Helping fellow hubbers

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  1. visitmaniac profile image60
    visitmaniacposted 14 years ago

    So it has been some time since I have been on hub pages and I wanted to share with you how I get traffic to my hubs and build them up in SEO. I did not want to make a hub about this though instead just share it here.

    As hubbers we all know search engine traffic is what we are all shotting for. Why? because search engine traffic is always there and with hub pages our pages can rank higher and faster for main keywords.

    When creating a hub you need to first think about what is going to be your main keyword. In this example I am going to use wedding speeches as it has been my most successful niche to making money in the past 2 months. My main keyword I am targeting with my hub is "Wedding speeches"

    My next step now is to visit Google and type in google keyword tool and click on the result. Google AdWords: Keyword Tool (You will need a adwords account which is easy to pick up at

    From here I type in my main keyword "Weeding speeches" and click on Get keyword ideas. This will show me my keyword and other keywords that have to do with my target. Under match type click on Exact to give you better details and then click on Local Search Volume. This will order the page from highest searches to lowest.

    Here is the point where I pick up my LSI keywords. These are VERY important as it helps you rank for your main keyword and your LSI keywords they all help each other out. LSI keywords are simply keywords that are like your main keyword. Go down the list and fine 5 to 10 like keywords that get good search traffic.

    When creating your post make sure your main keyword is in your tile and your description. From here use your LSI keyword list and throw them into your article at least once.

    From this point you need to build some backlinks. The fastest way and FREE way to do so I have found is a plugin for firefox called Once set up you can bookmark your hubs to over 20 of the top social bookmarking web sites.

    Give it a weeks time and you will start seeing traffic flow from google, yahoo and the likes. There is more to this but this will give you a very good basic guideline to go by.

    I have my own Ebook for a small charge on clickbank about SEO tactics if anyone is interested and also have access to some powerful software platforms that allow me to backlink my hubs on over 100 bookmarking web sites and also create a system called a linkwheel.

    1. jimmythejock profile image83
      jimmythejockposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      free information for a small charge what a spamming bargain lol.....jimmy

      1. visitmaniac profile image60
        visitmaniacposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Jimmy honestly now. My email account on here is not even tied to an valid email address I use why because I don't want to get nailed with spam. How in the world is this spam I provide no link. Grow up get your facts rights if you think this is spam then report it. But don't come in here and bash me you don't seem me coming into your post or hubs and bashing you.

    2. Mrvoodoo profile image57
      Mrvoodooposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Happy Fishing!

  2. profile image0
    cosetteposted 14 years ago

    wow, great post! i usually only think about the one "main" keyword and forget all about "supporting" keywords. i see i have been shortchanging myself. thanks for this information! smile

  3. Cagsil profile image71
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    Thank you for sharing. I'm already familiar with keywords, but I found your post still valuable.

    Nicely done. big_smile

  4. jimmythejock profile image83
    jimmythejockposted 14 years ago

    This is complete bullplop you dont want to put your information into a hub why?
    simply because you want people to click on your profile, email you and then send you money for the ebook, nice try but at hubpages we can spot a spammer from miles away good luck.....jimmy

    1. visitmaniac profile image60
      visitmaniacposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      lol thats def not the case... Wow try to give away free information and people still have a prob with it. Its an option not a requirement.  I provide something of value and make a small mention of an ebook which I devoted alot of time into. Take it or not I don't care but this is the free information I am giving away. People take such offence

      1. profile image0
        cosetteposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        for what it's worth, visitmaniac, I didn't see this as spam, but merely as offering some helpful information, which was the case for me, anyway.

  5. kirstenblog profile image78
    kirstenblogposted 14 years ago

    Thanks for this post visitmaniac, I think learning how to use keywords is kinda fun really. I don't get the traffic I would like but I am getting better at it as time goes by! My first hubs did not make good use of keywords and I figure all the backlinking in the world isn't going to help with poorly chosen keywords (or not thought for them at all). Finding good relevant places to get backlinks is probably why I am not getting the traffic I had hoped for with some hubs but hey I could just be being impatient too! lol I do tend to get a bit impatient sometimes yikes

  6. jimmythejock profile image83
    jimmythejockposted 14 years ago

    is this a hub post? this is a forum and i posted my opinion, you have 9 hubs in two years and every one of them points to a different website now you tell me is that not spam?.....jimmy

    1. visitmaniac profile image60
      visitmaniacposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Well Jimmy thats a good question and I am glad you bring that up. No it is not spam why? because hub pages has never flagged my pages for spam. Get your facts right on whats spam and what is not. I am glad to hear you opinion and still do as I find it intriguing how you still find this spam. I'm off here for a bit so if you want to continue be my guest smile Take the information above for what its worth. Good day to you all

  7. SandyMcCollum profile image62
    SandyMcCollumposted 14 years ago

    Spamming or not, I got benefit out of his post. Thanks, Visitmaniac!

  8. Jane@CM profile image61
    Jane@CMposted 14 years ago

    I checked out and it costs 2.99 a month.

  9. NewHorizons profile image79
    NewHorizonsposted 14 years ago

    I visited this Forum to get some info on Internet Opportunities and I found some in Visitmaniac's post.  thanks a lot.


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