Re amazon

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  1. Eileen Hughes profile image57
    Eileen Hughesposted 16 years ago

    Doe anyone really earn money with Amazon.  When first joined I eventually got 3 clicks.  Since then I have not even had one click never mind earning money,
    What am I doing wrong.  I have changed some of the things to better match the article, but still no good.   Just curious.  Wishful thinking on my part of earning 1or2 cents or something

    1. makemoneyonline profile image36
      makemoneyonlineposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      It seems that nobody earns a lot money with Amazon on Hubpages even the "heavy hitters" so don't worry if you don't.

    2. Mark Knowles profile image59
      Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Yes - Currently +/- $200 a month from five hubs

      1. makemoneyonline profile image36
        makemoneyonlineposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Wow I'm amazed hope I could do that one day but I'm not really hopefull smile

        1. Mark Knowles profile image59
          Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          Why not ? I only did it as an experiment to see how to make money from Amazon. These hubs are solely aimed at amazon. Take a look at my technology group. They are pretty simple. But when you sell a $1,000 hifi, the commission is not bad. smile

          1. Susan Ng profile image72
            Susan Ngposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            I think it helps that your profile (and profile picture) builds you up as someone with credibility.  People respect your opinion, Mr. Mark Knowles, so they consider buying the products that you say are good. big_smile

  2. Eileen Hughes profile image57
    Eileen Hughesposted 16 years ago

    ok thanks for that, then I wont bother.  Just have to wait for a lotto win....and dream onnnnnnn...  no money is not the be all end all would be nice to have that little bit m  o  r  e.....

  3. Maddie Ruud profile image69
    Maddie Ruudposted 16 years ago

    Amazon sales did take a while for me, and I remember other people saying for them as well.  However, once they start coming in, they can make you a nice additional chunk, so I wouldn't give up completely.

    1. makemoneyonline profile image36
      makemoneyonlineposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Could you give give the % compared to Adsense ?
      I've just been putting Amazon a few days ago just to see, haven't done so before since I seems it wasn't worth.

  4. Whitney05 profile image82
    Whitney05posted 16 years ago

    It took a while for me to get my first Amazon sales, mostly because I accidently added an '!' to the end of my ID. But, since I've fixed it I get at least 5 sales a week, usually more but sometimes less so I'll give it an average 5. It's better than nothing, and more than I started with. It just takes the right products. Don't add any ol' product to your hubs. Make sure they're relevant to the topic.

    Agreed with Maddie, don't give up yet. It really does take the right products on your hubs, but the extra money surely doesn't hurt. (I'm actually waiting for a nice Amazon deposit from last month; I can't wait to get it in April.)

  5. relache profile image67
    relacheposted 16 years ago

    Of all the sites where I have Amazon sales incorporated, this one is the weakest, but it's very slowly growing.  I'll chime in with a "second" or "third" to the statement that your products have to be closely related to what you are talking about.

  6. Marisa Wright profile image85
    Marisa Wrightposted 16 years ago

    I have finally made my first 20 cents on Amazon.  I'm always careful to choose relevant items, but I think the problem is just that I'm not writing about consumer subjects, so people don't come to my Hubs looking to buy something.

    I'm not going to get rid of my Amazon capsules, though.  They add a bit more colour and interest to the layout, especially if I don't have a lot of illustrations.

    1. Whitney05 profile image82
      Whitney05posted 16 years agoin reply to this

      That really doesn't matter. I have a hub about wet-tail in hamsters. It's not meant as  commercial, and I've sold a few bottles of dri-tail that I have featured on the site.

      1. Marisa Wright profile image85
        Marisa Wrightposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        OK, so that shoots that theory down in flames!  I'm not really too worried anyway.  Glad to hear it's working for you, Whitney.

  7. College politico profile image61
    College politicoposted 16 years ago

    I make the vast majority of my money on hubpages from amazon. So I guess I'm a bit different from everybody else. I've made about 40 dollars in the first 3 and a half months with amazon. It is my greatest monetary asset on hubpages.

    If you really want to start making money from amazon then you're probably going to have to start writing product reviews or something similar and then you'll have to manage to find specifically targeted traffic interested in those products. But thats certainly not impossible.

  8. Whitney05 profile image82
    Whitney05posted 16 years ago

    College politico, I'm not saying that I don't do well with Amazon. If that's what you took from that.

    I've actually made aver $60 in the past month and a half alone, which is pretty good, I think.

    You don't necessarily need product reviews to sale products either, as I mentioned I wrote about wet-tail, not a review about dri-tail, and I get buys. Same with other hubs. I have few that are actually product reviews, so to speak, but not many.

  9. Eileen Hughes profile image57
    Eileen Hughesposted 16 years ago

    Thanks everyone for your helpful comments and advice.   I won't give up then

  10. Eileen Hughes profile image57
    Eileen Hughesposted 16 years ago

    oh boy .... can I rub shoulders with you so some bright idea may rub off on me.

    And earn some money.

  11. Mark Knowles profile image59
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    Take a look at my technology hubs - feel free to copy the layout and whatever. As I mentioned to someone in another thread, the new google adsense layout is messing them up a bit, but I tried a new format with this one: … ameras-SLR
    Which prevents the first block of ads from breaking up the amazon capsule from the text.

  12. Uninvited Writer profile image76
    Uninvited Writerposted 16 years ago

    The one time I made money through Amazon was when I had my own website.


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