Need help converting page views to click!

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  1. fireatwill41 profile image61
    fireatwill41posted 15 years ago

    Right now in my adsense account I have it says I have 30 views, but no clicks. Does anyone have any strategies they use in order to convert views to clicks more often or is it all luck? Thanks for any help anyone can provide smile

  2. thranax profile image72
    thranaxposted 15 years ago

    Make a user interested in the ad content. There is no luck, its human response to your words/layout and to the subject advertised...


  3. sunforged profile image77
    sunforgedposted 15 years ago

    Some general thoughts:

    30 views is nothing, and is it even search engine traffic yet?

    Be happy with 1-3 clicks per 100 views.

    Adsense conversion is based on ad placement which you do have some control of at hubs

    One rather low but effective technique is to leave the reader hanging so
    they have incentive to click elsewhere for more information

    Read internet marketing forums on the topic, there are also a few worthwhile hubs on the topic, Look up a hubber named "Lissie" her write up on hub design for adsense is strong, Also "Relache" has similarly strong content on the subject

    For general theory on writing for adsense look into specialized adsense forums as there feedback is based on strong testing methods which is uncommon here (but not unheard of,esp with the hubbers i referenced)

    1. fireatwill41 profile image61
      fireatwill41posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Look up Blind Contour Drawing in google. My hub is on page one. While most of my views are from hubbers I do get about 10 views from search engine traffic each day.
      I suppose I just need to be patient is all. Thanks everyone for your help smile

      1. Marisa Wright profile image85
        Marisa Wrightposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        OK, it helps to be specific. In that Hub, the prime position for an ad - the top right-hand corner - is occupied by one of your illustrations. That's the place where visitors are most likely to click.  You may feel it upsets the aesthetic to move your photo down and have a plain first paragraph, but what do you want - aesthetics or income?

        Check out what ads are showing on that Hub (I can't see them).  For some minority interest Hubs, there may not be enough relevant ads to entice readers.  For instance, I know that my flamenco Hubs will rarely have truly relevant Adsense ads displayed. If that's the case, put an Amazon or eBay ad in the prime spot (assuming you're signed up for them).

  4. Marisa Wright profile image85
    Marisa Wrightposted 15 years ago

    You're so new, most of your pageviews are probably Hubbers, and they almost never click on ads. 

    You're going to need search engine traffic before you can even hope for clicks.

  5. sunforged profile image77
    sunforgedposted 15 years ago

    The choice of wording although rankable is not really a money market.

    Im an artist, perhaps I may search for blind contour drawings and end up at your site, maybe as part of research for classes, or looking for examples out of professional curiousity.

    I would not be there to buy anything, there are no possible ads that would interest me..its not a money term. But if i did, you would get maybe 2 cents from adsense

    On a fluke, I might be interested in a good deal on ebay for a travel easel or some charcoal on amazon but since i wasnt searching for a buying term, i prob wont buy within the session cookie for amazon.

    So my suggestion for that page is to market some very low priced ebay items, as i MAY continue to interact with an auction

    1. darkside profile image58
      darksideposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      That's pretty much it.

      The search volume is very low. And the CPC is even lower.

  6. sunforged profile image77
    sunforgedposted 15 years ago

    I just looked at the hu, i think its well done, not sure if i agree with some of your copy (i,e, a blind contour drawing isnt supposed to ....) but you are displaying WACOM tablet ads, they are colorful and in theme, perhaps they are worth more than .05

    words like lessons or techniques would have been more applicable i thnkj

    work in the keywords online art lessons to your title and content, turn your .05 keywords to 3.50, a little trial and error and you can have very clear control of which ads display

    1. fireatwill41 profile image61
      fireatwill41posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Right now I am just worried about converting page views to clicks. The amount of money made from the keywords is not going to help if I don't get any clicks. If anything, I would make a new hub relating to those new keywords rather than edit a hub that ranks page one for a term that is searched for, if only a little.
      Maybe I am just making hubs based on the wrong keywords. If that is the case I just have to keep writing hubs. Problem is, my hobbies (art, video games, etc) don't seem to be topics where people would click on ads a lot.
      Thank you for your help though sunforged, and you as well Marisa Wright. I will take your suggestions and try to use them in my future hubs smile

      1. sunforged profile image77
        sunforgedposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        If your keywords are targetting a searcher that is not coming with the attitude of purcahsing aquiring or getting information than they are not a clciking crowd.

        as far as changing some keywords around that is exactly how you can profit well and still write what you love

        for example  a capsule header like "Blind contour drawing like they teach in online art lessons" should trigger the higher paying keyword, although the traffic is still coming for your ranked keywords. on the page you can control ads that are there - online art lessons are applicable to your audience

        remember its easy to rank for a term like the one you pursued because unless you are creative with your monetization method its not one most comp in IM would bother with. you can be smart and take advantage of that.

        Ill give you a backlink from one of my art sites smile, and best of luck to you - Final answer to your question - drop the picture in your frst capsule so an ad appears there, placement above the fold is the best way to optmize your clickthrough

  7. mymagicview profile image62
    mymagicviewposted 15 years ago

    Make sure you must have 100 pageviews everyday. First do something for that and then we will see.

  8. articleposter profile image60
    articleposterposted 15 years ago

    It's all about the contents.

    Like everyone says "Content is the King"



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