Hi everyone! We’re pleased to share an exciting update about comments—we know this is an important feature for many of you. We will only be rolling out our new commenting system on AxleAddict for now, but we will keep you posted on when commenting will extend to our other Network Sites. Here are a few details about how this new system will be different:
• Users will need to log in with their HubPages email (i.e., the email they used to set up their account) to comment. If you create a new account with a new email, your history of other comments will not be associated with your new account.
• Comments will use the commenter’s “username,” which may not match their “Real Name.” In the case of an author commenting on their own article, this means that the name listed on that author’s comment may not match the one displayed at the top of their article. Imported comments will be set to the current HubPages username of the commenter, even if they were previously listed under a “Real Name.”
• The system allows for nested comments, which creates a cleaner thread that’s much easier to follow and interact with.
• Comments and the ability to comment will no longer show up on a user’s feed. All comments will need to be made while logged in and on the article page.
• Commenting on HubPages will be turned off, so users will not be able to comment right when an article gets created (i.e., before it has been processed by one of our team members). Users will not be able to comment on articles that are not moved to one of our Network Sites.
• Authors and users can flag comments in order to send them for a moderator to review. Since all comments will be coming from logged-in users, we hope to see a dramatic decrease in spammy and inappropriate comments.
• You may need to refresh the page in order to see the new comment box.
We are thrilled to be bringing comments back, and we look forward to seeing our community continue to interact article by article. Thank you for your patience!
"Commenting on HubPages will be turned off, so users will not be able to comment right when an article gets created (i.e., before it has been processed by one of our team members). Users will not be able to comment on articles that are not moved to one of our Network Sites."
Presenting this as if anyone here asked for this seems facetious, and almost as if our faces are being spat in. I am excited to see an update nonetheless, it is nice to know work is being performed even if the community's requests are mostly burnt to cinders.
Will you now be transferring series like John Hansen's amazing poems from the porch? Will people like Brenda Arledge now have to get transferred to run her community series? Bill Holland's mailbag series is now going to be eliminated as a gathering place for our community.
I see the benefit of this move from a business standpoint, but to present this from a community-building standpoint while singlehandedly penalizing/eliminating influential community gathering centers is concerning.
What about non-HP members? Before comments were disabled readers outside the HP family could comment as well. Comments from organic searches are valuable.
Staff, please respond to my question.
Furthermore, losing the ability to comment via feed is counterproductive. I've just had a very old article moved to Discover, regardless of the fact that it had 136 comments before being set to stagnate on HubPages.com, and I can't respond to the new comments that came in today.
This is NOT what we asked for, HP!
This is so annoying and frustrating, and I absolutely agree with the comments of the fellow writers, in this thread.
This is hardly an exciting upgrade. I agree with those who have commented. I primarily write medical articles, and they are often at a person's request. While they often end up on a niche site, they typically doesn't happen immediately. I want to be able to make comments on my Feed also.
We are not here for the money! I use to make more for the same amount of work on Hubpages. I can make much more writing for other sites. I am here for the community. I think this is a nightmare, and you will probably lose many authors.
I agree, Pamela.
Without interaction with fellow writers, and without feedback on our articles, there is no interest in publishing something new, and I am missing that.
I have read some newly published articles, but feeling helpless, that I can't comment on them. Moreover, the pageviews is also showing a downtrend.
I just post a thread in the forum about this view point minutes ago.
Exactly my thoughts, Pamela. God save HubPages, I say.
Well, now I know. I thought it was "me". Big Bummer.
Why have the existing comments disappeared on a hub that was republished today after I made an update to its contents? Comments still appear on other chapters of this serialization on LetterPile.
As I writer I depend on the readers' reactions to my stories. They inspire me to write more.
How can we see comments capsule in authors view? It's not showing up there as well. I agree with Kyler what about John Hansen and Brenda Arledge's articles. Will they be moved to niche sites? They deserve to be.
And what about Mr. Bill Holland's articles "The Writer's Mailbag series"? They all are serving the community greatly with their praise worthy articles.
