Article Unpublished Because of Duplicate Content

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  1. ControlledChaos1 profile image94
    ControlledChaos1posted 2 years ago

    The article in question was "Good Title and Caption Ideas for Content Creators". Here is the link to the unpublished page at least showing the url ( I published this article on 2-21-22. There is usually a 1 day wait time for approval. On 2-22-22 (I think), I got notes (Needs Edit) and an email with following language:

    Text that appears in whole or large part on another site.
    Text that appears in whole or large part on HubPages.
    Text that is substantially similar to another work, including closely paraphrased work.

    I set out to re-write and add to the article (1250 words up to 2058 words) and then re-submitted on 2-28-22. I got similar message back. I looked up "free plagiarism checker" and chose ( I tested my first block of text and it gave me the website where some of it was "copied". To my shock it was my entire original article, even down to the intro picture that I created in Photoshop. It said that this article was published on 2-22-22, the day after I first submitted my article to Hubpages for publication. Something is not right here. Below is that website on something called "Gourmet Pro". … -creators/

    As of today (3-1-22), I have sent emails trying to convey this information to Hubpages, but thought it might be a good idea to do this too, to get feedback. I hope that someone at Hubpages sees this, as the information might be in a little bit better order than my 2 emails I sent.

    Basically, I feel like my integrity is being questioned, and it doesn't feel good. Here's the question I have... How is it possible for me to submit my article for publication on 2-21-22 and it not even be OK'd to be published, yet someone published it on 2-22-22 on Gourmet Pro at the following address:
    ( … -creators/)

    I need this to be explained to me and rectified. I hope someone will offer some words of wisdom as this has either happened before or will keep happening if not dealt with.

    Again, sorry for the length, but I wanted to be as concise as possible.

    1. letstalkabouteduc profile image95
      letstalkabouteducposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      The same thing happened to me. I also received that exact message. I wrote HP but haven't heard back. I'm wary about publishing anything else until this is cleared up. I've been writing here for 7 years and have never had this issue. You're right about HP's terse message. It didn't sit well with me.

      1. ControlledChaos1 profile image94
        ControlledChaos1posted 2 years agoin reply to this

        I just would like an explanation on how, if my original article wasn't even published, could have ended up word for word (and picture) on another site on pretty much the exact same day mine would have been featured. For people who write here, this has got to be a concern.

    2. AliciaC profile image93
      AliciaCposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      If you check the recent posts in the forum, Misbah has also had problems with the site that has copied your article. They seem to be searching for articles that have recently been published. Sending an email to writers here saying that they have copied the article does question their integrity and isn't right.

      I don't understand why HubPages doesn't check the date of publication of each article. If the email that you and Misbah received is automated, then the process should be changed and the date stamp of the two articles should be checked before an email is sent to the original writer.

      Edit: McKenna has had the same problem. This really need to be dealt with.

      1. ControlledChaos1 profile image94
        ControlledChaos1posted 2 years agoin reply to this

        With me, my article didn't pass quality control, and there were notes on it saying "duplicate" and "needs edit". I really didn't do my own search for duplication until I had re-submitted the article and it was turned down again. I sent another email (my 3rd - hope I don't get in trouble) sending them a link to this help forum post, as I think I'm laying out the problem better.

      2. alancaster149 profile image79
        alancaster149posted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Is this 'content filching' to do with articles that deal with certain themes? Mention's been made of a gourmet site, but it seems other subject matter's been affected. I wouldn't want to have to re-write long pieces because the subject matter's been covered elsewhere. I've had messages from HP to that effect before and accepted it. I wouldn't want it to become a barrier to reaching my 'audience'.

        1. Jodah profile image88
          Jodahposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          No, there does not seem to be any common theme to the articles scraped. The offending site masquerades as Gourmet Pro, but none or few of the stolen articles appear to be connected to food. I have had three stolen, all on different unrelated topics…one short story, one poem, on essay. Funny thing is all the stolen articles seem to be placed under the category “Business” on the site.

          1. alancaster149 profile image79
            alancaster149posted 2 years agoin reply to this

            Funny 'business' John!

            1. Jodah profile image88
              Jodahposted 2 years agoin reply to this


              1. Misbah786 profile image81
                Misbah786posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                They're busy in stealing 24/7, so they should rename the category as "busyness" big_smile

                1. Jodah profile image88
                  Jodahposted 2 years agoin reply to this


                  1. Misbah786 profile image81
                    Misbah786posted 2 years agoin reply to this


    3. Matt Wells profile imageSTAFF
      Matt Wellsposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      The site that copied your content caused a false positive duplicate content moderation. Your article has been published and marked as original. You should file a DMCA complaint with the site that copied your content. Visit this link for instructions.

      1. Matt Wells profile imageSTAFF
        Matt Wellsposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        We are currently working on a fix and apologize for the inconvenience.

      2. ControlledChaos1 profile image94
        ControlledChaos1posted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks, this was the first time that's happened to me so fast. Sorry for bombarding you all with emails. I guess I was just a little freaked out that this site thought I plagiarized the article when I know I didn't. Thanks again.

        1. Miebakagh57 profile image71
          Miebakagh57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

          Don, congratulations! Hubpages has righted things and apology.                                                  Yours is the original work. Keep on being original. It pays.

