Adsense Rocking, but Amazon and Ebay tanking for me.

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  1. puter_dr profile image92
    puter_drposted 15 years ago

    My adsense earnings increase with every month that passes, but Amazon has slowed down to a low ebb(from 20-30 sales a month to 1 or 2, and since Ebay changed their affiliate model I went from regular payouts to nothing in the last couple months.
    Is this just a trend for everyone, or did I miss something?
    I understand Christmas is over, and we are in a relatively dead shopping month, but I used to have people ordering books, music, and other items regardless of the season.

  2. darkside profile image58
    darksideposted 15 years ago

    The rules of the game have changed.

    Amazon make changes to their TOS and now the person has to pretty much buy the item straight away or else you don't see any revenue at all.

    Also since the release of the Kindle the avid book buyers who are now getting ebooks would be going for the Kindle version instead of the old fashioned paper one. And associates don't get a commission at all on the electronic version. So they might be heading on over via a link to a book but they may opt for the Kindle.

    Ebay's revenue model has been a big change. Those who did well with it before, from what I gather, have seen a decrease. I didn't do well with it before but now I'm seeing revenue on a daily basis. I'd applaud the change but looking at the bigger picture I think it's unfortunate that those who drove quality traffic that resulted in winning bids are being shortchanged in favour of feeding crumbs to the masses.

    On a bright note, I like the way HubPages have their revenue model set up. Between that and the referral system they have I think it's the best and fairest on the Internet.

    1. muratos profile image61
      muratosposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I didn't know about it and couldn't find any information on their associates program blog. If it is really true, we will see huge drop in our Amazon income because many affiliate marketers actually are earning from the products which are not straight away bought by the customers. Can anyone validate this?

      1. Mark Knowles profile image57
        Mark Knowlesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Amazon changed their TOS last year, to a one-shot cookie. They either buy it then or you lose the commission.

        My personal conversion rate changed from 9% to 6%.

  3. Mark Knowles profile image57
    Mark Knowlesposted 15 years ago

    Yup - Adsense - is ticking over, but my Amazon conversion rate dropped drastically when they made the change - from +/- 9% to 6%, costing me around 30% of my income. Although I am making more money than I was, this drop is totally pissing me off - it was perfectly timed to be lost in the increased Xmas traffic.

    Ebay - massive drop in earnings of around 75%. Not only that but I wasted countless hours of time targeting a specific high value niche. sad

    Plus I have heard some horror stories from people dropped from the Ebay program just in time to lose the Xmas traffic.

    Learned a lot last year - now I am signed up for another dozen or so affiliates and would not be surprised if Amazon screws us over even further. wink

  4. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 15 years ago

    My sales are ahead of October 2009, so I consider that a good trend. But Amazon does seem harder to convert. I've gone back to my Amazon hubs, and in chronological order I've been adding backlinks. I do like maybe 5 day. Adding just one backlink, seems to bring them back to life. Most of my hubs are linked to 10 other hubs, so maybe I'm renewing those as well. I've also been using this … es/blogger to add products to my blogger blogs.

    Ebay has been working like a charm, since the change to QPC and I'm seeing a healthy revenue stream.

  5. thisisoli profile image79
    thisisoliposted 15 years ago

    Amazon have not changed their payout percentages for years, they have a tier system and a flat pay out system, both of which are still running, and seem to be working fine.

    When Amazon did reduce their cookie time to 24 hours it was a bit of a kick in the teeth, however with most browsers and Internet security programs automatically clearing cookies within this time frame anyway, it doesn't make such a huge difference any more.

    eBay changed their payment model to base the amount they paid on products bought through your traffic, rather than just offering a certain amount of cash per click.  This has only adversely affected those who supply low quality traffic to eBay, plenty of people are earning more now, since those who supply good quality traffic are getting a larger percentage of the cash.

    I hit a nice high on referrals with Amazon and eBay in December, this has (As expected) dropped by a large percentage in January.  This could account for your drop in Amazon sales, since Christmas shopping, and the January Blues have a huge affect on earnings!

  6. puter_dr profile image92
    puter_drposted 15 years ago

    Thank you for weighing in with suggestions and thoughts!
    I appreciate it, and happy hubbing.

  7. skyfire profile image75
    skyfireposted 15 years ago

    Why can't we have YPN/Microsoft Pubcenter as we're using Yieldbuild anyway ?

  8. thisisoli profile image79
    thisisoliposted 15 years ago

    As long as teh user buys in teh first day it should be ok.

    My Google revenue has stayed steady, my Amazon income dropped like a stone soon after Christmas!

    1. Mark Knowles profile image57
      Mark Knowlesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      You are wrong. They have to buy it when they visit. That visit. It is no longer 24 hours. Sheesh.

      Stone dropping? People thinking about it and coming back an hour later to buy.

      Same with the ebay change - It - as you seem to think - did not affect those people sending low quality traffic. It affected those people sending traffic to high value items. wink Instead of  E95 commission on a motorcycle - I now get E1.80 a click. Made a big difference.

      You think ebay was doing anyone but themselves a favor?

  9. jellydonut25 profile image60
    jellydonut25posted 15 years ago

    I've yet to make a single Amazon sale...

    wah, wah, wah, waaaaaaahhhhh

  10. sunforged profile image78
    sunforgedposted 15 years ago

    just another affirmative, The amazon cookie is "single session" not 24 hours.

    Mark, Your high cost/luxury niche should still theoretically pay out well...sending converting traffic to high cost items should give you a higher QCP

    What are you averaging as your per click commish? If you have the data from before the switch maybe you have some sites or hubs that are getting lots of non converting clicks or low value items that is dropping your overall qcp?

    1. Mark Knowles profile image57
      Mark Knowlesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I am only sending traffic to US motorcycles. Low volume, high winning bids. My income has fallen quite dramatically since the change. I was making 1-3 sales a month and averaging E90/ish per sale.

      Now - E1.80 per click.... sad

      High volume low value seems to work though. No biggie - live and learn........ I will PM you back as soon as I get my email backlog dealt with. lol

  11. muratos profile image61
    muratosposted 15 years ago

    Excerpt from Amazon associates program agreement:

    "We will not, however, pay referral fees on any Products that are added to a customer's Shopping Cart or are purchased via our 1-Click feature after the customer has reentered the Amazon Site (other than through a Special Link from your site), as determined by us, even if the customer previously followed a link from your site to the Amazon Site."

    What I understand is that if someone visits Amazon and buys something (not have to be the product we directly send), we are getting fees. But, if they leave the site and return by typing later, we don't earn anything. (Eventhough 24 hours limit didn't pass). Do I understand correctly? Sorry that English is not my native language sad

    1. sunforged profile image78
      sunforgedposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      correct, you got it

      clarification: if they leave the site and re-enter amazon ANY way but another of your referral links - no commish for you


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