After several attempts and feedbacks, my first ever article has been published and I am absolutely delighted about this. It gives me more motivation to write. Im fairly new to all this but I would like to thank everyone who helped me improve my article.
Well done. May it be the first in a very long line of successful articles. Have you begun the next one yet?
Oh, and thanks for nice comment
Congratulations! You should have only continued success here. Thanks for the nice comment. Your willingness to ask for and accept feedback bodes well for your future here. It's clear you want to continue improving your craft and this is a great place to do that. Good luck in all your future endeavors.
Thank you very much! you have helped me shape it
Guyz i edited my article multiple rimes but again and again it says need improvements.. what improvement hubpages actually require.. i am tired of it.. if anyone have the experience plz help me
Not sure why you went back 30 posts to reply to this when it wasn't written to you - it was written to DRACO986 whose thread you hijacked. Reading what you wrote above there is simply nothing else to say.
can anyone guide me in making my article featured? I have tried many times but evertime it says need improvement
So you should have received an email, yes? In that email is a link for you to request help from the hub community. Click it and it will make an automatic post for you.
Please do me a favour... I have written an article on tobacco and i am trying to make it featured.. kindly point out all the short comings
Theraggededge has explained why your article is not featured below. You've copied passages from multiple websites. This is not the way to create an article. In addition, you've used watermarked photos and included many links to the same website. We're only supposed to use two links to the same site, with very few exceptions.
Ok right infact itss my first time .. i never knew the instructions.. i will follow your advices
People have pointed out what is wrong with the article. Now it's your job to fix it. The article needs to be written in your own words and in good English. You also need to correct the other errors in the article. You'll find a lot of information about creating suitable articles for HubPages at
The whole thing is a problem. It cannot be fixed.
it doesn't mean if i am quite u will say anything
You really need to learn how to express yourself in English if you are going to pick fights on the forums. A grammar course would help.
Banned soon, I guess.
Stealing images from Shutterstock and Wisegeek now. Cool.
By the way, you really need to use the key-phrase 'over population' a little more.
And finishing with a quote from that wise guru, Adolf Hitler. That's class, that is.
Bev, you REALLY deserve that HP t-shirt just for putting up with these people.
The lovely ones make up for the other kind. It's entertaining anyhow.
Bev, he is following one person.
Did you see who it is?
You asked for help in getting your article featured and you were given it. Your article contained serious problems. You should be grateful for the honest feedback, especially if you want to become a writer. Writing horrible sentences like you've done above will almost certainly mean that you won't be writing at HubPages for much longer. I advise you to delete your comment and apologize.
Hey alicia.. watch my new article and tell me the mistakes
I have written all from my own no copy paste
I took a look at your tobacco hub... is that the one?
The reason why that one won't be acceptable is because you have copied and pasted the text from here:
and tried to pretend you wrote it. That's plagiarism, also called stealing.
Contrast this:
Conventionally, cigarette smoke is divided into two phases: a tar phase and a gas phase. The tar or particulate phase is defined as the material that is trapped when the smoke stream is passed through the Cambridge glass-fiber filter that retains 99.9% of all particulate material with a size 0.1 μm .
with this:
Normally people consumed cigarette smoke for nicotine.Nicotine is the addictive component of cigarette.The brain get used to nicotine and in this way a person gets addicted to smoking.NICOTINE has many harmful effects such as increased heart rate and blood pressure,constriction o blood vessels and damages the the muscles,harmonal system and metabolism.
And even that is just a poor rewrite of an extract from this:
Not good.
The OP has changed it radically since I first saw it. None of those links were there this morning.
There's even more copy and pasting going on:
I like this bit:
"The type of lung cancer – Surgery is most commonly done as a treatment for non-small cell lung cancer. Since small cell lung cancer tends to spread early, surgery is usually not effective except for very small tumors and is often better treated with chemotherapy and/or radiation. (The following article discusses the guidelines and prognosis for surgery for small cell lung cancer.)"
He's even included the note in parentheses.
And all his pals have come to leave comments on it
Theraggededge has gone to great lengths to not just explain why your article will not be featured but also to provide an example of how to paraphrase something, a skill that someone publishing here should already have under their belt. You cannot steal other peoples' work (not to mention the government's work as sections of this are lifted directly from an article published by NIH) and expect to have it published here or anywhere for that matter. Coming back after being caught and called out for it, wanting us to tell you everything wrong with your article and fix it for you without even rewriting any part of it is just plain chutzpah.