    4. Miebakagh57 profile image71
      Miebakagh57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Hey there., I've read the first paragraphe of your article. This part has compkex sentensec, though it can be understand.                                         Why not make it simple and plain compound in the first place, punctuation is also an issue. Thanks.

    5. Miebakagh57 profile image71
      Miebakagh57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Hey, sorry that your original work is copied and published somewhere else, via hubpages.                                        Hubpages owns you an explanation and an apology.                                        But I'm sorry that my first post though not for you, was mistakely found here.

  2. ControlledChaos1 profile image94
    ControlledChaos1posted 2 years ago

    Since this article was clearly stolen, since it was never published, I wonder if I should try to edit the article more and re-submit it or just wait until someone responds to my emails. Any suggestions?

  3. Misbah786 profile image81
    Misbah786posted 2 years ago

    It happened to me as well, as Linda mentioned above. If you're sending an email to the editors at HubPages, which, in my experience, never respond back, try sending it to From there, it's mostly Matt who responds. In my case, they took three days to respond to my email, I believe the delay was  due to the weekend. Unfortunately, HP says they can't help in this regard, which means their filters can make mistakes; all we can do is send them an email every time this happens and they will publish back the article. Unfortunately this is the only option available. That site is very quick at stealing newly published articles which confuses the HP system.  I know and understand it's a very frustrating situation smile

    Best Wishes and Blessings!!

    1. ControlledChaos1 profile image94
      ControlledChaos1posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      I do appreciate the response. This is the first time I've had one stolen that fast, and just got a little flustered that people may think I completely ripped off someone else's article.

      I'll wait a day or so since I sent emails today before trying the one you mention. I'm confident, they'll realize the mistake since all they have to do is look at the dates the articles were published on. Thanks again.

      1. Misbah786 profile image81
        Misbah786posted 2 years agoin reply to this

        No problem. It's a pleasure to help you. smile

        This is what Matt replied to me on forums:

  4. CYong74 profile image97
    CYong74posted 2 years ago

    I have something to share. I don’t know whether this is relevant.

    About 3 years ago, I had a really nasty content theft incident with Quora. A member posted the entirety of one of my best hubs, pictures included, as an extended answer to a popular question. At the end of his answer, he also attributed the content to me and added a link to my hub.

    I filed a DMCA with Quora and they removed the answer. However, days later, the member kicked up a huge sh*tstorm, invoking all sorts of American legal rights and stating he wasn’t stealing content, because he has attributed ownership. He also claimed what he’s doing is commonplace.

    Quora then reinstated his answer. I wrote thrice to them but received no reply. In the end, I filed a DMCA with Google and managed to get them to delist. A couple of weeks later, Quora finally removed the infringing answer for good.

    I’m highlighting this because I notice ac peo . com doing the same. He/she is hiding behind this attribution business for some of the thefts by printing the copyright statement and even a backlink. Of course, there is a slight chance that the person isn’t aware doing so is still theft, though unlikely IMO. Anyhow, this person might be getting away with it because of this.

    Regardless, I think those whose content has been stolen should file a DMCA with the host. The domain looks to be hosted by Hostinger GB. Their policy is at: … fringement

    And the email to write to is:

    Failing which, you should just do a Google DMCA. ac peo . com is ads enabled. At least hit it where it will hurt for a while.

    1. Misbah786 profile image81
      Misbah786posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much for sharing that, CYong. smile
      Blessings always!

    2. ControlledChaos1 profile image94
      ControlledChaos1posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the info.

  5. Dean Traylor profile image97
    Dean Traylorposted 2 years ago

    Happen to check out the website using the link you provided. It turns out that a  lot of people had their articles stolen by this individual within one month. Nearly every article I checked on this Gourmet Pro writer's page originally came from Hubpages. And by the looks of things, he (or she) has been very busy snatching up current articles in that time frame (well over a 100). I believe the culprit is a "member" who may have joined a month ago and has been grabbing as many hubs from the homepage (where an article can be posted despite not being officially published) and placing them on this site.  Anyone reading this, I suggest you check the site to see if they got your hub (Perrya and Matt Bird were two writers this person snatched).

    1. Misbah786 profile image81
      Misbah786posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      HubPages needs to tighten the website's door locks; they are allowing anyone to enter and enjoy the site. There must be some kind of entry test to determine whether or not the person entering their website is eligible. Second, if the person does not post an article within a few days, he or she will be banned from the site. What is the point of having so many extra members? Of course, the person who steals articles and posts them as is, is ofcourse incapable of writing his or her own. I'm sick of it. It's not just about filing DMCA. HP must also work on their system. This is not the proper way.

    2. Misbah786 profile image81
      Misbah786posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      The person has stolen an unlimited number of hubs, and I have personally emailed three HP writers to inform them that their works are being stolen by that website.

    3. ControlledChaos1 profile image94
      ControlledChaos1posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      That would explain how they got my article when it wasn't even given the OK to be featured yet.

  6. Jodah profile image88
    Jodahposted 2 years ago

    For anyone interested, I contacted the host of the offending site. This is their reply:

    Hostinger Abuse <>
    2:37 PM (22 minutes ago)
    to me


    In order to terminate this infringing website, we require further proof of infringing material. We take these matters very seriously, so be sure to provide as much information. Please refer to this URL … fringement (Point B)
    Thank you for your cooperation!

    Hostinger Abuse Department


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