Everyone can write 50,000 words in a month, right? We tend to think so - but then November starts and things take an abrupt turn. To the worse.
Tips for writing of not only fanfiction, from me to myself and my fellow authors.
New Nyota Uhura - either loved or hated. Why is that so?
... lest people will wonder what you are actually drinking.
One of the most underrated human super-powers - smile.
Time to time all of us are facing that - the woes of buying yourself new pair of pants while having non-ready-make figure.
... or things which you are most likely about to find in fan fiction.
Review for Star Trek novel Black Fire by Sonni Cooper.
Anti-rape female condoms - solution of the problem, or cause for more problems?
Review for Chain of Attack by Gene DeWese.
Review for Dreams of the Raven novel by Carmen Carter.
One argument between Doctor and the Captain about lack of rest too much, and the good Doctor finds himself in command. And of course, troubles arise.
The realization may hit you - all the interesting fanfics are slash.