How will we be able to catch up with each other?
I agree with all the comments so far. When I saw this headline I thought, Great comments are gradually going to be returned, but this sounds like it will be worse than the situation we already have where at least we can comment on the feed and on articles on HubPages.
My series Poems From the Porch, Bill Holland’s Mailbag, Brenda Arledge’s Weekly Word Prompt, Linda Lum’s Cooking Mailbag all rely on readers comments or they will fold. If they remain on HubPages or Discover they will no longer receive comments. At least now people can catch them while still on HubPages or comment on the feed.
Will the fact you can comment on AxleAddict (where no one I know or follow even posts) mean we can’t comment on anything else at all until it is introduced on the other network sites?
This sounds terrible, and not what any of us wanted at all.
I don't like not having a comment section on my user feed.
How am I supposed to know someone even commented??
I'm don't have timr to pull up each article & check to see if a comment is there.
Furthermore I don't want to wait until it is picked up by a Niche Site to comment.
How is that supposed to help any of us?
Just forget it...leave it the way it was...
Cause this is absolutely awful!!!
I'm not sure how I can do my Word Prompt Series....since like so many other Hubbers series these do not go to Niche Site....thus No Comments.
I think they just tossed a wrench into our writing efforts.
Time will tell...I sent them an email
"Users will not be able to comment on articles that are not moved to one of our Network Sites." Your Network Sites are part of the problem. I can't tell you the number of emails I have received from readers outside the HP community that complain of how difficult it is to slog through the constant ads that seemed to slap one in the face, huge headers that compress content, etc. In addition, as already mentioned here, there are articles and hubs that do not make it to these so-called "coveted" Network Sites we still want to be able to comment on.
For the past year, you have made navigating the Hub more clumsy and time-consuming, creating walls within our community. It took quite a while to learn how to navigate the feeds to be able to post comments that we used to be able to do far more easily. Now, you seek to make this even worse?
You've already lost a number of talented writers as result. Do you wish to lose even more?
Definitely correct.
Writer's are tired of dealing with these problems and issues.
They should be thankful to have us here.
Is the position of the comments set? They are incredibly hard to find stuffed between the Around the Web and Related Articles sections and come across as disjointed from the article. If you're advertising comments on the main page, I would expect them to be easier to find.
I will also miss the outside HP commentors. How to and pet help articles like Dr. Mark's benefit from those interactions. When search engines are suppose to be our main source of traffic, cutting out comments to those viewers seems counterproductive.
I tried to get on Axle Addict and I cannot find one article I can even comment on there.
This is a nightmare.
Does Hubpages even care about us as Writer's??
We are the ones who put forth the work which they benefit from...it's time to make us Happy.
Every article I clicked on I had the ability to. It's a tedious process. I don't see many people using it, unless we can log in and input a code/username once across all the sites.
If you click on "Comments" instead of the title or photo of the article, it will take you right to the comments. They take a while to load, just like the rest of the page.
Nope. I still cannot get to comments.
I clicked on comments & it just jumps down to other pictures for other articles .
I can't even read the comments already left.
I had to click comments on the main page, then click comments on the article itself, then I had to wait for it all to load. Relatively convoluted.
Thanks for the instructions. I have successfully left a comment on Axel Addict. It's not easy, or intuitive, but it can be done. I do like that you have the opportunity to edit your comment after it's posted.
I feel like it's odd that you have to scroll back through a bunch of sponsored content to get back to the article. Sometimes I want to refer back to something while I am commenting on it.
But, I guess it's a work in progress. I think people don't always understand how much work goes into something that seems like it should be simple.
I know your word prompt community will be terribly affected. I just started what I hoped to be a series on the letters, questions, etc., I get from gardeners. Not sure it will fly now. So very disappointed in HubPages.
I did read a couple of those.
Goodluck with this maze, but I'm hopeful.
Maybe asked them to post to your email
All these crazy changes remind me of all the changes on Squidoo during the last months before it bit the dust.
