Indexing of New Hubs

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  1. WryLilt profile image86
    WryLiltposted 2 years ago

    I've always used Hubpages as a place to put orphan viral content; usually time-sensitive trending topics that might get a lot of views in a week, then die off.

    I published a hub like this over 48 hours ago, but it still hasn't been indexed, despite me pinging and tweeting it. Just wondering how long people are seeing before hubs are indexed? I've never had issues before.


    1. Matt Wells profile imageSTAFF
      Matt Wellsposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      It can take up to 48 hours for a newly published article to pass the Quality Assessment Process. If you edit your article after publishing, the 48-hour timeframe restarts. If you would like me to review your article, please send a link to

      1. WryLilt profile image86
        WryLiltposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Matt - this was after it had passed QAP.

    2. Sadie14 profile image81
      Sadie14posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      How are you determining when your articles get indexed?

      1. WryLilt profile image86
        WryLiltposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        I put the permalink into Google and see if it displays.

  2. eugbug profile image94
    eugbugposted 2 years ago

    It can take up to a week, then another week if it's move to a network site.

  3. profile image0
    Beth Eaglescliffeposted 2 years ago

    I find that once an article is on one of the network sites, it is indexed very quickly. However, Google seems to ignore discover articles for a long time before indexing; sometimes for weeks. Which makes getting articles moved onto a network site even more important than in used to be.

  4. EricDockett profile image99
    EricDockettposted 2 years ago

    It is way different than it used to be these days.

    I published an article 18 days ago. It is still sitting on HP and still not indexed.

    For me, I see two or three days just to get through QAP. Then, several weeks for it go to a niche site and get indexed. They do eventually move and get indexed though.

    It would be great if HP could take a tiny bit of the energy they are using to edit my PetHelpful articles for the 19th time and put it toward moving new articles to the niche sites more quickly.

    It is an enthusiasm killer to have to wait weeks for an article to move and start getting traffic.

    1. DrMark1961 profile image99
      DrMark1961posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      I am seeing the same thing as the editors seem to be busy editing the already published articles, once again, even if there is not really anything to change. I have two articles finished but have not published them since my last one has not been moved, nor does it have any traffic.

    2. Glenn Stok profile image95
      Glenn Stokposted 2 years agoin reply to this


      I looked at you article to try to determine why it hasn’t been moved.  I hope you don’t mind a couple of suggestions.

      The subtitle you used on the first capsule would be much better used as the main title of the article:

      What Are Special Teams in NFL Football?

      You could just exchange it with the title you’re using now, as that would fit perfectly as a subtitle on the first capsule since it refers to its content:

      NFL Football Special Teams Explained

      I would also consider a more descriptive subtitle for the third capsule, such as:

      Roles of the Special Team Players

      Other than that, I don’t see why it’s being held back. It’s a good article.

      1. EricDockett profile image99
        EricDockettposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks. smile

        I'm not suggesting it is being held back for some reason. I just think they haven't gotten to it yet. On average, it seems to take a couple of weeks for a new article to move.

        1. Glenn Stok profile image95
          Glenn Stokposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          Yes, I noticed it takes a couple of weeks for me too while my new articles sit on discover. TAG just hired five more editors, so maybe things will go faster now once they complete training.

    3. EricDockett profile image99
      EricDockettposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      I realized it was 8 days, not 18 after posting this. Sorry HP.

      Math is hard.

      1. Matt Wells profile imageSTAFF
        Matt Wellsposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        I just wanted to make sure everyone understands the terminology. Indexing means searchable in a search engine, like Google. A new article published on HubPages can take up to 48 hours to pass the Quality Assessment Process. If you make an edit, the timeframe starts over. If you pass the QAP then your article is indexed in search engines while living on HubPages. From HubPages, your article will be moved to Discover when it reaches the traffic threshold or moved to a Network Site if it meets quality standards.

        1. EricDockett profile image99
          EricDockettposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          I understand. smile

          My article was on HubPages for several days but it was not indexed. I searched for it by url.

          I know HP can't control what Google does. I understand that while the intent may be for articles to get indexed ASAP it might not happen that way. I'm not faulting HP for that.

          However, even if an article does get indexed, it isn't likely to get much traffic until it goes to a niche site. That is the delay that concerns me.

  5. eugbug profile image94
    eugbugposted 2 years ago

    I've had articles that had titles changed, but Google didn't update the changes in SERPs for months to a year later.

  6. Miebakagh57 profile image74
    Miebakagh57posted 2 years ago

    Matt, thanks for introducing this '48' hour theme topic.                                    Yesterday, I publish a new article. Minutes later, I realized I forgot to edit the title. So, I did edit the title. Hardly I realized that within 48 hours the article has not yet receive the index blessing.                                  Now I do know.

  7. WryLilt profile image86
    WryLiltposted 2 years ago

    Thanks everyone, looks like it's now live. I guess I'll have to look at faster options for getting viral content live... it was a good money maker back in the day.

  8. WryLilt profile image86
    WryLiltposted 2 years ago

    Update: in the 24 hours since it was indexed, my new hub has had over 1,000 views. This is one of my favourite ways to utilise Hubpages; quick niche viral content.

    1. EricDockett profile image99
      EricDockettposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Your article was moved to the niche site so quickly because you spoke up in the forums. Typically, we wait much, much longer for our articles to move. It would be tough for most users to repeat what you've done here, unfortunately.

      Congrats, though. I hope the editors will will see this and decide to put more emphasis on getting new articles through QAP and moved to the niche sites faster. For me anyway, it really takes the wind out of my sails when I publish something and have to wait weeks for anything to happen.

      1. WryLilt profile image86
        WryLiltposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, makes sense, and it's unfortunate that the main site has such low quality thanks to historical issues, so the delay means evergreen only is best. I used to write articles (on other accounts) that had as many as 300,000 views in the first week. Unfortunately, it's hard to do that unless you manage to get them live ahead of major media sites; there's maybe a 6 hour window before other journalists and editors catch up. 

        This article's ranked #1 and up to 5,200 views now.


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