How long did it take you to get to 10,000 views?

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  1. Sherry Hewins profile image87
    Sherry Hewinsposted 12 years ago

    How long did it take you to get to 10,000 views?

    It took me 4 months and 3 weeks. Just wondering if that's about average, if there is such a thing.

  2. iefox5 profile image59
    iefox5posted 12 years ago

    This really depends on the popularity of the hub. You may reach 10,000 views if your hub is recommended as 'Hub of the Day'.

    1. Sherry Hewins profile image87
      Sherry Hewinsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I actually was talking about total page views for all hubs. I would think it would be pretty rare to have one hub with 10,000 views after being on hubpages less than 5 months.

  3. TToombs08 profile image78
    TToombs08posted 12 years ago

    Lol. I haven't even made it to 3000 page views yet. I'd say you are doing very well. smile Congrats!

    1. Sherry Hewins profile image87
      Sherry Hewinsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You're kidding TToombs08! Your hubs are so great. I find that really surprising.

    2. TToombs08 profile image78
      TToombs08posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I wish I was, Sherry! But thank you for the vote of confidence. smile

  4. harmony155 profile image56
    harmony155posted 12 years ago

    Congrats! That's quite an achievement in just 4 months!

    1. Sherry Hewins profile image87
      Sherry Hewinsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks harmony155. I just checked out your Genie Bra review, it's really good, do you get much traffic to it? I have one too, only I included Pajama Jeans in the same hub.

    2. harmony155 profile image56
      harmony155posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Sherry: Thanks for reading my Genie Bra Hub! I published it less than a month ago and have gotten about 100 hits... don't know if that's good or bad since I'm fairly new to hubpages. I'm going to check out your pajama jean hub smile

  5. Mynde profile image69
    Myndeposted 12 years ago

    I would say it is quite normal as you already have 29 hubs in total. So, that means about 350 visits in each hub after more than 4 months.
    I also published few hubs recently and got almost 100 views each after first month. So, i think it is normal.

    1. Sherry Hewins profile image87
      Sherry Hewinsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the input, though I notice my best performing hubs have 10x the views of the poorest performing ones.

  6. YvetteParker profile image60
    YvetteParkerposted 12 years ago

    I'm like TTombs08, I'm still under 3,000. Congratulations on your accomplishment!

    1. Sherry Hewins profile image87
      Sherry Hewinsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you Yvette, I like your approach to teaching kids math. Have you been a teacher? Good luck to you. I hope parents and teachers find your hubs.

  7. Dennis AuBuchon profile image62
    Dennis AuBuchonposted 12 years ago

    I made it to 10,000 views in 20 months and have over 11,500 in my 21st month.  My views are increasing at a more rapid rate when I reached this level.  I also have written 100 hubs.

    1. Sherry Hewins profile image87
      Sherry Hewinsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That's great news Dennis. Congratuations. I notice even now, that it seems to be picking up speed, and more than half of my traffic is from Google now rather than HubPages as it used to be.

  8. Rochelle Frank profile image91
    Rochelle Frankposted 12 years ago

    I have no idea, sine I rarely followed the stats for the first couple of years. After I started checking, it seems that they  multiplied.
    I would say that your  stats are quite good-- which is no surprise-- your hubs are quite good.
    Be patient and keep up the good work. I think you will be very successful.
    P.S-- don't stress about 'averages'.

    1. Sherry Hewins profile image87
      Sherry Hewinsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Rochelle, I seem to be fascinated with the numbers. Wondering what makes them go up and down, and analyzing what happens if I do this or that. I probably would do better to follow your example.

  9. plussizepixie profile image60
    plussizepixieposted 12 years ago

    It took me ages but then I only have a few hubs so that shouldn't be a great surprise!

    1. Sherry Hewins profile image87
      Sherry Hewinsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It's encouraging that you made it with just 7 hubs. It looks like HubPages is not your main online endeavor.

    2. plussizepixie profile image60
      plussizepixieposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It is actually my main hub that accounts for nearly all the 10000 views too.

  10. profile image0
    Daffittposted 12 years ago

    I don't know how much money you guys are forking out for advertising, but I've been using HubPages for over 17 months and still only have a total of 1,744 views.

    1. Sherry Hewins profile image87
      Sherry Hewinsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You don't have a lot of hubs Daffit, I liked the one on fad dieting though. I probably have more than 1700 views from my facebook friends, they were my first traffic source. Thanks for responding.

    2. profile image0
      Daffittposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your response, and for checking out my hub on Fad Diets. Speaking of food, another one of my hubs I especially like is the one called "An Outdoor Weekend With The Guys". It's a review of a little cafe we like. Guess I do need more hubs.

  11. davenstan profile image59
    davenstanposted 12 years ago

    I made it in 4 months. I thought it would take a year.

    1. Sherry Hewins profile image87
      Sherry Hewinsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Great job davenstan. Congratulations on 10K views. Looks like you have a lot of hubs on nice searchable subjects.

  12. cloverleaffarm profile image78
    cloverleaffarmposted 12 years ago

    I made it in just a just a little over 2 months.

    1. profile image0
      Daffittposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Wow! That's incredible.

    2. Sherry Hewins profile image87
      Sherry Hewinsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That's great cloverleaffarm. You write on popular subjects, and if your most recent hub "Drug Interactions With Herbs and Herb Supplements," is any example I can see why you're so successful.

  13. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 12 years ago

    I joined HubPages about 9 months ago but only became active in the past four or five. I am near the 3,500 mark. I have started linking some of my Hubs to my Facebook page. I was not a big Facebook user, so I do not know if that will boost the numbers. I have between 70 and 80 followers. I do not go looking for followers and I do not follow everyone that follows me. One person wrote mostly recipes. They may be good recipes, but that is not my interest.

    1. Sherry Hewins profile image87
      Sherry Hewinsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Larry, I enjoyed your hub on music. You have an interesting selection of hubs. I follow far fewer people than follow me, but I do make an effort to reach out to other hubbers through Q&A, and I do read a hub and comment on it when someone foll


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