What do you think of getting one-word comments?

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  1. Teresa Schultz profile image67
    Teresa Schultzposted 12 years ago

    What do you think of getting one-word comments?

    How do you feel when you get one-word comments on your hubs? I can't decide. I'm really pleased people bother to comment at all, but at the same time much prefer getting longer comments. I don't think I've ever left only a one-word comment on a hub or on any article online before. I would be afraid that the author wouldn't let my comment through and would think I'm only after exposure, and besides, if I bother to comment, I feel it's decent to leave more than just one or even more than just two or three words. What are your thoughts on your hubs getting one-word comments?

  2. Boefie profile image69
    Boefieposted 12 years ago

    I don't think i would like 1 word comments. you just can't say that much with 1 word imo.

    1. Agantum profile image60
      Agantumposted 12 years agoin reply to this


  3. sen.sush23 profile image60
    sen.sush23posted 12 years ago

    A short comment does not necessarily mean it is luke warm. Some people know the power and necessity to be brief in their expressions. That is a quality, and as I often lack it, I appreciate it. I am myself verbose, so I tend to go into 2-3 lines, and even upto a paragraph of comment, but if that comment does not really add to or can match up to the quality of the Hub, then I think that is rather a bane and would reflect badly on the commentator. A one word, 'awesome' can be much better. I would not mind.

  4. chef-de-jour profile image100
    chef-de-jourposted 12 years ago

    I asked a question recently about comments and quality. It seems that there is a correlation between comment content and how this is viewed by the crawlers and spiders that determine page ranking and the like! I'm not expert enough to know all the details but it's been at the back of my mind for days now. It seems that even online comments are scrutinised!

    As for one word comments - I don't much like them either but they are at least acknowledgement. If someone really connects with a hub the comment usually reflects that in a positive light. Wordy pertinent comments are always great for the author because it shows that a person appreciates their work and there is common ground between them. But this is an ideal! You don't always get what you want on HubPages.
    Thanks for the question, it's one that makes people think.

  5. Lauryallan profile image66
    Lauryallanposted 12 years ago

    Yeah Teresa I know what you mean.

    I really feel for the most part those people are using those comments to get another link back to their profile page.

    When I've had those single responses, a lot of the time I just delete them - I don't if it's from a hubber I know or who is popular on the site.

    If the single word comment doesn't add anything to the hub or to the comments section then there's little point to keeping them.

    1. Rai 18 profile image59
      Rai 18posted 12 years agoin reply to this


      Naw, I'm just joking.  I agree with you completely.  I would be happy that someone posted on my hub but I would be offended because that means that they didn't give that much about my hub.

  6. myownlife profile image38
    myownlifeposted 12 years ago

    The question is does that single word comment represent what you deserve I mean the hub you published. apparently some people don't read the hub still want to present everywhere so they do so I think.

  7. profile image0
    Giselle Maineposted 12 years ago

    One-word comments are fine by me, especially if they are positive words (like "Superb" or something like that)!  However, if a comment is really short like that, often it is automatically marked as spam by HP software.  I have found comments like that months later auto-marked as spam and therefore not visible and doesn't even show up on my list of comments to be moderated.  So it's more the issue of it not showing up properly or needing me to mark it as "not spam" that is an issue for me if I receive a one-word comment.  I wouldn't ever write one-word comments, partly it is too short in my opinion anyway, and partly because I don't want *my* comment to be auto-marked as spam.

    The thing which truly annoys me in comments is not the one-word answers but spam.  I have had people post links to their work when it is not strongly related to the topic - in those cases I always deny the comment and mark it as spam.  I have actually had that happen in my Fan Mail once, strangely enough!

  8. xstatic profile image61
    xstaticposted 12 years ago

    There are some good thoughtful answers here, and I was thinking about Hubs I see voted up, interesting,etc, with no comments. Is that better than someone saying "Great Hub?" or something short?  Just a thought.

    1. Teresa Schultz profile image67
      Teresa Schultzposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Your "just a thought" answer is good, and thought-provoking. I think if somebody just votes up, interesting etc, it's better than leaving a 1-word comment, as the vote up etc doesn't promote the commenter, but they still show appreciation of the hub

    2. xstatic profile image61
      xstaticposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      When I see more "votes" than comments though, I don't know who has read the Hub, which is always interesting.

    3. Teresa Schultz profile image67
      Teresa Schultzposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That's true too, but I think if I had to decide on an order of my own personal preference (whether commenters have voted up etc or not) it would be: 1st- a 10-word or more comment, 2nd- just a vote up/interesting etc/share, 3rd- a one-word comment

  9. shin_rocka04 profile image65
    shin_rocka04posted 12 years ago

    Honestly, they irk me. LOL. At least put a sentence or two of value. Shoot, you can even tell me what you didn't like or some constructive criticism. It's much better than getting a random "cool", "good", or "nice".

  10. bockshiner profile image77
    bockshinerposted 12 years ago

    I'm ok with one word comments. I send emails with one word all the time or something like "Haha." It's not necessary but it's a way to acknowledge that I read the email and enjoyed it. I feel the same about hubs. If someone reads the hub and doesn't leave a comment then cool. But if they want to acknowledge that they read it with "cool" then that's cool too. What's it going to hurt me to have their one word message on my hub? If they just want exposure, how does that hurt me? It doesn't. I think it's a silly thing to worry about.

