I researched this hub quite extensively and hoped that people may be interested in voting or/and commenting. It is surprising as to what the results are, so take a peak?
http://hubpages.com/hub/Vote-For-The-Al … The-Decade
I voted You've done a lot of work on that hub! Well done! It deserves another comment on it
Great Hub, Shazwellwn - I've voted.
I haven't heard of some of the names. What planet have I been living on or more like what Radio Station have I been listening too? lol
Happy Xmas.
Well, what a great way to experience new music! It doesnt matter when you discover it... good music stands the test of time! For example, I didn't discover Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here until the late 80's. Through word of mouth it stood the test of time and it is still one of the best. Same with Dark Side of The Moon. Pink Floyd was a defining band.
Radiohead's O.K Computer, is now thought of as a classic. Many people still havent heard of it. Kid A was released earlier in the noughties, but it is still rated - even in my poll, as no 2. This is the one that will stand the test of time! Radiohead are a defining band. Note how they appear in the poll - 3 times! As you maybe aware, this was compiled from the best two albums from each year, from Rolling Stone Magazine and the NME.
The Horrors album is a fantastic piece of art. But it is still fresh in people's mind. It will be interesting to see how this will stand the test of time - say two years time, will it still be voted in the same way?
Thanks guys! I personally voted for Kid A, but I would generally - if at free will without restraints - go for Arcade Fire's Funeral!
I recon Kid A will win it, personally!!
Thanks hon! It will be interesting to see the results! #excited#
Your very welcome sweet! #excited too# Muse to win. *Fingers and toes crossed*
OMG... The horrors... primary colours is neck and neck with Radiohead's Kid A!
Primary Colours is a great album - very Joy Division!
Blimey... The Horrors, Primary colours has OVERTAKEN Radiohead's Kid A!! What a surprise!
The Horrors is now in the lead with over 40%, trailing behind is Radiohead's Kid A. Wilco is now in the fold - I was wondering how long it would take?!
The running order as of now...
# 7% Eminem – The Marshall Mathers L.P
# 3% U2 – All That You Can’t Leave Behind
# 0% Primal Scream – Exterminator
# 10% Radiohead – Kid A
# 0% Bob Dylan – Love and Theft
# 3% Alicia Keys – Songs in A Minor
# 7% The Strokes – Is This It.
# 0% Radiohead – Amnesiac
# 3% Beck – Sea Change
# 3% Wilco – Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
# 0% Coldplay – A Rush Of Blood To The Head
# 0% The Vines – Highly Evolved
# 0% Outkast – Speakerboxxx/The Love Below
# 0% Radiohead – Hail To The Thief
# 7% Muse – Absolution
# 0% Kanye West – The College Dropout
# 0% Loretta Lynn – Van Lear Rose
# 0% Franz Ferdinand – Franz Ferdinand
# 0% The Libertines – The Libertines
# 0% Kanye West – Late Registration
# 3% The Rolling Stones – A Bigger Bang
# 0% Kaiser Chiefs – Employment
# 0% Bloc Party – Silent Alarm
# 3% Bob Dylan – Modern Times
# 0% Red Hot Chilli Peppers – Stadium Arcadium
# 3% Arctic Monkeys – Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not.
# 3% Kasabian – Empire
# 0% Mia – Kala
# 0% Bruce Springsteen – Magic
# 0% Klaxons – Myths Of The Near Future
# 0% Arctic Monkeys – Favourite Worse Nightmare
# 0% TV on The Radio – Dear Science
# 0% Bob Dylan – Tell Tale Signs - Bootleg Series Volume 8
# 0% Kings Of Leon – Only By The Night
# 0% MGMT – Oracular Spectacular
# 0% U2 – No Line On The Horizon
# 0% Bruce Springsteen – Working On A Dream
# 41% The Horrors – Primary Colours
# 0% The XX – The XX
Results will be 12 noon GMT on 1st January!
To add a bonus... I am adding a video to the leaders in the poll, so keep updated for who is winning!
Still leading....
1st - # 42% The Horrors – Primary Colours
Lagging a long way behind...
2nd - # 12% Radiohead – Kid A
Neck and Neck = 3rd position, so far...
# 6% Eminem – The Marshall Mathers L.P
# 6% The Strokes – Is This It.
# 6% Beck – Sea Change
# 6% Muse – Absolution
Anything can happen... anything can change!