I just tried to change my settings so comments don't need my approval before they are shown. I think that has been removed, too. Does anyone know another site for writing that doesn't cost money like Medium does?
If I read the post right we (the author) have no control over the comments like we did in the past.
The best we can do is flag inappropriate or spammy content. Sounds like everything else stays, which could end up hurting our SEO.
I think you read it right. Really not happy right now.
Same here. We all would like the ability to comment on Hubpages, on the feed, Discover and niche sites. That would make everyone happy. After all, a happy community of writers is all you will ever need.
I like how outside people need to enter a valid email address now, and enter the temp code that’s sent to them. That should eliminate spam. However, that’s the only thing I like.
I see that the global comment maintenance option has been removed. So now we need to log into each article individually to review and reply to comments. That will be a nightmare and impossible to keep up with it. In the past, we were able to moderate all comments from one place.
And that brings up another problem. It looks like we can’t moderate comments anymore. We can only reply or flag for staff to moderate. That’s going to give HubPages staff a tremendous burden.
I don’t see an option to delete comments, am I overlooking something?
I also don’t like that we have to scroll through all the ads to get to the comments.
I have the concern that this system of manually entering articles every time you receive a comment will look suspicious to Google or advertisers, as if it is a way to inorganically increase traffic/impressions, but I don't know how those things are measured so it's purely speculative on my part. I would think the traffic sources would become suspicious over time, and eventually devalue the site collectively.
This was a concern of mine as well and most of my articles never get frequent comments. I do have 3 that I would want to stay on top of, although the inability to moderate makes me wish I could just turn them off. This seems like a bigger headache than it's worth.
Without a system to notify us we are either left in the dark or forced to constantly check every article to make sure we haven't missed anything. For some authors that could take days with how slow these pages load.
With the amount of time it has taken HP to come up with a way of restoring comments, I find it very depressing that this is the best solution they could deliver. It will be much worse than the current situation of having to comment before the article moves to a niche site or when someone you follow shares it on the feed. If they didn't take note of what our concerns were in regard to community involvement they shouldn't have bothered.
I guess it is a case of "be careful what you wish for."
I agree completely with all of the above comments.
When I joined HubPages over 3 years ago, it was a community of writers. I have benefited hugely from comments and suggestions made by other writers. The encouragement we receive from the comments is extremely important.
These changes are ripping the heart out of this community.
Those I know outside HP have been impressed by the comments they have seen from all over the world on my articles.
I hope that the editors take note of what the writers are saying. Otherwise I fear that the writing is on the wall for this community and it does not have long to go.
Hello John!
I have read your latest submission on the word prompt, Sonder. But, as expected, I am not able to comment, neither on the article, nor on the feed. Although, I can view it on my feed.
It seems to be 'The End' of HP as a community of writers. So frustrating!!
Seems like this is a new way to make money from direct sources (the HubPages community) rather than organic, referral, social, or any other? I think it is not the best way. This situation will make the writers tired and, as a result, the community will disintegrate. I'm afraid HP will lose a lot of its valuable authors.
Thank you Chitrangada. It seems the only way to comment will be through the forums, unfortunately, at least for now. Hopefully, HP will acknowledge our concerns but I won't hold my breath.
I'm up to speed now, John. I am now wondering how long commenting in the forums will last. I recall an old TOS rule that said we cannot promote our articles by posting links in the forum. I think positing a link to your article was if you were asking for help only.
This is horrible.
In addition to the concerns Glenn and others mentions, this is going to turn HP into Spam City. People sign up just to spam the forums every single day. They will certainly sign up to spam articles.
Most of us here will be paying attention, but what if we go on vacation or step away for a little while?
What about the thousands of absentee writers who rarely, if ever, check their accounts? Who keeps the spam off of their pages?
There is apparently no way to turn comments off, no way to screen them, no way to hold them for moderation, and no way to delete them?
It also looks like the comment text is no longer part of the page code. (?) If so, that means a ton of content removed from the niche sites and the loss of whatever search traffic it would have brought.
