubPages to Hubs which break their TOS.
There's no point in flagging a Hub because you disagree with the views expressed, or because of bad spelling or grammar. Nothing will be done about it.
You can flag Hubs that are obviously spam - just a few lines and/or full of links to another site, for instance. Or written in a foreign language, which isn't allowed. Or pornographic.
As I said on another thread, flagging is like doing your citizen's duty in real life. If you saw someone committing a crime, you wouldn't arrest them yourself. But you would report it to the police. Reporting bad Hubs to the admin team is good HubPages citizenship.
I like some of your stuff, Marisa, honest I do. Still, we will have to agree to disagree this time.
Yes, a hub in a foreign language is obvious. Other things are NOT always so obvious. What I might consider spam might be acceptable. (You know what I think of "ad whores".) What you might think of as pornographic might be art or "educational" to others.
As you have already seen here in these forums, there are people who do not truly know all the ins and outs and rules and exceptions here. Therein lies the danger. These people are allowed and sometimes even encouraged to flag.
To go along with your example, there are way too many idiots who call "911" and report "crimes" that truly are NOT crimes. In the real world you can sue for "false arrest".
Here if some idiot flags your hub it ties up that hub for days. (I currently have a hub that is flagged and I am waiting on a response to TWO e-mails to hub pages now. By the time you read this it will have been at least three days that the hub has been unpublished. if I had been earning money from that hub I would be pissed and not just annoyed. Who wouldn't?)
I'd just as soon let the "police" here do their jobs. I know this is a community but someone gets PAID to do the job. I am going to let them . . . unless they want to send ME a paycheck. Right now though, I only get paid to edit on one website. There is a lot of grey here and individuals screwing with the grey could start a lot of trouble; that's all I'm saying. Am I a bit too annoyed to be clear or do you see my point?
No it doesn't. If a Hubber flags a Hub, all that does is alert HubPages to a potential problem.
If HubPages flags a Hub, that's a different kind of flag. That's the flag that can take your Hub off-air.
I stand corrected, Marisha. IF you let them know by e-mail that you have fixed the problem or they notice there WAS no real problem then it generally clears within 24 hours. However, if you just resubmit and don't let them know it could sit there longer. So, you're right. I misspoke because unlike some hubbers here, there are one or two people who don't have the courage to face you even online and that is slightly annoying.
I think you're still misunderstanding. IF a Hubber flags your Hub, it has no effect on the Hub whatsoever. It doesn't take the Hub off the air. Only HubPages can take your Hub off-air. They will only do that IF they've reviewed the Hubber flag (or flags) and decided it's justified. They won't do it "just in case".
You seem to be accusing Hubbers of flagging your Hubs maliciously. There's no point in doing that, because HubPages has the final say.
I don't know, Marisa. Sometimes something must go wrong. Overly promotional hubs have more than 2 links for the same site. I had hubs that were flagged and pulled when they did NOT have more than 2 links. They were cleared rather quickly but they still at least appeared to be off the air. Maybe it just LOOKED like they were off the air. i don't know.
Besides, some of the hubs that were flagged had been here almost as long as I have so it took someone who does NOT work for hub pages to start the trouble.
All I know is I will learn the limits. Once I do, people will not be able to successfully flag me just because they don't like what I have to say in comments or on forums. That is where this all started. I'm sure of it.
(I still want to do the male perspective on one of your hubs . . . just not sure which one. I have a lot of fun with she said/he said and as it turns out it attracts a lot of attention to the hubs. if you think you have a hub that is way too in the "strictly female viewpoint" arena--let me know. . .) But, I digress . . .
Y'all have fun I am gonna get off this computer or at least write a hub.
If they were off the air, it's because HubPages (probably Maddie) took them off air, not a fellow Hubber. I assume you then emailed HubPages, sorted out the problem and they were put back up - are you saying you have no idea why they were flagged?
That's an erroneous conclusion. As we've all been saying, Maddie is a very busy woman. She can't check every Hub the minute it's published. It's quite common for a Hub not to be noticed and flagged until some months after it appeared.
Okay got the off the air thing.
I know someone had to point me out to Maddie.
She gave me specific notes regarding certain graphics when I asked her. However, I had hubs that were flagged for overly promotional and they only had 2 links per site. So I have no clue about those. I MAY also be confusing flagging with other notifications.
I believe someone had to point the finger for me to get so much attention--14 hubs in one day. Other people can flag me and I believe they have. I am happy to hear only Maddie can actually pull them off the pages--thanks!
how does flagging your hubs "get the flagger attention"?
what happened in the forums that convinced you that someone is out to get you?
why won't you say who it is?
i trust most of my fellow hubbers because 1-they have been here for a while and 2-i watch how they conduct themselves in the forums.
i did have one problem with a hubber named HubTub, but i never accused her (or anyone) of deliberately flagging my hubs just for spite's sake. i have had people create new accounts and leave nasty comments on my hubs, so one day i wrote a thread about it, and those comments stopped because i called them out on it.
i think your going on and on with your unproven allegations is bad for HubPages and isn't accomplishing anything.