I narrowed it down to 3:
Wilco's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
Radiohead's Kid A
and the one that got my vote:
MIA's Kala
Can't wait to see the final results
Things are changing in this poll. The Horrors are in the lead, but have lost some of their gain, now at 38%.
Rayalternately comment was interesting and says:
9 hours ago
It's Kid A for me, as it's the thing I still play most repeatedly from the nominations, but there's loads of cracking stuff there. Surprised to see the Horrors so well known; I thought they were way less popular than they appear to be.
I responded....
The Horrors are one of the 'secret society' where shoegazers, look side-ways at each other - give a nod and wink and slither off into blue yonder knowing that they have met a fellow Horror follower. They slink off into the darkness and disappear in a depressive dark hue of the moonlinght.
Many Horror fans have demonstrated this on this hub. They made a journey here, stole a vote and slunk off without a sniff of a comment. hehehe
Anyone wants to add to this?
Jesus Your Saviour has voted! Wow!
JesusYourSavior says:
3 hours ago
As Jesus, I had no choice but to vote for Kanye
shazwellyn says:
Praise the lord!
I think the only way Kanye is going to win is with divine intervention! But, then, I am biased!
Ok.. Now to update you. There is becoming quite a spread! However The Horrors still have a majority lead!
Vote For The Album Of The Decade!
* 4% Eminem – The Marshall Mathers L.P
* 2% U2 – All That You Can’t Leave Behind
* 0% Primal Scream – Exterminator
* 12% Radiohead – Kid A
* 0% Bob Dylan – Love and Theft
* 4% Alicia Keys – Songs in A Minor
* 4% The Strokes – Is This It.
* 2% Radiohead – Amnesiac
* 4% Beck – Sea Change
* 2% Wilco – Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
* 0% Coldplay – A Rush Of Blood To The Head
* 0% The Vines – Highly Evolved
* 0% Outkast – Speakerboxxx/The Love Below
* 0% Radiohead – Hail To The Thief
* 6% Muse – Absolution
* 2% Kanye West – The College Dropout
* 0% Loretta Lynn – Van Lear Rose
* 2% Franz Ferdinand – Franz Ferdinand
* 0% The Libertines – The Libertines
* 0% Kanye West – Late Registration
* 2% The Rolling Stones – A Bigger Bang
* 2% Kaiser Chiefs – Employment
* 2% Bloc Party – Silent Alarm
* 2% Bob Dylan – Modern Times
* 0% Red Hot Chilli Peppers – Stadium Arcadium
* 2% Arctic Monkeys – Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not.
* 2% Kasabian – Empire
* 2% Mia – Kala
* 0% Bruce Springsteen – Magic
* 0% Klaxons – Myths Of The Near Future
* 0% Arctic Monkeys – Favourite Worse Nightmare
* 0% TV on The Radio – Dear Science
* 0% Bob Dylan – Tell Tale Signs - Bootleg Series Volume 8
* 0% Kings Of Leon – Only By The Night
* 2% MGMT – Oracular Spectacular
* 0% U2 – No Line On The Horizon
* 0% Bruce Springsteen – Working On A Dream
* 41% The Horrors – Primary Colours
* 0% The XX – The XX
Hi everyone. Just want to update you on the poll! The Horrors are still in the lead! We still have a few albums which havent been vote on. I wonder why?
Anyhow... the poll is as follows...
Vote For The Album Of The Decade!
* 4% Eminem – The Marshall Mathers L.P
* 2% U2 – All That You Can’t Leave Behind
* 0% Primal Scream – Exterminator
* 11% Radiohead – Kid A
* 0% Bob Dylan – Love and Theft
* 6% Alicia Keys – Songs in A Minor
* 4% The Strokes – Is This It.
* 2% Radiohead – Amnesiac
* 4% Beck – Sea Change
* 2% Wilco – Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
* 0% Coldplay – A Rush Of Blood To The Head
* 0% The Vines – Highly Evolved
* 0% Outkast – Speakerboxxx/The Love Below
* 0% Radiohead – Hail To The Thief
* 6% Muse – Absolution
* 2% Kanye West – The College Dropout
* 0% Loretta Lynn – Van Lear Rose
* 2% Franz Ferdinand – Franz Ferdinand
* 0% The Libertines – The Libertines
* 0% Kanye West – Late Registration
* 2% The Rolling Stones – A Bigger Bang
* 2% Kaiser Chiefs – Employment
* 2% Bloc Party – Silent Alarm
* 2% Bob Dylan – Modern Times
* 0% Red Hot Chilli Peppers – Stadium Arcadium
* 2% Arctic Monkeys – Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not.
