Scrapped/Reset Pinterest

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  1. paradigmsearch profile image59
    paradigmsearchposted 4 years ago

    As configured, the site has been basically worthless to me. Deleted all existing boards and created a single, new one. The new board will blatantly plug my articles and nothing else. It'll either fly or not. If not, I really don't care; I already consider Pinterest pretty much a lost cause anyway.

    As a side note, I aborted Twitter years ago.

    1. OldRoses profile image69
      OldRosesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I get a steady trickle of traffic from Pinterest.  The site works for me because I write about gardening, a popular topic on the site.

    2. Solaras profile image100
      Solarasposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      If you self promote, they will shut down your account, secretly.  That happened to Mark Ewbie.  They let you post and what not, but there is no link juice and I think maybe the links don't even work.  So you keep putting effort into, it for zero return.

      1. paradigmsearch profile image59
        paradigmsearchposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks, I'd forgotten about that from the old days. Oddly, the last two days I've gotten the impression from them they are fine with it now and it is even encouraged. However, I could be dead wrong. I'll wait a week and do a Google search to find out one way or the other.

      2. OldRoses profile image69
        OldRosesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Declare yourself a business and you can self-promote all you want.  You can even "promote" pins just like Facebook.

        1. DrMark1961 profile image99
          DrMark1961posted 4 years agoin reply to this

          How do you go about that? (I have had over 900,000 visitors from the site so I think it is worth the effort, but in the last few months I have not seen any repins.)

          1. OldRoses profile image69
            OldRosesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            Easy peasy.  Click on the three dots in the upper right corner on your home page on Pinterest and choose "Add a free business account".  Pinterest will walk your through the steps.  I did this because I do have a business as a speaker and writer on herbs.  I pin articles from my website.

            For my articles on HubPages, I'm trying a strategy this year that I heard about, probably here on the forums.  I am deleting pins and repinning them.  That way they show up in people's feeds again and hopefully get repinned.  I am seeing some more traffic using this technique, but it is still too early to tell if it is truly effective.

            1. DrMark1961 profile image99
              DrMark1961posted 4 years agoin reply to this

              Thanks! I just went through it.
              I have been using a different strategy. If you delete it does it affect the people that have repinned that pin? What I have started doing is repinning (mostly to group boards) those photos that I have already pinned some time back.
              I have no idea if this is the most effective method.

              1. OldRoses profile image69
                OldRosesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                I don't think that deleting pins affects the repins because the pin itself is linked to the URL of the article and not to the individual pin on your page.

      3. eugbug profile image94
        eugbugposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        They never admit to it when asked though.

    3. TessSchlesinger profile image60
      TessSchlesingerposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I get some hits from Pinterest. But I only randomly put up articles there - about once every few months.

      What I'm more interested in is how to make Instagram work for a writer.

      I've had 54,114 referrals from pinterest, but I don't know over what period that is.

  2. FatFreddysCat profile image84
    FatFreddysCatposted 4 years ago

    Yeah, I gave up trying to use Pinterest as an avenue for drawing traffic a long time ago. I still have an account there, but I use it to save/collect images of old movie posters, comic book covers, rock n' roll album covers, and other cool pop culture junk for my own amusement.

  3. eugbug profile image94
    eugbugposted 4 years ago

    I don't get much traffic from Twitter or Facebook, but I get about 200 views a day from Pinterest in the summer. I'm not sure about shadow banning. I self promote a lot of the time. I think maybe the traffic comes from repins rather than pins.

  4. eugbug profile image94
    eugbugposted 4 years ago

    I declared myself a business a few years ago. Are there any consequences like selling your soul to the Pinterest devil? I never noticed any benefits other than possibly having access to Pinterest analytics stats.

    1. OldRoses profile image69
      OldRosesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      You can promote your pins and your business which you cannot do with a personal account.  They charge for it, though.  The business account itself is free.

      1. eugbug profile image94
        eugbugposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        They never charged me anything though for ordinary pins. Is that if you post premium ad type pins?

        1. OldRoses profile image69
          OldRosesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Yes, you have to pay for the good stuff.  Ordinary pins are free.

          1. Solaras profile image100
            Solarasposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks for this info

        2. Sherry Hewins profile image91
          Sherry Hewinsposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          You can still pin stuff for free. It only costs you if you want to promote your pins. I did some experimentation with paid promotions. I did get a lot more "engagement" and a few more repins on my pins, but not a lot more actually clicking through on my articles.

          My overall views from Pinterest has increased though, so maybe there is some lasting advantage to paid promoting. On a few days I have actually gotten more views from Pinterest than from Google.

          Also, I repin the same article multiple times without deleting the old pins. I spread them around to different, but related boards. The only time I have a problem with it is if I click on my own pin to repin. Go back and pin from the article, or create a new pin and link it to your article.

  5. paradigmsearch profile image59
    paradigmsearchposted 4 years ago

    Well, posted all the pins I'm going to post on Pinterest. Next time I visit them will probably be year 2021.

  6. Doneta Wrate profile image84
    Doneta Wrateposted 4 years ago

    According to what I have read on the forum, pinterest does good for some people and others not, depending on what topics you write on.  I think one hubber said her gardening articles did well on pinterest.

    1. eugbug profile image94
      eugbugposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Images need to be pretty, appealing, interesting, cute, funny etc to please the fickle viewers.
      The last two animated math GIFs (graphs) I created are pinned every day if that means anything. Maybe a slideshow of images (with overlayed text) from a hub, turned into a GIF would be enticing?


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