New Ad Layouts - Who made money?

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  1. Isabella Snow profile image71
    Isabella Snowposted 17 years ago

    I'm interested to see who is making money with these new ad placements.

    I had a fantastic increase in CTR and income last Thurs, Fri, Sun and some of Mon. It was quite impressive, really, more than doubling in sum.

    Since then the layouts seem to have changed again and that income has dropped significantly, even with the CTR being about the same.

    Today, the CTR is back to where it was before the increase and the earnings are almost there as well.

    I realize your income may still be higher now than before these new layouts -- but the question being asked here is, has your income gone down since last week when it started going up.

    I would like to see mine go back up. So if youre experiencing this as well, speak up. Though, its only useful if you are aware of what you earned each day since the changes began, as some fluctuations are normal, regardless.

  2. Mark Knowles profile image59
    Mark Knowlesposted 17 years ago

    big increase in CTR - and income  I will give it a month and check back, but for now - I like it. For some reason - I always see an increase in CTR followed by a drop in click values. smile

  3. relache profile image67
    relacheposted 17 years ago

    Ask me how it's doing a month from now.... I don't think the new changes have been in place long enough to get a true sense of the big picture.

    1. Isabella Snow profile image71
      Isabella Snowposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      I believe the ad layouts have already changed several times in the last week -- if thats the case whatever you see in month, how you will know what was from what. I dont see how you can.

      I know the layout over the weekend made a big difference, and I know Im not seeing those same layouts now. Seems silly to wait a month and lose all that potential income.

      Unless Im wrong and the ads are precisely the same -- but Im fairly certain Im seeing different layouts on my hub shares now.

  4. Isabella Snow profile image71
    Isabella Snowposted 17 years ago

    This is specifically about earnings, I dont really care about the CTR at the moment.

    And Im specifically asking about earnings from last week through today.

    If Im no longer making that money because the ads changed again, I would like to see them go back, at least partially, to where they were.

  5. caspar profile image61
    casparposted 17 years ago

    Huge increase in CTR Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Monday was rubbish.  Seems to have picked up again Tuesday and today to be better than it was before the jump.

  6. Mark Knowles profile image59
    Mark Knowlesposted 17 years ago

    I get the impression hubpages are experimenting with a variety of layouts - I am prepared to give them a chance to work out what works best - It is in their interest also to get the maximum from these ads smile  I know I wasn't happy with what I was getting before .

    1. Isabella Snow profile image71
      Isabella Snowposted 17 years agoin reply to this


  7. Isabella Snow profile image71
    Isabella Snowposted 17 years ago

    But how were the *earnings*?

    I have seen CTR increases with good earnings and crap earnings..

    For example, my CTR was great over the weekend and so were earnings. But the CTR was still great when the earnings started to drop.

    I think it has something to do with those link box ads -- the ones where its just a few links piled on top of each other and not a proper ad. Those are running in hubbers shares at the moment and Id like to know if they pay significantly less, being that they arent proper ads.

    If so, it would be nice not to see them anymore.

  8. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 17 years ago

    I'm so happy to see you back on forums I can't recall any numbers tongue

  9. Isabella Snow profile image71
    Isabella Snowposted 17 years ago

    Do you know if those link box ads I just described typically earn less money?

    That could account for high CTR and small earnings, if thats the case.

    1. Misha profile image65
      Mishaposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      CTR depends on layout, money - on current Adwords bidders. If you have many people with fat wallets bidding on your keywords, you get good earnings. If high bidders go away - your earnings drop sad

  10. stephhicks68 profile image85
    stephhicks68posted 17 years ago

    I'm still new, but my earnings doubled in one day last week (from $3 to $6).  I didn't have much over the weekend or Monday, but they seem to be picking up a little.  I'm at almost $11 total now.  Given that for my first 3 plus weeks at HubPages, I had earned less than $2 total, I'm impressed.

    Oh, I am am noticing a difference in the value of the clicks.  Sometimes, a single click has earned me .40, and other times, a measly .03.

  11. Isabella Snow profile image71
    Isabella Snowposted 17 years ago

    I am not asking about CTR, that was just a passing comment.

    I was asking if those link boxes -- the ones with just a few links piled on top of each other, forming almost a perfect square -- pay less per click.

    It would seem logical, considering they appear to be several types of ads in 1 ad, and there is no text at all with them. They are not proper ads, by any means, and I cant imagine advertisers paying good money for them.

    Im seeing them in all of my shares and wondering if thats why my earnings are dropping.

  12. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 17 years ago

    Link boxes? Let me take a look...

  13. Isabella Snow profile image71
    Isabella Snowposted 17 years ago

    Yes, these.

  14. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 17 years ago

    Ah, OK, those are a different kind of Adsense. If you click on them (and you are *allowed* to click on those) it will open the whole page of ads. You get money if user clicks on any link on that page, not on your original one.

    Those did not work for me very good, but I read some trusted reports that they worked for some people under some circumstances.

    In general I tend to trust HP ads software to be able to optimize ads, and don't really bother with second-guessing it smile

  15. Isabella Snow profile image71
    Isabella Snowposted 17 years ago


    So I dont get any money if someone just clicks on it once, and doesnt click again on the ad page?

    Does it register as a click in my adsense account if I dont make money from it?

  16. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 17 years ago

    Nope. Only second click counts - in both senses

  17. Isabella Snow profile image71
    Isabella Snowposted 17 years ago

    So that wouldnt account for increased CTR and less earnings.

    It could, however account for a significant drop in CTR.

    Thanks, Misha.


  18. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 17 years ago

    you are welcome - any time big_smile

    sweet dreams smile

  19. College politico profile image62
    College politicoposted 17 years ago

    I've been somewhat disappointed in the earnings I've seen after the new ads went into place but I'm waiting to make a judgment until after I've published some new hubs and generated greater non-hubpages traffic. Currently the vast majority of my traffic is coming from hubpages because I haven't been doing much promoting due to my lull in writing.

    I hope they do pay off though because I can't stand the placement of some of those ads


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