* 2% Kasabian – Empire
* 2% Mia – Kala
* 0% Bruce Springsteen – Magic
* 0% Klaxons – Myths Of The Near Future
* 0% Arctic Monkeys – Favourite Worse Nightmare
* 0% TV on The Radio – Dear Science
* 0% Bob Dylan – Tell Tale Signs - Bootleg Series Volume 8
* 0% Kings Of Leon – Only By The Night
* 2% MGMT – Oracular Spectacular
* 0% U2 – No Line On The Horizon
* 0% Bruce Springsteen – Working On A Dream
* 43% The Horrors – Primary Colours
* 0% The XX – The XX
Unfortunateyly amy wasnt even in the running! Great point of reference though!
well, thanks for that .... I think I must have missed something here. Would I have to choose from that list above? I've never even heard of most of them ... something lacking in my education?
From the other list -- well above the one I meant -- I'd choose The Kaiser Chiefs.
Is that better?
Hi again, my friend. The list is a short list from two sources - Rolling Stone Magazine and NME. It loathed me to compile it against my heart, but I had to take the correct information from a reliable source, compiled over the ten years. I havent heard a lot from some of them - will be doing some back catalogue listening next year!
If the Kaiser chiefs are what you want from the list, then please feel free to vote... http://hubpages.com/hub/Vote-For-The-Al … The-Decade ... they need all the help they can get because The Horrors still have a huge advantage over the others!
I tipped the Chiefs for the top back in 2004 and it is great to see that they have consistantly done well. The second album is pretty good too! The drummer, who writes the material, is a true master, whilst the lead singer is an execellent, carismatic performer!
Next year, I will do another, but this time it will just be for the year, so more choice and more open.
Have you any tips for the top, next year? I recon Stornaway is gonna be popular, the Maccabees are going to be the new Kaisers and Lyrebirds - amongst the big pink, the drums and the bombay bycicle club.
What do you tip, mate?
Had this interesting comment...
Brona says:
76 minutes ago
Hmm, Do you mind if I don't vote? None of the above nominations really float my boat. Hell, you've missed out most of the best stuff of the last decade!!
What about?
2000: Segundo by Juana Molina
2001: Quiet is the new loud by the Kings of Convenience
2002: Sunshine Hit Me by The Bees
2003: The Civil War by Matmos
2004: Tripper by Efterklang
2005: (1) Tower of Love by Jim Noir or (2) These Were The Earlies by The Earlies
2006: Matinee Orchestra by the Matinee Orchestra
2007: (1) Raising Sand by Robert Plant/Alison Krauss or (2) In our Nature by José González or (3)
Mick O'Brien agus Caoimhín Ó Raghallaigh : Kitty Lie Over
2008: (1) Flight of the Conchords by Flight of the Conchords or (2) Vampire Weekend by the Vampire Weekend
2009: The jury is yet out!
Status: Approved
shazwellyn profile image
shazwellyn says:
1 second ago
Edit Your Comment (open for 5 minutes)
I am really glad you commented, thanks. As you can see in my hub, the research was done from two sources - it isnt a personal selection. The compilation was taken from positions first and second from the stated years - NME and Rolling Stone Magazine. Much on the list, I havent even heard of myself, but will endeavour to give a listen - good education for great music that I may have missed!
I loved Vampire Weekend's debut! I saw them at Festivals and Bristol on Halloween of 2008. They really grew on me, loved the oh sooo Peter Gabriel! lol Not heard much from the new album, but sounds ok, so far... similar to the debut?
Anyway, I understand you not voting. The problems with short lists, typical of all polls, is that many great bands are left without a mention!
I love it when people post their own lists! It helps expands all our minds into new unknown musical territories! x
Would love some response! Come on if you dont want to vote, then tell the world your Albums for the decade! Comments of this hub will be soooooooo kewl!
I suspect that somebody has posted a link to a 'The Horrors' fan forum or something.... as those little brats are crap!
I'm afraid I wasn't a fan although I did listen/watch the video on Shaz's hub in its entirety. Album of the decade? Not compared to the likes of Radiohead or some of the other big names on that list, I'm afraid. I don't think The Horrors have done much in the US, but I could be totally off base there.
I do like the way that it is suddenly cool for Americans to listen to British music again, after they pretty much ignored our music scene for the whole of the 90s.....
