Who is your target audience?

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  1. Good Guy profile image83
    Good Guyposted 11 years ago

    Who is your target audience?

    Do you write hubs for hubbers, or for the general public, or both?
    I write mainly for the general public, that's why my pageviews are quite encouraging. That's why I write on the more popular topics that are search friendly.

  2. FatFreddysCat profile image85
    FatFreddysCatposted 11 years ago

    I write for whoever wants to read my stuff. I don't give a hoot whether it's a fellow Hubber or some  random Google searcher. A view is a view.

  3. tsmog profile image86
    tsmogposted 11 years ago

    Hello Goodguy. This question asked is very enlightening. A hope is many ponder with goals, objectives, and of course purpose. I agree with Freddy's view as an overall perspective. Random reading adds to with more than always, yet authorship does become a known more than a given. Especially with niche's and etc. Freddy is a good study of better than. 

    I like to practice writing at answers offering, with hope, more than with less seeking better hubs. Sharing, personal views of answered questions via analysis at Google Analytics offers near to same = same with hub views. Difference of course is not the economics of words, yet the economics of affiliate marketing. One may lead toward another, I tender with pondering.

    Historically, well, my target marketplace has always been the region I live, which is San Diego. The market, then, was not known for sure. However, since then the market has changed or grown. These past few months life changes has occurred and attention has been less than, while seeking more.

    Overall this being year three examination or assessments is of the master planning sketched out before joining. First published is 03/28/11. Basically very much part time, learning was the objective for the first three months followed by publishing. Opportunity was missed such as HubNugget awards, yet writing style, grammar mechanics, and such and such were weak then, at least of my self. 

    Realization of the compare and contrast of audience vs. readership is an interesting study. I dabble a bunch here and there with genre, subjects, and more too. SEO as an understanding for greater than as is paramount for the larger marketplace at Google, Bing, Yahoo, and etc. Not on my plate yet, sharing. Originally I sketched out a five year plan for this and that more than what and whatever.

    Today, the marketplace I am focusing toward is HubPages, yet the region of opportunity is still San Diego and the next greatest marketplace is Sweden with some of the surrounding northern European countries. Opportune is the question more than opportunity.

    Prioritizing what to learn vs. capitalizing on the learned could be a balancing act. I can juggle maybe two balls. With three I tend to drop one, yet I have a closet full of hats. It is nice to know the known. Givens are always givens.

    The emphasis of focus for teaching is seeking first a profit, next is sales, and then a Return on Invest. Ponder, social enterprise and business enterprise as equals, until . . .

    tim smile

  4. IDONO profile image60
    IDONOposted 11 years ago

    I'm a recovering alcoholic. But other recovering alcoholics are not my target audience. They already know the things I write about. My target audience are those that are alcoholic but don't realize it, don't accept it, or just don't know what alcoholic behavior is. What's a better way to reach these people than to write of my own experiences? Maybe they will identify with some of my stories and decided they may need to reach out for help. I just want to plant the seed to those people. It's up to them to decide. If they truly believe that their life is nothing like mine was, great. Not everyone that drinks is alcoholic. But the ones that are ,sometimes, don't know. If one little thing I say motivates them to re-examine their own behavior, the seed is planted and I've done my job. The rest is up to them.
         I've been taught that a lot of my own sobriety is dependent on my willingness to reach out and help another alcoholic. This is just one way I try to do that.

  5. Susana S profile image92
    Susana Sposted 11 years ago

    It's a good idea to be much more specific about who your target audience is - not just hubbers or the public. It will help you adapt your writing style to who you're writing for and you'll probably do better in terms of traffic and earnings too.

    I have hubs geared towards:

    - female teens/young adults (mainly female/global audience)
    - gamers in the US (mainly male)
    - First time Moms-to-be in the US
    - People interested in writing online for a living (both genders)
    - Male buyers of gifts (20-45 age range)

    Plus others.

    Give this exercise a go. It's very enlightening!


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