Why do things keep getting worse? How is it that HP had perfectly functional websites just a few years ago where all of the systems and processes worked correctly and now it is like a monumental task just to add an Amazon affiliate notice, remove a video, or replicate the comments system we used to have?
It is all so disheartening.
This is so frustrating they can't even post a single reply on this forum discussion. That is actually created by them.
Did they actually think we would be pleased by this?
They posted at the end of their work day. Assuming this was posted by someone on the west coast, USA where they are based, it is only 730am there and they likely have not seen these comments yet.
I'm hopeful some of our questions will be answered, but I don't have much hope in anything changing. They spent way too much time on this system and if it doesn't work out, I fear we will lose comments completely which would be a loss for more than our community of writers.
I thought we were getting something better, or at least comparable to what we had. This is a huge disappointment on so many levels.
Whether hubpages care for it's writers or not, the point is that some here still expecting.
I would like the ability to delete or edit comments from a central location.
Well, everyone has said it all. Sigh. I will add that it's clear that HP/Maven has changed it's business model. They say "for now" which sounds to me like "no plans to move expeditiously on putting ability to comment on other niche sites." The bullets lay out the new model clearly. Community is not a part of the bottom line. They wanted to take back control of how this site was working. We were clogging the feeds and throwing off algorithms with our creativity, our appreciation of feedback, our love of the craft and of each other.
I guess I'll see you guys in the forums. Pray for those hubbers who saw the HP community as a type of lifeline, giving purpose to a significant part of their routines. We know how the pandemic has made that reality even more meaningful. Keep writing, guys, keep writing.
The thing that counts is that Hubpages-Marven has not made any significant commitment to the comment button coming back on it's three sites-hubpages, discover, and niches. Why make test on just one niche site? Why not fairly distribute same also on hubpages and discover? Seriously, I've not write one artcle this year 2021. But will do the next year 2021.
For everyone’s interest. I e-mailed the team and received this response from Matt:
“ Hello,
Commenting is currently only available on AxleAddict and will be available on discover.hubpages.com and the rest of the network sites in the future. We will review the current comment configuration and make adjustments anywhere we feel they are needed. Thank you for your suggestions.
Team HubPages”
At least Matt states commenting will also be available on Discover.
Phew, now that is some news that takes some of the heat off of this situation. Those of us who do series will be able to continue doing so, but have to wait for the transfer to Discovery in order to receive comments. That's better than having to do everything in the forum.
Still not a great outcome, but a better one than I felt it was earlier.
Something is always better than nothing. I am glad they responded to you, John. At least the community will not fall apart that away. I am happy that we'll still be able to catch up with each other. One thing I do is when I write my articles. I don't type or copy paste all at once. I always start writing an article on HubPages and save it as draft. I've noticed when the draft reaches 10-12 views of my own. Mostly, it is automatically moved to discover when I hit the publish button. I have experienced it a lot of times. May be using this technique will help us all.
Best wishes to everyone!
I think Matt has out-smart you. The future thing is not reality when the initial promise of the comment button coming back since July 2021 has not yet actualized.
But when will that be, John? It's taken them a year to reinstate comments on one Niche site. How long will it be before we can comment across the board? And why in the hell did they take comments away from our feed? It's because we found a workaround and that pissed off the powers to be so they locked the door and threw away the key.
Yes, it makes you wonder why they couldn't retain the commenting on the feed until it was restored to all the other sites including discover. It didn't take too long after they first launched Tatring for the other niche sites to follow though..so hopefully, this may be similar. I am trying to stay a little optimistic.
Thank you for that tip, Misbah. I often do similar, though maybe not 10 or 12.
If there is no notification of comments made, as in the past, it would take forever to find them on each individual site for those of us with hundreds of articles. I always approved mine first before they would appear, so IF there was spam, it did not show up. Why cannot we return to what it was like before this drastic change? I think most of us would appreciate an answer as to why this change has taken place.
