Is HubPages your favourite writing site?

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  1. JakeFrost profile image58
    JakeFrostposted 12 years ago

    Is HubPages your favourite writing site?

  2. Jlbowden profile image88
    Jlbowdenposted 12 years ago

    Yes most definitely for me among the other two sites I use frequently. But none half as much as I utilize HP.

  3. Alison Graham profile image94
    Alison Grahamposted 12 years ago

    My answer is a very simple 'yes'. The reasons are that firstly, I believe that hubpages provides one of the very best platforms for writers anywhere online. Secondly, I believe that Hubpages treats 'hubbers' fairly and gives them the opportunity to earn from their writing. Lastly, it is a great place to learn. In addition to the great resource of the Hubpages Learning Centre and the guidance provided in the forums, I am so pleased I signed up for the Apprentice program - and even more pleased to have been accepted. I am nearing the end of my first month of the six month course and so far, am loving it. I would definitely recommend it to hubbers old and new as a way to get the max out of being a Hubpages writer!

  4. molometer profile image81
    molometerposted 12 years ago

    Hubpages is by far, the easiest site I have found, either for people learning to write for the web for the first time or for established writers.
    I write on several other sites, but for me, hubpages is the best managed site.
    Easy to use. 
    The new 24 hour waiting period before indexing. I find rather counter productive.

  5. Rosyel Sawali profile image60
    Rosyel Sawaliposted 12 years ago

    HubPages is one of my favorite sites to write on. It's not the only one though. ^_^

  6. profile image55
    gautams1posted 12 years ago

    HubPages is my favorite writing platform that allows me to put my ideas together much easier than any other website on the internet.

  7. nisargmehta profile image46
    nisargmehtaposted 12 years ago

    Yes, HP has a few features like ease-of-access and questioning and other such facilities which makes it more convenient for us while writing and publishing. Hence Do all my work on HP since I've found it. [Smiles]

  8. btrbell profile image88
    btrbellposted 12 years ago

    Yes! Being a member of the "now generation", I love the instant gratification! When I joined, I wasn't looking for a community but now that I am here, I can't imagine writing without it. I love my hubpages family!

  9. BlossomSB profile image78
    BlossomSBposted 12 years ago

    Yes, it is. I enjoy the community spirit and the way people comment on each other's work, helping to build them up and give confidence.

  10. Sunny River profile image59
    Sunny Riverposted 12 years ago

    It is now, yes. My favorite used to be fictionpress but the community completely died. That's when I rediscovered hubpages and I'm so glad I did. smile

  11. alexadry profile image90
    alexadryposted 12 years ago

    Having been here for 5 years, Hubpages is still my favorite website for writing out of passion. I like to come here to unwind and relax. It's an oasis from needy editors and clients and it's awesome to have supportive fans. But to be honest, after all the Google penguins, pigs and pandas, I have been forced to linger around other websites where I have established clients willing to pay good $$$ for my expertise. But I always faithfully end up coming back here to my favorite website when time permits! This place was love at first site!

  12. john000 profile image94
    john000posted 12 years ago

    HubPages is definitely the writing site to be with. Forget all the SEO stuff, the fact that Google may have changed an algorithm to our disadvantage, etc. There is a catharsis when writing. This whole business is not unlike all of the artists who enjoyed their work and painted on. Years after their death, many may have paintings at auction at Sutheby's for millions. What does the painter care? Life is short, and if you like to write, the platform here is the easiest to use (I stand by that after wandering around), the Ad Programs is still the best, the staff supports its writers the best it can, the forums are great at helping with suggestions for improving writing, and the answers you get here are really pretty good. In short, HubPages makes writing articles easier than other sites by far.
    Here is an example, with no malice intended. Go to and sign up. Try writing an article with their platform. I guarantee that you will see a difference right away. Don't take me wrong, I like InfoBarrel, but I like HubPages the best.
    Good luck to you in the new year.

  13. ZIa Ahmed khan profile image35
    ZIa Ahmed khanposted 12 years ago

    Yes, this is my first choice for writing. I have my blogs and other sites also which help me to get maximum traffic.

  14. devisree profile image61
    devisreeposted 12 years ago

    Definitely. Hub pages is my favorite writing site.I like my hub pages community.


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