Our Articles Gone Off the Front Pages of Network Sites.

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  1. eugbug profile image96
    eugbugposted 18 months ago

    Whereas before, our articles frequently appeared up front, now the homepages are populated by news articles written presumably by hired writers. Also the "Ask an Expert" articles take up a lot of the pages. So apart from losing direct traffic from visitors casually browsing the sites, what are the implications for this as regards SEO if our articles are buried in categories? Does it make any difference?

    1. lobobrandon profile image76
      lobobrandonposted 18 months agoin reply to this

      The home page links were not permanent anyway and with regards to SEO having a link there or not does not matter because it was present at one moment and the next time the crawler arrived it wasn't. But whether the new stuff on the page being I assume lower quality affects the site in general, now that is a different question altogether.

    2. OldRoses profile image64
      OldRosesposted 18 months agoin reply to this

      I have never worried about my articles appearing on the front page of network sites.  I don't think very many people visit the network sites to browse articles.  I think most people go directly to our articles via search engines.

  2. psycheskinner profile image77
    psycheskinnerposted 18 months ago

    I suspect this is another thing we are meant to not worry our pretty little heads about.

    1. theraggededge profile image87
      theraggededgeposted 18 months agoin reply to this

      Question nothing. Just keep churning them out.

      1. Kenna McHugh profile image93
        Kenna McHughposted 18 months agoin reply to this

        I agree. Keep writing. Though, it would be nice to see the earnings reported daily. Amazon is caught up, but HP lags by four days.

        1. Solaras profile image80
          Solarasposted 18 months agoin reply to this

          I think that was sarcasm, since we get little info on the trajectory TAG is perusing for HP.

          1. DrMark1961 profile image99
            DrMark1961posted 17 months agoin reply to this

            I have to admit I do not understand the CPMs. I seem to remember hearing on the news that the US has had a problem with inflation, but the CPMs are virtually unchanged since 2012. Or is it because a dollar in 2012 is the same value as a dollar in 2023?

            1. eugbug profile image96
              eugbugposted 17 months agoin reply to this

              It's probably an advertiser's market. They just don't bid as much for ad placement in an automated system.

              1. DrMark1961 profile image99
                DrMark1961posted 17 months agoin reply to this

                Yes, probably right. If they were paying $1 for impressions in 2013 10 years later they are paying 60 cents. That does not make any sense when everything else is more expensive.

  3. PaulGoodman67 profile image96
    PaulGoodman67posted 18 months ago

    On the one hand, I have concerns about HP turning into something completely unrecognizable from the platform that I joined, i.e. it survives but in name only.

    On the other hand, it's obviously struggling, and the internet's changing so I feel like it has to do whatever it takes to keep its head above water. Just editing and improving the quality seems to be not enough for Google. I hope the experts thing works. It seemed to go okay at Pethelpful, which is just about the only niche I'm aware of that isn't in the toilet.

    1. Solaras profile image80
      Solarasposted 18 months agoin reply to this

      As of late, but before this last Google rollout, I have seen improvement for adding new unique images.

      My old articles that garnered 800 views a day are down to 95.  They have old, unique images, that I am considering hiding in favor of others.  I will wait until this rollout completes.  I may dress my dogs in togas and waste a day taking lousy pictures of them that can't be published.

      Pet photos are difficult; they refuse to stay still when dressed like Greeks and Romans.


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