If Maddie noticed (or was notified about) one of your Hubs, she would probably check your other Hubs too - often, if a Hubber has done the wrong thing on one Hub, it's not an isolated incident. So it wouldn't surprise me at all that you had 14 Hubs flagged in one day.
If you have a whole bunch of Hubs and they all ilnk to the same site, that can be classed as overly promotional too.
well if Hubpages logs and shows the IP address of people who comment on our hubs, it should be able to easily capture and show admins the IP addresses of people who flag our hubs. why not just ask Maddie who it was instead of flinging innuendo about the forums, WSP? then you'll know who is 'out to get you' and you can deal with them directly.
I'm going on, as it was phrased, because everyone has decided to keep talking about it beyond Marisa clearing up my confusion about flagging, going off air and various warnings. I am sorry i confused you about notifications, flagging, off the air, warnings, etc. I don't use the terminology very often. I hope I never have to use it again.
I had one hub flagged months ago . . . over a misunderstanding and it was taken care of in practically seconds.
What that tells me is my older hubs could have been checked then, too, going with what Marisa told me. No other hub attracted attention.
The overly promotional warnings had to do with hubs on different websites. Nice of you to warn me about the other promotional limitations though--thanks.
I have no intention of ever bothering Maddie. If she is so busy that it takes her a long time to check hubs and the powers-that-be post so many hubs asking anyone and everyone to help her do her job then WHY would I add to her load intentionally? (Besides, in another hub someone said that one type of flagging/notification is anonymous.)
Whatever, as my kids say, I'm moving on with new hubs. Once I know what the limits are anyone who points a finger at me won't be able to stir up any sh*t whether they like what I have to say or not. It's that simple.
I have no intention of bothering Maddie. There are others who have had things like this happen to them 9according to other forums). I'm glad y'all trust each other and I really do enjoy chatting sometimes with some of you but we ARE on the internet and we really truly do not know anyone here.
i just have to say something....you are in fact accusing one of your HubPages peers of deliberately sabotaging you by flagging all of your hubs. you further state that your problems with this rogue hubber started in the forums. i browsed your posts and the only people i saw you having words with were myself. you said you had a disagreement with another hubber but that you "kissed and made up". so naturally i wondered if you had mistaken me for your mysterious saboteur. you said you did not bundle me into your accusations. but see, this is the problem i have with people posting these mysterious "unamed person out to get me" threads...they are confusing and make people start wondering what, or who, you are talking about.
yes i have posted something similar but in my case, the stalker was a troll and i did not in fact have any idea who it was, so i was calling them out.
you say these mysterious people "don't have the courage to face you", yet you yourself don't have the courage to publicly name them. if you named the person(s) who you allege is tormenting you, then they could come out and answer your charges instead of this innuendo being perpetuated over and over again...you know i'm right, right?
Here is an update on the personal attack on me.
To date, 14 of my hubs were flagged.
12 just today between opening and early in the afternoon.
I guess if I was an ad whore I would be truly pissed.
Flagging doesn't hurt MY wallet because i don't do much of the advertising thing.
I just feel bad for my new fans because now they don't get to see some of my hubs in their original state.
I did learn something though . . . sexy is okay but no nipples, right?
I guess a real attention whore would publicize this along the lines of SEE MY ORIGINAL HUBS before I AM FORCED TO EDIT THEM. Join my fan club NOW!
yeah, not gonna happen.
I don't even know how to start a forum topic here.
Your friend, the FAQ,
Thanks for posting that link. that's good for overall, safe generalizations but I need to know exactly where the lines are drawn. THAT way I can push the envelope but still avoid the Twilight Zone.
See, the person messing with me doesn't understand one simple thing: I will continue to comment on hubs and in forums. (The scoring policy just about forces me too, right?) As time goes on I will earn where the lines are drawn and people who wish to silence me will no longer be able to screw with me by flagging my hubs . . . because I will be within the policy guidelines.
I'm one of those people who usually keeps to himself but once you f**k with me I get more involved than ever.
Thanks again, re, for the link.
I was wondering about a hubbers photo that should be flagged.
I know we are supposed to be tolerant and open minded but this photo offended me..am I a prude?
Adult photos are not allowed either...even for profiles. I flagged one once that was of a penis.
I think what WE think shouldn't matter beyond commenting. People get paid and trained to make the decisions about the rules.
When I get back from back To School Night I will fill you in on the problem people could face by flagging others . . . hopefully I will, anyway.
For now let me remind you all that we live in America AND that this is an 18 and over forum, if that helps any.