Pardon me if I don't turn cartwheels over this.
Your'e "thrilled", but you've turned off comments for everyone except AxleAddict (and how much traffic does THAT one get)?
Why punish the 99 percent of us while you get your stuff sorted out?
Why should any of the rest of us continue to put in time and talent to write to an empty room. Without feedback and interaction (which, by the way, your "About Us" promotes, continuing to publish seems like a meaningless exercise.
How's that revenue stream going to go for you when your writers drop out like flies?
Good job!
Hi All. We’ve read through your comments in this thread (and other related threads), and we hear you. We understand that this initial version of the new commenting system doesn’t have all of the same features you’ve come to know and love, and we appreciate your feedback on how it could be improved. It sounds as though the main areas in which you would like to see changes are:
• The ability to comment on HubPages and Discover HubPages in order to easily interact with each other, e.g., via Bill Holland’s Mailbag, Brenda Arledge’s weekly word prompts, and Jodah’s Poems From the Porch series.
• The ability to comment via the HubPages Feed.
• The option for non-HubPages members to comment (i.e., not requiring a login).
• A global comment maintenance option that allows authors to view, respond to, moderate, or delete comments in one place.
• The ability to directly moderate and delete comments rather than flagging them for moderator review.
• A notification system when an author’s article receives a comment.
• A different location for the comments capsule.
• Faster load time.
While we may not be able to include all of these features, we will continue working toward a commenting system that allows and encourages the kind of positive community engagement that you all had such beautiful things to say about. We appreciate each and every one of you, and we thank you for bearing with us as we continue to build out the new commenting system.
Dear HP - Are you going to take note of one members recent comments about one of the latest Googles announcements (page 34, I think?) where Google said swamping articles with ads will be penalised. For a long time now on this forum, members have been complaining that no matter how much editing they do to their articles, views and hence earnings have fallen off a cliff, and rightly or wrongly it seemed to begin with HP first putting a massive video across the top then (in my mind) followed by a ridiculous number of ads, mostly unrelated to the article. This surely hurts HP/Maven just as much as ourselves.
If we said, well that experiment didn't work, can you now please reverse it and give the articles their readable version back with fewer ads? Thanks.
Exactly what every writer here wants. The cluttering ads are a perfect nonsense.
What he said! I can barely stand to look at my own articles because of the constant clutter.
"...we hear you." Did HubPages "hear you" last year 2020, when the comment system was removed? More so, did Hubpages hear us, or hear you this year 2021 while reminding them to return the comment button latest as promised by July? "...we hear you." Curiously, who's behind the voice? Matt or management? And now another promise of a new comment system? Count your fingers.
Funnily enough Miebakagh - My main articles are in Axleaddict so I'm the only one not grizzling about comments returning.
JerryFish, so you're cupid's bridegroom? May she continue to favour you to our disadvantage? That's also more funny. Lol! But wait! HubPages is tied to Marven's apron string. Anything can happen any time like the open comment is taken away this week. Enjoy your show plus the weekend. That's the most funny part of the deal.
Whoever is behind the voice, maybe we can all try to remember they are a human being trying to do their job.
Yes, agreed. It's either management or a specific person in the fore-front. Generalisation is unaceptable.
Thank you for acknowledging our concerns. All we are asking is that they are taken seriously and considered, and that you will do your best to address as many as possible. Much appreciated.
Thank you for your response. Much appreciated.
Feeling optimistic after reading this.
Thank you.
A couple of important things I'd add to the list:
* The ability to hold comments for moderation, meaning they don't appear live until the account owner has a chance to review them and make a decision.
* The ability to turn the comment system on and off, at least at the account level, with the default being OFF. This will keep spam and nonsense comments off of articles managed by absentee writers.
Both of these things are very important for keeping unwanted comments off of our articles. The editors and writers work so hard to keep spam and misinformation out of our content. It would be shame to let it seep into the comments section.
If we can't properly moderate comments, I would say we are better off without them.