    1. Teresa Schultz profile image67
      Teresa Schultzposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your thoughts, I'm not overly worried about it, and I don't think many should be worried - was just curious as to what others thought of getting one-word comments.

  11. tirelesstraveler profile image60
    tirelesstravelerposted 12 years ago

    If the word was really spectacularly descriptive I would be fine. Usually HP isn't pleased with one word comments and shouts"Comment is too short":  Most authors have way more to say than space.  If I got a one word comment I would consider the source, look at the profile of who wrote it to see what kind of writer they were and then let it go.
    There have been a couple of times that the hub has been so heart wrenching or so angering that even I was speechless.
    Usually  I find myself having a thick skin these days unless the comment had a valid point and is correct.  I apologize profusely.blush and correct the situation.  The nice thing about HP is nobody can see you blush.

  12. NateB11 profile image85
    NateB11posted 12 years ago

    I hope I'm not burying myself for coming clean here, but I left a one word comment on Teresa's Hub. When the Hub came up on my newsfeed, I read it as a status update and not as a new Hub. I am a newbie and suffering from some fatigue, I hope those are good excuses. I admit, it was an error, pretty bad, it implies I wasn't giving good attention to what I was doing. However, I will be giving more attention to what I'm doing on here, and if too tired I'll take a break and come back later. Thanks for the heads up. I can tell you I am definitely not into leaving one word comments on pieces that require more in-depth responses. Feel free to delete my comment, no hard feelings on this end. Keep up the good work!

    1. Teresa Schultz profile image67
      Teresa Schultzposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Lol, no problem Nate, this question is just for interest to see what other people think. Although I prefer longer comments, I can live with one-word comments! Oh, and welcome to HubPages! Hope I haven't welcomed you already? (My turn to come clean!)

  13. profile image0
    Chris Hughposted 12 years ago

    Like you, I'm pleased and grateful when someone reads and comments on a Hub.

    I also realize that some people are perhaps just trying to create a backlink with the least effort possible, but I think they are the minority.

    Sometimes I don't have anything to add, but I want to thank the author. That's when I'll make a very short comment if I'm elsewhere on the Internet. I don't do that here on HP. Instead, if the article is that good, I'll share it.

  14. Rebecca2904 profile image66
    Rebecca2904posted 12 years ago

    Personally I think it's nice to know that someone has read your Hub, whether they can think of something to say about it or not. I know what you mean about it seeming like people who only leave one word comments are only after exposure, but I think people are more likely to want to check out your hubs if you leave thoughtful, engaging comments. Personally I never leave one word comments, but that's only because I only comment on a Hub if I feel I have something I can add to it, or it was so wonderful I have to tell the author how impressed I was and that can rarely be summed up in one word.

  15. profile image57
    themasterchoiceposted 12 years ago

    Precisely if the one word answer holds the message the comment er need to convey then it's a fair enough deal. It's more about the communication rather than the length of the words.

    1. profile image57
      themasterchoiceposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      to add to this question we should also ask that what type of response we give back to the comment er comments we receive. Do we even bother to give one word comment response to the comment received.

  16. Veroniquebee profile image64
    Veroniquebeeposted 12 years ago


    I was thinking about leaving it a one-word reply to your question, but I think I would get smothered for that, hehe.

    Anyway, I find it difficult to distinguish what I like more. I know it's not completely relevant but let me write an example:

    I'm posting my fanfics over several sites and thus receive various feedback - added to story alerts, added to author alerts, kudos received, added to bookmarks/favorite stories - all of that, together with number of views it receives. I've got stories, or rather colection of stories, which receives quite a lot of views, but no adds (while from the little feedback it received it's well-liked). I've got stories which get mediocre pageviews but lots of comments. I got stories which receive wagon of comments, add and who-knows-what-else. But usually, these pieces I'm most proud of are usually fairly unnoticed; almost no feedback in any form at all.

    So what is better? One word comment, fav/bookmark, thumbs up or nothing at all?

  17. recappers delight profile image68
    recappers delightposted 12 years ago

    I think somebody is commenting to get the positive rewards Hubpages gives out for commenting.  It's a little like spam.  A comment is worthwhile if the reader gets a piece of useful feedback, or learns something new, from reading the comment.

  18. tussin profile image57
    tussinposted 12 years ago

    Generally most one word comments are nothing other than a ploy to get another profile link.  Comments like "nice!" or "cool!" might be genuine, but if the commenter really liked the hub, they could at least add a couple more words. Even something like "nice article, thanks for the info!" is better.

  19. thisiknow profile image65
    thisiknowposted 12 years ago

    I don't see a one word comment as a bad thing. Sometimes one word can sum up your thoughts -and its straight to the point. Of course its greatly appreciated when someone takes the time to write a few sentences but I would prefer a one word comment over someone writing the equivalent of another hub in my comment section. I appreciate any acknowledgement what-so-ever -good or bad- because it means that what I have written sparked enough of an interest for someone to take the time to comment... whether it's one word or ninety-six words.

  20. dghbrh profile image80
    dghbrhposted 12 years ago

    i do not like one word comments. It feels as if very unwillingly or for time constraint someone forcefully posting a comment. Not aimed to hurt any feelings but this is what I actually feel.

  21. seanorjohn profile image72
    seanorjohnposted 12 years ago

    Oh dear, when I left this one word comment a message appeared telling me my answer was too short.
    Seriously, I have never experienced this phenomenon, but it wouldn't worry me unduly.


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