Attacking the person who is likely the most helpful hubber in providing feedback for new members of the community asking for help, which you clearly did repeatedly, is not going win you friends or help you learn how to be successful here. It is certainly not going to motivate anyone to help you a second time. I agree with Alicia. You need to apologize if you intend to continue trying to publish here. The community tends to have short memories and it will blow over quickly, unless you fail to do what is right in this situation.
Perhaps I misunderstood the burning into ashes comment.
Ok u plzzz check my article and help me .. i am sick of editing it again and again
I can't help you, I'm too busy burning into ashes.
So... Imad Bacha, what do you want to achieve at HubPages? Because if you are here to earn money, you must know that HubPages pays through Paypal. Either you need someone outside of Pakistan with a Paypal account or you will have to rely on Adsense earnings only.
In both cases, you need an Adsense account. That means you need about 10-15 perfectly written articles before you apply.
If you think that's going to be too difficult, you should decide whether you want to keep writing here. We can't proofread and fix your articles for you. We can make suggestions, but you, as a writer, are responsible for getting your work featured.
Now we are unable to see your article because it has been unpublished. From what I remember, your first task is to put your titles and subtitles into title case. This site will help you do that:
i have my paypal account .even i shall write 50 articles but i dont know hubpages requirements what they actually want.. why not,, u can see my articles i have completed them.....
We can't see them because they have been unpublished by HubPages.
The problem is that your English is not up to the standard HubPages requires. You can't do what you did before and try to publish work by someone else. It will always be picked up. All you can do is improve your written English.
Anyway, I hope that link I gave you is helpful. You are welcome.
Still burning into ashes...
For ur kind info i have unpublished them coz i am going to write them again
It's easy to know what HubPages wants if you do some reading, Imad bacha. I gave you the link to the relevant help section before. There is a lot of information to go through on the help page, but in your situation reading it would be worth the effort. Here's the link again:
Yeah but see i am a beginner.. there are many things i have to learn.. and i am learning Infact i have been wrting articles for 7 days only .. so all of u plz be co-operative with me let me know all the basics step by step..I can't learn all the rules in just one day
You don't have to learn all the rules in one day. Take as much time as you need. Read the help section carefully and then rewrite your articles only when you feel that you understand the steps needed to create an article. That should be much more helpful for you than trying to rewrite the articles immediately. Creating successful online articles requires research about best practices in addition to writing.
I think there is a good 5 year plus learning curve, and that is if you work at it! Plenty of time for that poster to unlearn text speech, practice regular written English, and come up with something worthwhile.
Apoligizing for his behavior to those who tried to help him would be his best start.
Yes, the preparation is going to some time. It's very disappointing that the poster hasn't apologized for a particular comment that he made to someone who tried to help him. He ignored my suggestion that he do that earlier in the thread, even though he responded to me.
If you read this, Imad, you really need to think carefully about the future. Apologizing would be an excellent step to take before you improve your English skills and learn how to write online articles.
(wipes tears of joy from eyes)
Holy crap, this thread unexpectedly turned into comedy gold. Kudos, theraggededge!
Finding the Hitler quote was thrilling. It was in a call-out capsule. And I particularly liked the response 'BOOOOOOOOO', didn't you?
Edit: I should be WRITING!
I dont know why people are burning .Coool down sister
It's fine to be a beginner. But this site is not a place where you can expect to be taught everything about writing, nor does anyone have the time to teach you from scratch. Additionally, you have been given feedback over and over and refuse to listen. You say you have edited this and edited this but it is still largely stolen from other sites despite your insistence that you have not done so. For example, starting at the very beginning:
Your text: Tobacco is a plant grown for its leaves, which are dried and fermented before being put in tobacco products. Tobacco contains nicotine, an ingredient that can lead to addiction, which is why so many people who use tobacco find it difficult to quit.
Text from NIDA: Tobacco is a plant grown for its leaves, which are dried and fermented before being put in tobacco products. Tobacco contains nicotine, an ingredient that can lead to addiction, which is why so many people who use tobacco find it difficult to quit.
This is called plagiarism aka stealing aka unallowable and unethical behavior that can result in lawsuits leading to you and anyone who publishes you being fined large sums of money.
You want the basic steps one by one, I'll oblige.
