Do some people ask questions on HP just for the sake of asking questions ?

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  1. mr-veg profile image69
    mr-vegposted 12 years ago

    Do some people ask questions on HP just for the sake of asking questions ?

    I always wondered after reading through few of the questions asked that do the hubbies just post a question for the sake of posting one ? Or they really need a useful answer to it ? What do you think ?

  2. john000 profile image93
    john000posted 12 years ago

    I have no way of statistically answering the question (how would anybody track or quantify intention)? If folks are convinced that somewhere points or benefits are awarded to contributors on HPnwho pose questions, maybe they just ask questions for the sake of asking questions. I have a hunch that there are two other categories of questioners. One group has an issue that is important to them and are looking for a supportive audience who will tell the truth (supportive in the sense that they want to be honest and give you what you are looking for to make a good judgement). The other group asks questions about writing because there is a sound cadre of people with experience and accomplishment and the individuals asking are serious about writing. They truly want to get better stylistically and, probably to some extent, understand the business of writing. What better place to go?
    Hope that is a helpful answer.

    1. mr-veg profile image69
      mr-vegposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Makes sense John, thanks for the reply !

  3. Rain Defence profile image80
    Rain Defenceposted 12 years ago

    They think it will earn them money or want the accolade for asking 100 questions on their profile. Most of the questions asked can be answered with a few seconds on google sp the majority are pointless.

    1. mr-veg profile image69
      mr-vegposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah I agree Rain but john000's answer makes better sense ! thanks for your 2 cents...

  4. liftandsoar profile image61
    liftandsoarposted 12 years ago

    I suppose some are of that nature.  I post questions sometimes in order to jump start a planned hub. People's answers often help me focus my own thoughts.

    1. mr-veg profile image69
      mr-vegposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      that is somewhat interesting, I should try it sometime before writing a hub smile

  5. Goody5 profile image59
    Goody5posted 12 years ago

    Asking questions here are probably just like anything else in the world, Some people probably do, but most don't.

  6. dilipchandra12 profile image66
    dilipchandra12posted 12 years ago

    Good questing dear, i believe most of the hubbers post questions for the sake of posting one to get some views from there. And very few post truly, may be.

  7. brakel2 profile image69
    brakel2posted 12 years ago

    I post questions to increase my knowledge and the knowledge of others. The majority of questions recently seem to have good content. There is always the exception. Some questions about writing, problem solving, relationships, technology, politics should create general interest.  This site has an abundance of knowledgable people.

    1. mr-veg profile image69
      mr-vegposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      thanks for replying ! I agree with that the site has abundance of knowledgable people !!

  8. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 12 years ago

    You won't know the answer or how people really feel about a certain subject if you do not ask questions. This is how children learn. As adults, we learn something every day. smile

    1. profile image0
      CJ Sledgehammerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You're probably right, Jeff. :0)

    2. mr-veg profile image69
      mr-vegposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      nice one smile

  9. hockey8mn profile image68
    hockey8mnposted 12 years ago

    For me, I post questions that are on my mind.  I guess I could say I post them to post them, but mostly it is to just have a presence on HP.  Sometimes the questions come from hubs that I am writing, from work, from a conversation, from the news, etc.  I don't sit down and think, alright, what questions can I ask.  I would say my intent to gain from asking the question is general consensus.  How are my views opposed to someone else's?  It is also a great way to get another perspective on things.  Most of the questions I ask don't have a right or wrong answer.  Did you ask this question just to ask a question?

    1. mr-veg profile image69
      mr-vegposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Well hockey8mn for the time I have been in HP I have seen tons of questions been asked every now and then, few questions don't even make much sense. I just wanted to see the real motive behind it..and I think am getting it now smile

  10. janshares profile image95
    jansharesposted 12 years ago

    I've wondered the same, mr-veg. I think that some people do ask for the sake of asking. It looks to me that it's a way to get a conversation going, get to know other hubbers, or to get involved in the community. I don't think it's easy coming up with a question so a lot of hubbers just ask anything. Someone asked a question yesterday that I started to answer then I stopped, thinking to myself, "hey, can't that easily be found online?"

    1. mr-veg profile image69
      mr-vegposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The feelings mutual Janshares but from all the answers that I see, it seems like asking question has trended into some sort of a discussion board, where people want to interact with other hubbers and not really looking for a specific answer !!

  11. Express10 profile image78
    Express10posted 12 years ago

    I come across questions that make me think this as well but I also admit that it just may be that I don't "get" the question and others do. These situations are typically few and far between for me because I tend to look at the offerings on the top half of the first page or answer those that pop up on my account page. Some questions are superficial and others are pretty deep. There are many comfortably in-between.

    Personally I ask questions that I truly would like to hear others opinions and experience on. I'm not a know it all and like to hear what others might have to say or what they'd do in a certain situation.

    1. mr-veg profile image69
      mr-vegposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      thanks for replying Express, i think I am getting to the point now where I can feel the real motive behind asking questions !

  12. tussin profile image58
    tussinposted 12 years ago

    Some people do it because they *think* it will increase their earnings.  I actually asked this question a while a go and you can see the answer on how the earnings system actually works … -from-them

  13. profile image0
    CJ Sledgehammerposted 12 years ago

    I have run into a few Hubbers that seem to fit this profile. Why they ask such "obvious" or "lame" questions is beyond me and I don't really care to share with people what my favorite color may be.

    I ask questions mainly because:

    1)   I am interested in the topic
    2)   I am taking a survey and studying the results
    3)   I am looking for quality discussion
    4)   I want to understand an issue from another perspective
    5)   I want to reach out and meet new people
    6)   I want to know those I've already met...even better
    7)   I find it rather enlightening and sometimes...amusing
    8)   I want to get people to think about things
    9)   I want others to know my mind a little better
    10) It's a safe way to socialize and be neighborly

    1. viveresperando profile image65
      viveresperandoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I have asked questions about color to get feedback on people thoughts, what is the norm, what is not the norm, etc.  It is quite helpful in building fictional characters for writing.  Just out of curiosity what else do you consider lame?

    2. mr-veg profile image69
      mr-vegposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Well to summarise I think i got it correct below: it seems like asking question has trended into some sort of a discussion board, where people want to interact with other hubbers and not really looking for a specific answer !!

  14. viveresperando profile image65
    viveresperandoposted 12 years ago

    I find asking questions help me see different views, different approaches, different thoughts.  Sometimes the question can be simple or sometimes a little more complex.  I like seeking understanding and trying to learn and study different points of view.  I also learn from how people answer questions.  Or should I say from the variety of answers from one question.  I love fictional writing and these differences of opinions and different point of views are little gems which allow me to help define characters and their behavior for of course fictional writing.

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