Whys and Hows of fans...?

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  1. beta1070 profile image61
    beta1070posted 16 years ago

    First, why does anyone go proactively looking for fans?

    Do they? There are people who joined after me and have, at best, questionable quality hubs, yet seem to have fans in the double digits. To me, that can only be the result of them proactively working on getting fans. Why?

    There are hubs here, like this one on why it's good to have fans. Primarily, it seems, it pushes your hubscore up. I don't have a problem there. With hardly any hubs and almost no history here my hub score is circa 90 (maybe it's the killer quality of my hubs, LOL). I don't feel the urge to take time away from writing hubs to work on pushing my hubscore up. Do I need to?

    Not that I wouldn't like to have fans, of course (don't all rush together). Just curious.

    1. relache profile image66
      relacheposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I don't.  Being my fan or not is up to the other site users, not something I campaign for.  I'm not a fan of that type of behavior myself...

      1. College politico profile image60
        College politicoposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        I completely agree with this approach.

    2. Peter M. Lopez profile image70
      Peter M. Lopezposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Read hubs you like and comment on them.  It won't take long to find a group of authors you like and who like you.  I'm not sure how exactly it works, but once you have a few fans, they seem to multiply rather than slowly increase.  Just get to know other hubbers.

      As Joe sees that John is your fan, Joe will read you stuff and join your fan club, then Jane will see that Joe reads you, etc.

  2. Inspirepub profile image70
    Inspirepubposted 16 years ago

    I haven't done anything in particular to get fans, and I now have nearly 50. They just seem to arrive.

    I have become a fan of several people whose new Hubs I would like to see - that's one of the benefits of being a fan - you get emailed and told when the Hubber publishes a new Hub.

    I suspect it's always best to just let it happen organically. I'm not sure what you could do specifically to get fans, anyway.


  3. beta1070 profile image61
    beta1070posted 16 years ago

    Maybe it's the pretty face wink

  4. Inspirepub profile image70
    Inspirepubposted 16 years ago


    why, you are too kind ... and look who's speaking ... wink


  5. Lissie profile image77
    Lissieposted 16 years ago

    I think I started to get more fans when I answer questions on the forums and wrote so how to hubs for beginner hubbers.

  6. Marisa Wright profile image84
    Marisa Wrightposted 16 years ago

    There are two attitudes to fans on HubPages.  Personally, I see fans as exactly that - I only become a fan of Hubbers I genuinely admire, and who write on subjects I'm interested in.  That way, when a notification appears in my mailbox, I know it's something I will enjoy reading.

    However, others have expressed the opinion that "fans" are not about being a real fan - it's more of a friendship thing, helping fellow Hubbers improve their scores.  The way they see it, if someone joins your fan club, you're supposed to join theirs. 

    I suspect a lot of my fans joined my fan club in the expectation I would reciprocate.  And some of them joined just so they could post a link in their comments!   I usually deny the ones with comments - and as for the ones that join expecting me to reciprocate, well, they're always free to leave again!

  7. Marisa Wright profile image84
    Marisa Wrightposted 16 years ago

    Oh, and I meant to say, I agree with Lissie - having visibility on HubPages does help attract fans.  That means posting on the forums and also commenting on other people's Hubs.

  8. VioletSun profile image80
    VioletSunposted 16 years ago

    I haven't done anything to get fans. I think most of the fans I have, have an interested in spirituality and holistic health,  as I write mostly about these topics.

    And I agree, commenting on other people's hubs helps to connect to others and attract fans.

    1. Princessa profile image78
      Princessaposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Actually Violet, I have just become your fan a few minutes before entering the forum.  Why? because I like your hubs, find them very inspiring and heartwarming:-)  And no.... I do not expect you to reciprocate, I just want to keep up to date for when you publish your next hub.   

      Still... I must admit that I became  fan of a cute boy in here, just because he looked gorgeous... I hope it is his real photo on his profile... lol

      1. VioletSun profile image80
        VioletSunposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Actually Violet, I have just become your fan a few minutes before entering the forum.  Why? because I like your hubs, find them very inspiring and heartwarming:-)  And no.... I do not expect you to reciprocate, I just want to keep up to date for when you publish your next hub.   

        Still... I must admit that I became  fan of a cute boy in here, just because he looked gorgeous... I hope it is his real photo on his profile... lol>>>

        Thank you, you are very kind. smile I also have a very relaxed approach to making comments and becoming a fan, have no expectations, and make comments on hubs from newbies as well as the more popular writers.  I want to keep hubbing a fun experience. I couldn't resist and checked your hubs, and like the one about wok cooking, and of course became your fan. I am thinking of buying one and cook healthier meals here at home.

        Hope Mr. Gorgeous does look like his picture. LOL!

  9. About-The-Home profile image61
    About-The-Homeposted 16 years ago

    Things usually work best the way they were designed to work.

    If you post on the forums then fellow hubbers will become curious about your hubs.
    They will read one or two and if they like your style or content and are entertained or informed about something then they may become your fan so they can see more.
    Then again they may just be attracted to your face or the look of your vase!!

    There are always others who try to manipulate systems to their own ends.

    ...but when you're new and alone and impatient then maybe making "friends" with some of the top hubbers (who usually produce quality anyway) isn't a bad thing.

  10. About-The-Home profile image61
    About-The-Homeposted 16 years ago

    Sorry,Princessa and Violet, it's just a picture of a table with a vase on it !!!!

    It's not even my table and vase.

    1. VioletSun profile image80
      VioletSunposted 16 years agoin reply to this



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