by Raymond D Choiniere 13 years ago
Hey Hubber Community,Yes it is I, Cagsil, a.k.a. Raymond Choiniere and I've received a request which I am going to do it.Okay, first things first- I've been asked if I would do a 2012 Edition of my Women Writers In HubPages Community Hubs. Now, I didn't do it in 2011 and that was due to other...
by Sandra M Urquhart 8 years ago
What is the best way to get traffic on hubpages? Is it by the quality of your hubs or the frequency of your communication in the community? I've seen different articles that encouraged people to get noticed by being more social, claiming that that would increase interest and traffic; and then on...
by Daphne D. Lewis 9 years ago
Hi Hubbers,I'd like some help with passing the Quality Assessment Process. Will you please give feedback on my Hub Living Dead Creatures From Life's Remnants. I am really new to HubPages and am not sure what is either too much or not enough. I always like to provide my source links, and have gotten...
by DjBryle 14 years ago
I am so surprised and so grateful to all of you for making my hub "Mending A Soul (Forgive... and Forget)" the winner (for Gender and Relationships criteria) at the recent Hubnugget Wannabe contest! I owe you everything! Thank you all so much especailly to mam Patty Inglish and dr....
by Raymond D Choiniere 15 years ago
Hello Everyone,As you're probably aware of, if you have spent any time in the forums- Lyricsingray and Cagsil(myself) are working on putting together a PAIR of Hubs to be dedicated to the Men and Women of HubPages.This includes ALL members.It is our way of showing our HubLove, Community Spirit and...
by Cindy Vine 15 years ago
This is a big shout out to Hubpages. Thank you for helping to make dreams come true. My new novel, The Case of Billy B, which is already on Kindle, and goes on Amazon as a paperback the end of the week, came about because of Hubpages. Pest, a very popular hubber on hubpages about...