How do you overcome writer's block when it comes to looking for good hub topics?

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  1. kbdressman profile image61
    kbdressmanposted 9 years ago

    How do you overcome writer's block when it comes to looking for good hub topics?

  2. Glenn Stok profile image94
    Glenn Stokposted 9 years ago

    In my own experience, writer's block develops when I try to force myself to write. I find its best to just let things happen.

    When something comes up in life that is exceptional or that simply stands out in my mind as something different, then I feel motivated to write about it. And nothing stands in the way.

    Think about that and see if you've been missing those events in your life that you could have written about. You still can. Try to remember things that made an impression on you. Things that you experienced that may have changed your life, even in some small way.

    Personal experience always works well with SEO, too, because it provides solutions for people looking for answers to the same thing you've already gone through. Not only will you find it easy to write, but you'll  get more traffic to your hubs that you write in this way.

    1. kbdressman profile image61
      kbdressmanposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      That makes a lot of sense.  I tend to pass my experiences off as topics that most people wouldn't hear about.  But I guess I won't actually know until I just start writing about them!

  3. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image75
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 9 years ago

    I think you should force yourself to write. Writers write, and if you don't write you aren't a writer.

    If all you can come up with is a paragraph at a time, that's fine. Write a paragraph and then take a walk and think about it, then come back and write the next paragraph, find the next picture, find the next page or book or article in a magazine to read about the topic. Just keep going.

  4. tsmog profile image86
    tsmogposted 9 years ago

    I write everyday even if it is a long list. I use a writing exercise where I write as fast as long as I can my thoughts. I keep it to the length of "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is fun". If one thought jumps to another not matter. If I focus on one theme with short thoughts or long ones written in short hops no matter. At times that may be only five minutes or it may go for an hour until my fingers stop dancing upon the keyboard. Music helps too.

    Then I incubate a day, go back and look, and spontaneity my knock on my door as opportunity. In the day when I wrote lots of hubs that is how I came upon many of them. I still do it today. Even though I don't publish hubs often, I write essays from those ideas maybe a page or more. The researching keeps me tuned-up to for those skill sets.

    The other thing I do is everyday I pick at least one question here in the Q&A to research and write about. That is where some of my longer than necessary A for a Q comes from. I condense it and share. The challenge today is if it would be Hub worthy with Google looming in the background and our new growing ideology for Hubs. I may just start publishing again, let them incubate 6+ months and then delete. You never know.

    I discovered at this link inspiration for keeping on keeping with writing. It is about one of the 12 Master Penmen in the world today. Maybe there is something you may glean from the sort video . . .

  5. Billie Kelpin profile image86
    Billie Kelpinposted 9 years ago

    Oh my goodness!  The topics of your hubs are amazing!  I don't think you have writer's block.  I don't think you'll ever have writer's block. You might just be waiting for inspiration.

    You have an enormous range of interests.  I was attracted to the Disney hub. We just saw Kung Fu Panda because my husband is on a short contract with Yogurtland here in CA and they are teaming up with Disney in some way.  That cartoon has a lot of layers.

    Do you do searches for topics that are trending - sometimes they seem really stupid, but that might give you some ideas.

    Get inspired by reading DizzyMsLizzys forum "WhooHoo".  Some university press just paid for permission to use the content of one of her hubs. 

    As a pre-med student, how about putting some of what you're learning in lay people's terms?  People don't understand the complexity of digestion or how the heart actually works.  They need that information broken down.

    How does medical school train for holistic healing these days and preventative medicine?  How serious is the threat of the new virus from mosquitos which affects pregnant women.  For that matter, what about viruses that have affected pregnant women in the past like the Rubella epidemic in the 60s.  (That's why there were so many kids with hearing loses in that bubble).

    As a Mormon, how about the topic tithing as related to our responsibility to pay taxes? 

    As a college student, you have information on critical thinking skills and the scientific method.  How does this relate to the election?

    What techniques do you use to balance your busy life?

    For inspiration, I find walking around water - the ocean, a lake.  Do whatever it is that gets you connected and bingo-bango, the inspiration will be there.   

    How about answering questions you'd really like to know about? 

    I am just so impressed with your range of interests, I would say, just wait for inspiration.

    1. kbdressman profile image61
      kbdressmanposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Bless you!  Those are topics I can write about.  I guess a lot of my problem has been that I don't think people are going to find my interests worth reading about!

  6. tamarawilhite profile image83
    tamarawilhiteposted 9 years ago

    1. Read questions on Hubpages and write hubs on those topics I can research and write quickly.
    2. Review my existing hubs doing well and see if I can come up with related articles that are still different enough to rank.

    1. kbdressman profile image61
      kbdressmanposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I'll have to try your first suggestion!  A lot of my problem now is that I don't have a lot of time as a medical school student.  I want to be writing more, but I don't have as much time for long hubs as I would like.

  7. zanaworld profile image60
    zanaworldposted 8 years ago

    Dear kbdressman,

    I am happy you asked this question.  I got lot of helps in the form of answers to this question.

    I think Billie Kelpin could have made a hub out of her answer.


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