Do you ask questions on Hub Pages because you're looking for answers, conducting

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  1. GoodLady profile image93
    GoodLadyposted 12 years ago

    Do you ask questions on Hub Pages because you're looking for answers, conducting a survey or......?

    You're asking for other reasons?

  2. jimmythejock profile image82
    jimmythejockposted 12 years ago

    I ask questions on Hubpages hoping that someone will answer with a Hub, I always research my question to see if it is answered well on the internet and if not ask it here. I always ask questions that have a lot of search traffic hoping that the author will make some money from their hub answer.
    The reason I do this is because I don't know enough about the answer to write a Hub about it and would rather  a Hubber who did  had a chance to make some income from it.....jimmy

    1. GoodLady profile image93
      GoodLadyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I didn't know there was the possibility to make money from 'answers'!  That's great news.  I like asking questions to get information too and also to get inspired.

  3. jaydene profile image60
    jaydeneposted 12 years ago

    I ask questions because i really want to know what others think about something.
      I am curious to find out what others views are, and how they feel about  the questions.  I also answer other peoples questions, because I like the questions they asked and i want to share my view on it as well.   

    1. GoodLady profile image93
      GoodLadyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I do like sharing answers too!  Thanks.

  4. Georgie Lowery profile image87
    Georgie Loweryposted 12 years ago

    I do sometimes ask for opinions, and I have asked for help with HubPages - I've been here for nine months, but there are still tons of things I don't know. Sometimes though, I just want to be sociable. smile

    1. GoodLady profile image93
      GoodLadyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It's a sociable, interesting open-place!

  5. Jynzly profile image61
    Jynzlyposted 12 years ago

    It's fun to hear other people's viewpoint about the subject matter of my question. Sometimes the answers are even enlightening and are eye openers especially on maters that I have no knowledge about..

    1. GoodLady profile image93
      GoodLadyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It's fascinating, agreed.  Thank you.

  6. MickS profile image61
    MickSposted 12 years ago

    When I ask a question it is because I'm looking for answer, there are a few people on here who ask for that reason also.  There are an awful lot of people on here who ask for the sake of asking, I can't make out why, perhaps they like to see their names up on the screen, alter ego or real.

    1. GoodLady profile image93
      GoodLadyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      What provoked this question of mine was in fact because I was curious.  Someone asked a question here the other day but already knew all the answers and told everyone who answered what he thought all along!  Very strange.

  7. Express10 profile image78
    Express10posted 12 years ago

    I often ask because I am simply looking for answers, other times I may be asking for answers, opinions, and experiences that may lend themselves to writing a hub. Sometimes I do like to get a general idea of what others think of a subject and it can be helpful to hear mostly yes or no answers with details, which is a bit better than a typical survey.

    1. GoodLady profile image93
      GoodLadyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, it's a helpful platform and incredibly useful for gauging general knowledge on a subject that's brewing in ones mind for a possible hub.  Thanks.

  8. CrescentSkies profile image67
    CrescentSkiesposted 12 years ago

    If I ask questions I'm usually trying to pry people to see what they want to read about so I can deliver...I'm just bad at it.

    1. GoodLady profile image93
      GoodLadyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I also like to do some research here.  Often I get answers which are helpful for a hub that i want to write.  Thanks.

  9. Mrs Jil Manning profile image84
    Mrs Jil Manningposted 12 years ago

    I have asked questions about health matters, seeking peoples' personal experiences so that I know what to expect!  I had shingles last year and my doctor gave me a web address of a patients' forum to find out about my condition.  It was full of patients asking questions...and no answers!  So I came to good old hub land and got my answers!  My most successful hub came out of my answering a question, and then writing a hub on my answer.

    1. GoodLady profile image93
      GoodLadyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, i agree;  lot's does come from this questions and answers forum.  Curious to know which question you answered and which hub? 
      That experience happened to me once too.  I asked a question which provoked two great hubs!

    2. Mrs Jil Manning profile image84
      Mrs Jil Manningposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi GoodLady, the question I answered was 'how often should I have my hair highlighted or bleached?'  and the hub was 'Hair disaster!  How frequently should I colour my hair?'  accompanied by a photograph of me, after the aforementioned disaster!

  10. tillsontitan profile image80
    tillsontitanposted 12 years ago

    I usually ask questions looking for answers.  Sometimes there are answers on HP but personal perspectives are more helpful.  It is always good to know what others think or how they are doing something I'm trying to do.

    1. GoodLady profile image93
      GoodLadyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Personal perspectives are so surprising and wonderful.  Agreed!

  11. peachpurple profile image83
    peachpurpleposted 12 years ago

    i usually ask questions related to my hub, amazon, ebay and personal questions. Usually get lots of useful answers from hubbers who are helpful and kind.

    1. GoodLady profile image93
      GoodLadyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Absolutely!  Thanks.  I do like this answer.

  12. wqaindia profile image34
    wqaindiaposted 12 years ago

    Ideas generate ideas. Answers to some questions are changing daily. Today's answer may become obsolete to morrow. Her at HP people are not asking as to what is the answer for 2 x 2 = 4 which will remain the same always. I ask questions as I feel there are more and more intelligent people around us. Listen all and do what suits you the best.

    1. GoodLady profile image93
      GoodLadyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I like that you said 'Idea generate ideas', thanks.

  13. tirelesstraveler profile image60
    tirelesstravelerposted 12 years ago

    I try to ask questions that will provoke thought and perhaps a hub or two.

    1. GoodLady profile image93
      GoodLadyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Nice answer.  Thanks.

  14. pradiiphira profile image65
    pradiiphiraposted 12 years ago

    For me there are many reason for asking qiestion on Hub Pages.

    first one is it is FUN- I enjoy it.
    Second one i want to know what people think on different topics.
    Third one- May be after answering your question, people will visit your profile and your Hubs.
    Fourth one- If people visit your hubs, you will get some income with affiliate program [is sign-up with it]
    Fifth one- i just like to ask questions

    and may be there is many others reasons.............!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. GoodLady profile image93
      GoodLadyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Nice and honest, appreciated.

  15. CloudExplorer profile image77
    CloudExplorerposted 12 years ago

    I ask questiona on hubpages to help other hubbers get inspired and to answer them in the form of hubs. Pretty much to inspire the thinking process of my fellow writers, and to help them learn new things that I have already researched, through many of my experiences here or elsewhere in life. Good question Goodlady.

    1. GoodLady profile image93
      GoodLadyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Nice answer thanks CloudExplorer

  16. stricktlydating profile image75
    stricktlydatingposted 11 years ago

    I usually ask to get ideas for a topic I write about, or I am just looking for an answer.

    1. GoodLady profile image93
      GoodLadyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I do that too, thanks!

  17. Rose Vallespin profile image57
    Rose Vallespinposted 11 years ago

    Yes, definitely. Hub Pages is a social content community for writers. Where one can use questions and surveys to create and may lend themselves to writing a hub.  It is a great medium to share and exchange ideas.

    1. GoodLady profile image93
      GoodLadyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, I've often ended up writing a Hub as a result of answering a question, or others have written Hubs as answers to my questions.  It's a great content writers jumping-off point.  Agreed.


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