Hi Ryan! Britpop was pretty big in the U.S, wasn;t it? Radiohead, Blur, Pulp and Oasis. Today, the likes of Editors and Kaisers has had an impact. I think that forums like these are pretty good in spreading the word too. If we can mix it up a bit, we can have a good merging of the scene.
I know that NYC - particularly Brooklyn (the cake shop and Ballroom) is really exciting at the moment. Much of the music I like comes from NY. It is a music gathering place for musicians.
I really like The National and A Place to Bury Strangers - both are brooklyn bands. I am intending on spending some time there in the future.
Check out some emerging music from Brooklyn, it will surprise you as to how British it really is! x
Well, although I was a big fan of Oasis back then, I was also a big fan of Nirvana -- and I'm British.
Thanks for your input Bat... Nice to have a vote that is a bit more diverse than others. You have also highlighted an album that I will be listening to in the New Year x
Coldplay - Clocks
Awesome! That is the song that started it for me.
Great albums stand the test of time. I am delighted that I have some classic albums to dip into next year - good to open the mind!
It will be interesting to see what the poll will look like in two years time. However, the winner will be announced on 1st Jan, but will continue the hub and see what does stand the test of time. An interesting experiment, me thinks! I think Radiohead will be the one over the long term x
I don't have any of the albums on your list. Here's a list of the albums I do have from this decade. Not including collections
Madonna Hard Candy
Madonna Confessions on a dance floor
Kiss: Sonic Boom
Kiss: Alive 4
Lady Gaga: The Fame Monster
Lady Gaga: The Fame
Daughtry: Daughtry
David Cook: David Cook
Blake Lewis: Audio Daydream
Poison: Poisoned
Poison: Hollyweird
Poison: Power to the People
Clay Aiken: Measure of man
Fantasia: Free Yourself
Cher: The Farewell Tour
Queer eye for the Stright guy: the album
Kelly Pickler: Small Town girl
Adam Lambert: For your entertainment
Kris Allen: ? (Can't find it at the moment)
I'm sure that I have more. Just don't have them within reach at the moment. I was surprised that I didn't have anything on the list. Some of what I thought would be on the list was from 1998 or 1999.
I should add if I were to pick the top 5 from this list it would be.
Lady Gaga The Fame Monster
Adam Lambert: For your entertaiment
Madonna: Hard Candy
Kiss: Kiss Alive 4
ok... votes closing soon. Any suggestions in improving for next time, perhaps? Your comments are greatly appreciated x
Kirk Cobain is part of the 27 club... the whole Nirvana experience makes them legendary! Brilliant. x
Voting has now finished...And the winners are... THE HORRORS WITH PRIMARY COLOURS!
# 5% Eminem – The Marshall Mathers L.P
# 1% U2 – All That You Can’t Leave Behind
# 1% Primal Scream – Exterminator
# 10% Radiohead – Kid A
# 0% Bob Dylan – Love and Theft
# 3% Alicia Keys – Songs in A Minor
# 3% The Strokes – Is This It.
# 1% Radiohead – Amnesiac
# 2% Beck – Sea Change
# 2% Wilco – Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
# 2% Coldplay – A Rush Of Blood To The Head
# 0% The Vines – Highly Evolved
# 0% Outkast – Speakerboxxx/The Love Below
# 1% Radiohead – Hail To The Thief
# 3% Muse – Absolution
# 1% Kanye West – The College Dropout
# 0% Loretta Lynn – Van Lear Rose
# 1% Franz Ferdinand – Franz Ferdinand
# 3% The Libertines – The Libertines
# 0% Kanye West – Late Registration
# 2% The Rolling Stones – A Bigger Bang
# 2% Kaiser Chiefs – Employment
# 2% Bloc Party – Silent Alarm
# 1% Bob Dylan – Modern Times
# 0% Red Hot Chilli Peppers – Stadium Arcadium
# 5% Arctic Monkeys – Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not.
# 3% Kasabian – Empire
# 1% Mia – Kala
# 0% Bruce Springsteen – Magic
# 1% Klaxons – Myths Of The Near Future
# 0% Arctic Monkeys – Favourite Worse Nightmare
# 0% TV on The Radio – Dear Science
# 0% Bob Dylan – Tell Tale Signs - Bootleg Series Volume 8
# 0% Kings Of Leon – Only By The Night
# 1% MGMT – Oracular Spectacular
# 1% U2 – No Line On The Horizon
# 0% Bruce Springsteen – Working On A Dream
# 39% The Horrors – Primary Colours
# 0% The XX – The XX
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