Need new insight to improve hub

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  1. Kristen Howe profile image86
    Kristen Howeposted 6 years ago

    Yesterday I sent in my handy inexpensive gym hub to Calorie Bee. And it got declined. So any ideas on how to improve would be great. I'll try to resubmit it toward the end of the year like around winter. Here's the link: … or-Anytime

    1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
      TIMETRAVELER2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Your title is way too long.  You need to shorten it.  Also, much of the info you wrote about is all over the web and little of it is original.  HP wants original work.  Maybe you would do better to focus on one form of exercise and share your experiences with it?

    2. theraggededge profile image88
      theraggededgeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Kristen,

      I think you should retake that photo of your yoga mat. It's too blurry and the background is messy.

      If you are using a digital camera or phone, hold the little shutter button down for a few seconds so that the device can focus properly. If you just press it, your photos will come out blurry.

    3. Eurofile profile image100
      Eurofileposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      As someone who uses indoor gym equipment (a combo cross trainer/bike and also a rowing machine in my garage) and exercise DVDs on occasion, I have read your article with interest.  I notice in other hubs that an eye-catching photo at the beginning is common.  Also more illustrations in the hub might help.  In the section about magazines etc you talk quite generally.  It might help to be a little more specific about titles of magazines, books and websites.  Hope this helps.

  2. Kristen Howe profile image86
    Kristen Howeposted 6 years ago

    HI Peg,
    I did use it with my own smartphone 3 years ago. But my phone doesn't have that focus feature. I can try to retake it again.

  3. Kristen Howe profile image86
    Kristen Howeposted 6 years ago

    Timetraveler,  it might seem outdated. But when I wrote it back in 2015, it was original and nothing I wrote came from my head. I do home practice for Pilates/yoga and use the stairs and that's it. Not the rest though.

  4. Kristen Howe profile image86
    Kristen Howeposted 6 years ago

    I meant came from the Internet.

  5. Natalie Frank profile image91
    Natalie Frankposted 6 years ago

    Make sure to proof read really well.  Read for typos and wording.  Exs. The very first sentence has two periods in the middle of it.  The second sentence has no period at the end.  Last sentence first paragraph end it at "inexpensive." First sentence of second section - "If your cable company have an On Demand channel" which should be has. You discuss jogging then do so again later in the article which is redundant.  You say "think inside the box," when I think you meant outside as it's about being creative.  Just go through it for typos etc. then read it out loud for wording.

    I agree with the point about this being information that is either obvious or simply is covered in a million other pages online.  Telling people that there is information about exercise in books and magazines, or online through seems pretty much something people would know. Pilates, yoga, jogging, walking all have been extensively covered for years.  HP isn't going to put something on a niche site that doesn't give the reader something unique original or simply covers far more than other similar pages would.  This doesn't do either.

    A couple of suggestions that might help - You are talking about things that are free or inexpensive.  On Demand usually costs money and there are tons and tons of videos on Youtube that are free. To add something new why don't you look for some exercise channels that are on Youtube and review/recommend a couple.  Tell people how to look for and choose others based on their goals.  The same idea for free study guides - review and recommend a few. 

    Swimming is usually not free either, even community centers usually have fees - you could mention ways to find inexpensive or free places to swim, if possible - things like see if you can volunteer a few hours a week in exchange for a pool membership etc.  Bike riding is also only free if you already have a bike. Are there ways to get a free bike that you could suggest - nothing comes to mind but there may be something if you look into it.  It would be good to discuss things that anyone could do without the need for memberships or special equipment. Even though you mention using stairs, you have a picture of Step equipment which is also not free. How can you make your own step equipment? 

    Look online to see what is covered and think about how you can add something that isn't in other articles, or is a twist on something in other articles.  I think if you work on this some you can make it into an article HP will feature with more detailed info and unique content.  Take your own advice, be creative and think outside the box smile

  6. Kristen Howe profile image86
    Kristen Howeposted 6 years ago

    HI Natalie. I did proofread it with Grammarly's plug-in for each hub capsule. Maybe it missed some spots.  I'll keep your ideas in mind and rework this article somehow.  Back to the drawing board.

    1. Natalie Frank profile image91
      Natalie Frankposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, you need to proof it yourself.  Grammerly won't catch typos and the like only grammar problems.  Good luck.

  7. Gregory DeVictor profile image99
    Gregory DeVictorposted 6 years ago

    Hello Kristen:

    Here are some examples of text that you need to edit:

    “And if you’re snowbound during the winter, these tips can work the same way as well All you need is plenty of space and room, may it be your bedroom or the basement, or lots of room in your backyard.”

    “If you love to talk a walk, jog, or go for a run. Here are some ways you can workout at your home or around your neighborhood.”

    “Another fun and a free tip are to do it inside your home.”

    “If you love to box, kickbox, or do any Mixed Martial Arts or Martial Arts, which can be expensive for a premium fee, you can transform an empty room, like a carpeted and insulated basement into a home gym.”

    "If you ever watched the Biggest Loser, you would see how those former contestants became creative to become fit, with the exception of going to their local 24-Hour Fitness gyms, and used what they have at their own home."

  8. Kristen Howe profile image86
    Kristen Howeposted 6 years ago

    Thanks Eurofile. I would keep your ideas in mind. I wish my smartphone had a better camera. But it doesn't.

  9. Kristen Howe profile image86
    Kristen Howeposted 6 years ago

    Gregory, I guess the Grammarly plug-in app missed those when I went over it. I'll give them another round of edits when I rework this article. Thanks!

  10. Gregory DeVictor profile image99
    Gregory DeVictorposted 6 years ago

    Kristen, I’ve noticed that Grammarly has issues with verb agreement with collective nouns. What they’re telling me is an error really isn’t. For example, “General Motors is” is grammatically correct, but Grammarly wants me to change the wording to “General Motors are.”

    1. EricFarmer8x profile image61
      EricFarmer8xposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Grammarly has an issue understanding what is a noun or not sometimes. It does not understand how to deal with more obscure tech terms as well.

      1. Gregory DeVictor profile image99
        Gregory DeVictorposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Eric, thanks for the clarification about “tech terms.” I didn’t know that.

  11. Kristen Howe profile image86
    Kristen Howeposted 6 years ago

    Okay I'll proof it myself and use my WP's spellchecker.  Thanks, everyone. Back to the drawing and editing board.


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