HubPages management is asking us to help by flagging those hubs that break TOS. Maddie is only one person and she can't read every single hub. If we want this site to remain a quality site we should help to week out the crap. HubPages also has to abide by the rules set by AdSense.
And we don't all live in America and a company can set any standards they want to.
I don't recall getting an e-mail inviting me to get into other people's business. If you wish to help someone else do her job that is your choice. I just hope you are able to be 100% objective.
I think Maddie can do her job just fine. I think you don't give her enough credit.
You want us to help "week out the crap"? I don't know. What YOU think is crap and what is technically acceptable under the black and white rules might be two different things. It's a slippery slope . . .
Well, I don't flag people if I disagree with what they write. I will flag blatant spam, hubs that are a paragraph or less, clearly adult material. I don't flag for bad grammar or spelling.
There are several forum threads where HP management have asked us to flag stuff we see as breaking the TOS. Why do you think they gave users the ability to flag stuff?
And...whatever...the last word is Maddie's on whether or not a flag stands or not...
I think they gave users the ability to flag stuff because it is a standard part of the software programming. I have no inflated impression of my personal opinion. I am more than okay with trusting Maddie to do her job. That's all I am saying.
I was not aware of "several" forum threads where HP asked others to help them do their job. I am more into encouraging people to write hubs not spend a lot of time in forums.
"Helping" can get out of hand. I know this. Flagging a hub as overly-promotional when it has no more than the specific amount of allowable links on it is just an example of someone starting trouble.
I'll trust Maddie to do her job all by herself. Some of the "ad whores" would probably get pretty upset if they were not making money for ANY amount of time their hubs spent in the Twilight Zone.
(I never said we ALL live in America by the way. I meant HP is located here. Hence the rule about the English language; I'm told. I also never meant that statement to draw any attention.) Thanks for assuring me that while others can cause problems they don't have the final word.
HubPages sends a bit of a mixed message in this area. They say you can have two links to any one domain within a Hub, and yet they also define spam Hubs as "Solely promotes another site, especially when Hub links all point to one site." (this definition is found on the flagging form)
The way I read that, anything you build that acts like a landing page can get you busted. I mean, doesn't it sound like any Hub which promotes a specific site and which might only have one link to that site can be still be classified as spam?
WOW My eyes are off tonight. I read hte title and thought it said 'Question about flapping hubs' HAHAHA there is my weird eye sight for ya
Good for you wsp! i do say get out some more new hubs. Forget whoever the loser was that flagged your hubs just because they have a stick up their arse about something you said. If ppl want to flag mine I say go ahead...I don't care. I'll just write new ones. Though I am still sorry someone had to be a total JERK and do that to you. Hopefully it does gets figured out for ya soon!
FYI of people who think someone didn't specifically turn ME in/flag me to Hubpages, I just learned that a hub that I simply commented on yesterday was ALSO flagged.
Someone saw MY name and went crazy.
Yeah, it's a coincidence and we are all one big happy family.
okay, brothers and sisters, go click on my hubs and leave them open for awhile. DOn't read them just help get my score back to where it was before this shit started.
While I don't give a sh*t about my score in general I don't think it's fair that it went down because of the 13 or 14 flaggings/reports/warnings. Plus I just read somewhere that the powers-that-be look at you a bit too much if you have a score under 75. I don't need that kind of attention.
Y'all like what the narc-attack did to my hub score? I dropped 11 points and counting. Not that I care for myself BUT it would be nice if my fans could click on a link and see the writing I actually get paid to do. (Mind you, I don't get paid for providing ad space. I get paid to WRITE there.)
Oh well, as someone pointed out to me earlier, I was getting published as a teenager and that was BEFORE the internet! So this won't shut me up. I might just stop doing hubs and do nothing but straighten out others in forums and hub comments.
Yup. One nice, big happy family.
Yup. I see my family coming to my rescue oh-so-quickly.
by Jimmy the jock 16 years ago
it used to be the case that when when you flagged a hubpage, you could comment with your reason for doing such to help the hubteam understand, i used the box to put links to websites that certain hubbers had copied and pasted word for word and published on hubpages as their own work, i can only...
by Melanie Palen 13 years ago
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by DK 11 years ago
This forum is a place for you to post hubs that you think are clearly of low quality and need flagging. Committed hubbers should follow this forum and check these hubs posted for quality when they have the time. If a hub has been clearly copied (for example from a PDF file that the plagiarism...
by College politico 16 years ago
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by Sherri 13 years ago
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by Sabrina Yuquan Chen (陈玉泉) 13 years ago
There are two newly discovered hubbers who have only posted raw translations by using online translating tool, what they did was merely copy and paste the results without doing any further modifications. From the comments they replied, you can tell they don't really understand much English. Even...
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