Approximately how many page views per month to aim for if we want to hit payout

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  1. ChristinS profile image37
    ChristinSposted 12 years ago

    Approximately how many page views per month to aim for if we want to hit payout every month?

    I know it will vary based on content and such most likely, if people click your ads for example you'll get a higher payout with eBay etc. but on average, how many page views per month do you think is a good goal to set if you want to hit payout consistently every month?

  2. sparkster profile image84
    sparksterposted 12 years ago

    I've only just signed up with HP earning program but I am set to reach payout every month.  That's getting between 500 - 1000 page views per day.

    1. ChristinS profile image37
      ChristinSposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I was thinking about that range as well, thanks for your answer.

  3. thranax profile image71
    thranaxposted 12 years ago

    Well it depends on what program you want to hit payout monthly for. It also depends on what you write about, what ads actually turn up, and how often you get clicks.

    Google Adsense - Take your monthly CTR say its .8% and with that .8% CTR you made $4.55. That means you got $4.55 for 1000 pageviews that month. Payout is $100 US so at that rate with the content you wrote about, .8% CTR, and saying that amount is steady (which its not) you would require 21,978 pageviews. Now apply the 60/40 you and hubpages would need a TOTAL of about 30,768 pageviews that month.

    Amazon - Depends on what you advertise to sell and how much traffic you can get. Payout is only $20 I think (or I have it set to that) so you have to decide how to get traffic, what to sell, and how to sell it.

    Hubpages Ad Program - Do the same as Google Adsense. Judge daily traffic to amount made and times it by the month. If you don't have a daily figure theres a good chance you don't have a steady income here.

    eBay - Never got paid by eBay =[ can't help you there! I would guess though its around the same as amazon.


    1. ChristinS profile image37
      ChristinSposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks I know it varies and stated that in my question.  My question was for a general idea of what to aim for to hit HP payout every month with page views.  I agree with your statements though.  Thanks for answering.

  4. dwachira profile image82
    dwachiraposted 12 years ago

    To earn $1 per day on Hubpages, aim for a about 330 unique views per day. So from here you can work out your estimated views per month with a vary of plus/minus. Thanks.

    1. ChristinS profile image37
      ChristinSposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      sounds about right - now where's that calculator ... hmmmmm. smile thanks

    2. ritsukakunx profile image53
      ritsukakunxposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That sounds pretty right for me. I get around 370 and make about $1.

  5. profile image0
    Milli Thorntonposted 12 years ago

    I debated whether to share a Hub I found yesterday as it may not precisely answer your question. (I'm still learning and don't always understand exactly what the various terms mean.) I decided to go ahead and share this link in case it gives you more in-depth info on some of the replies here. It's a Hub written by Lauryallan, a self-confessed stats and math geek who has created a table showing her Hub views and monthly earnings, among other related data she has compiled.

    She also addresses the question "How Would I Achieve $1000 a Month from Hubpages?" (from which I'm assuming you could extrapolate an answer to your question about page views needed to achieve a monthly payout). Her table on "The Importance of CPM" might also help answer your question. … iment-2012

    1. ChristinS profile image37
      ChristinSposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      thank you I will definitely check that out smile

  6. zsobig profile image84
    zsobigposted 12 years ago

    I guess sadly the number is way bigger than I think, so I won't even read the comment on this question -> I want to keep up my hopes that I will be able to hit that payout button at least once smile.
    What is 100% sure: you will require loads of quality hubs that will attract new readers and will place you on the first pages in google search. Try writing about stuff that noone ever elaborated, so you can make sure your hub will show up in the very few first search hits.
    Please do inform us if you happen to be able to hit payout - I wish you loads of luck and persistency!

    1. ChristinS profile image37
      ChristinSposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I've already hit it before - I am aiming at hitting it every month.  Thanks for commenting smile

  7. melbel profile image94
    melbelposted 12 years ago

    At the low end of the CPM spectrum (I picked $4.00 which is pretty low, but it's safer to pick low numbers.) I would say about 15,000 hits.

    That would give you $60 a month... 60 is safe. That's a high enough number over payout to be able to expect to make pay out the next month, too, unless traffic gets strange.

    10,000 if your average CPM is $6.00.

    So anywhere between 10k-15k.

    CPMs vary so wildly, that's it nearly impossible to give a reliable number, but I'd shoot for 15,000 to be a safe bet.

    1. ChristinS profile image37
      ChristinSposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      sounds like a good solid range - I know it's hard to pin it down because of the different variables, but thanks for the awesome assessment.

    2. ritsukakunx profile image53
      ritsukakunxposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I got 12,000 right now and only $24! I think this is probably a bit off. :p

  8. ChristinS profile image37
    ChristinSposted 12 years ago

    There's no need to thumbs down answers that one doesn't agree with - the HP rules state if an answer doesn't contribute to the conversation then mark down, all of these answers were valid opinions of their posters - so I am very disappointed someone voted all the responses down.

    1. melbel profile image94
      melbelposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. It happens a lot, though. sad


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