10 Steps That Will Ensure You Become a Successful Writer on Hubpages
1) Apologize to those you have been disrespectful and insulting to who have gone out of their way to help you.
2) Get rid of the article you have stolen in large part from other reputable sites. If you have created others that are similarly stolen, get rid of those as well. They cannot be fixed.
3) Do not go to positive comments written to other authors and reply to them in an effort to make it seem like they were written to you.
4) Do not make screaming comments that are offensive and insulting to the entire community, such as telling people to BURN INTO ASHES.
5) Carefully consider who you choose to highlight as a reputable source that you use to underscores the points you are trying to make. You might want to give a bit more thought as to whether or not Hitler, for example, is someone you want to highlight in a call out box or if there might be one or two people somewhere who might find such a thing slightly objectionable.
6) Do not be dense about the reactions to your comments. When you tell people several times to BURN INTO ASHES the reply to a comment by saying " I dont know why people are burning .Coool down sister" its problematic not to mention confusing. Did you want the people to Burn or to Coool down? I'm sure you can see how people might not know what to do here.
7) Take the feedback people have given you and follow it. Do not keep coming back with demands that we stop our lives to teach you step by step everything there is to know about writing as well as how to write for HP in particular. That's your job. To do it you might want to consider a class or two in the English language and Writing 101. You said you've only been writing articles for 7 days. Surely you see how you could profit from more education if writing is truly what you want to do?
8) Spend time in Learning Center. Go through everything that HP has provided to help writers with general writing strategies as well as how to construct a stellar hub, incorporate pictures, videos, polls, maps etc, and making your articles evergreen. There is a ton there you can study and, as others have already done, I encourage you to do so.
9) Do not expect the other writers to do your work for you. It is your job to learn how to write and your job to actually do it.
10) Do not think you can take shortcuts in learning to write and learning how to create articles worthy of being published on HP. It has taken the successful writers here years of hard work to accomplish this. If you alter your expectations and commit to putting in the time, learning and work you might have a shot at publishing your work. [Please note I said YOUR work not someone else's.]
And a bonus step :
11) Instead of wasting time on the forums denying you have done what it obvious, refusing to follow any advice given to you instead continuing to wine about being a new writer and demanding we hold your hand and lead you through every single step of learning how to write and how to create an article, insulting long time, highly respected writers and members of the community without apologizing despite it being suggested by several people multiple times, use that time to actually learn something about writing and doing some actual writing yourself.
At this point, I also need to stop wasting time on this and get back to writing so I hope you are able to take this to heart and not take more time just to come back with more nonsense.
Yours truly continuing to burn into ashes
I admit i have copied the first article .. i am not saying that i have writen it on my own .. it is a copyright.. but i was just learning how to write,how to add pics ,how to add quiz, how to add videos.. as a matter of fact it was just a practice i was just giving it a shape of an article and u all have done a mental torture on my by calling me plagiarist again and again... u know i have prepared 10 articles in my wordpoint and today i was going to upload them but now i am not going to do it...I apologise to all of u for wasting your time.I am quiting this and instead i will start writing hand writen articles or consult other website. I guess i had stepped in a place where most of them despairs a learner.. U all are proud coz u have been doing this for years.
NO. The issue is that you aren't writing your own work. You are copying it from other places. If you are learning about the subject from other sources, you must learn to put it in your own words. Going to another site won't help when you are copying other people's work and trying to pass it on as your own. There really aren't any other writing sites to go to anyway. You are just looking to make easy money by stealing other people's work.
Thanks Bev! Back atcha! Congrats. Can't say it's a surprise you won. We all knew it was bound to be! Too bad not everyone you try to help appreciates it or understands the value of your advice. But we do!
I haven't used this idiom in some time: "pissing in the wind" Trying to bring Imad to some sort of understanding is just pissing in the wind.
Sooooo... plagiarist gets caught and called out, so he's going to quit the site. Yet somehow this is still everyone else's fault and we should feel bad. Got it. (waves)
Well damn! I thought it was just the Politics and Social Issues forum that was an arena.
Imagine my surprise. I think I will stop by more often ;-)
Hi GA,
The fun never stops. Its a good break from politics!
I am finding that to be true Jean. But... I am on your turf now so I better watch my step. ;-)
These forums are generally nicer. People ask questions because they want help, or can discuss other subjects in a civil way. You'll be fine .
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