by Raymond D Choiniere 13 years ago
Hey Hubber Community,Yes it is I, Cagsil, a.k.a. Raymond Choiniere and I've received a request which I am going to do it.Okay, first things first- I've been asked if I would do a 2012 Edition of my Women Writers In HubPages Community Hubs. Now, I didn't do it in 2011 and that was due to other...
by Mary Hyatt 10 years ago
I am reading more and more Hubs where there are beautiful photos, but NO attribution to them. I just read one that clearly has a watermark of the person holding the copyright. When you look at the photos, it is clear they were taken by a professional photographer.What are your thoughts...
by LSKing 14 years ago
I can write an article about almost anything but, when it comes to writing about myself, I'm lost for words. How did you come up with your profile?
by Eric Dockett 6 years ago
I'm asking for some clarification on HP's editorial policies. I assumed the editors for Owlcation were requesting writers use "real-sounding names" in order for their work to be moved over, but I've seen some things lately that make me wonder if that is the case. Healdove and Remedy Grove...
by Mazzy Bolero 12 years ago
What sites offer downloads of your hub pictures without your permission and what do you do?After the new Google Algorithm I tried searching google for my name on Hubpages and after seeing all my comments listed, but only one hub, I came across a site called ""...
by crisps 14 years ago
As I was putting together a computer from old parts, I found a hard drive that someone didn't erase. It was full of the owners emails. I felt a wrong reading them. But this passed quickly as I found them to be truthful, funny, romantic and touching. It's a real love story unfolding before your...