Thank you for (bravely) coming back into the forum and discussing this. As you can see, we forum denizens are a bit riled up. Interaction with staff goes a long way toward helping writers feel like HubPages is listening and moving in a positive direction.
I'm glad to see Staff come in and reiterate what we're asking for. Basically, we want the comments to remain as they were before they were discontinued and we had to go in thru the back door in order to do so.
Staff, until you get the kinks worked out, please return the ability to comment via feed. The inability to communicate outside the forums is restrictive and extremely bad for moral and motivation.
Please at least give us that much. Sooner rather than later!
Thank you.
Thank you for at least letting us know you care about our concerns.
Thank you HP for your considered response. I hope thos situation can be sorted out to everyone's satisfaction.
Thank you for responding. I think this is at least a step in the right direction. I appreciate the fact that HP is still here while other writing sites have disappeared.
Thank you, HubPages, for your feedback. Feeling glad and hopeful that you will incorporate as many features as possible that we would love to have. After all, we want to be a happy community of writers.
I hope you can tweak it a bit & allow comments from newsfeed.
I have lost hope of ever enjoying the comment feature in Hubpages that I have come to love for more than 10 years. I don't know when the feature will be rolled out in other network sites since it won't be any sooner.
Also, some articles are rejected on network sites because they are similar to the ones than have been to network sites. As such, they're moved to Discover. I do believe they've a right to have the feature so is the case with articles on Hubpages because per Hubpages they don't receive impressive traffic.
If only Hubpages team knew comments mean a world to us hubbers than the team.
Many of my articles are on break ups. I would receive dozen of comments of people who sought help in dealing with hurt and negative emotions. Since the comments were disabled, I always feel bad knowing there is someone there who wants help. Many of them can't afford counseling or therapy services.
I hope the Hubpages team or management considers the hubbers request and which has been summarised by the forum administrator.
Thank you, HP, for taking note of the issues. Looking forward to a newer and better HP.
Thank you so much for responding, HP staff. Greatly appreciated. We are hoping to see something new and energetic that can help to revive the lost joy of our lovely community.
Best wishes!
To HP - ability to respond to articles via the feed was an “ok” workaround so if you could go back to that quickly while working on a return to full functionality, that would be really, really good. No kidding, I sat awake last eve wondering about Bill’s and Brenda’s and John’s works, and just sort of the overall morale piece of this. Bravewarrior Sha Sha is right: morale took a nosedive overnight when this all happened. I don’t have ability to see the big picture numbers like you all do but I bet also that numbers of articles published daily has dropped, too. I could be wrong, of course, but I do suspect in any case that this has had/will have more deleterious effects than are known right now. Anyway, not trying to pigpile here, but I do think it would be good if some sort of participative-discussion-per-arrticle-venue was installed/reinstalled rapidly…I also want to add my thanks to those already proffered for hearing and acknowledging the concerns of this community of writers. That’s somewhat heartening.
boxelder, your not wrong but right. But I, like the others are taking things easy. If HubPages is really that serious, then let's expect within 6 months, a test or trial of the issue is enact. But if we're waiting for a year, then, I'm afraid the outlook will not be bright. The comment button that was removed about a year, and promise to be restored has lingered for over a year. It's good to know that you weigh in for the good of the community.
Another six months is far to long to wait, Miebakagh. We need some form of commenting restored as soon as possible or many people will just stop posting here until that happens. It is just not the same writing here for no feedback.
Agreed, John. They removed the ability to comment via feed overnight. There's no reason they can't hit the undo button for that ornery move now. Not later!
John, agreed that six months is a long wait too much. But within 6-months can be any period of timing that is less than 3 or 5 months.
Great idea...not sure why it was shut off while other one is being tested...but it is what it is.
Find loopholes...we can do this.
I just left a comment on someone's article on AxleAddict. It's strange that we have to use an email code to log in. Why can't we just use our HubPages username and password to log in?
HP needs to address this, Misbah. Disclosing an email address leads us wide open for viruses, scamming, and phishing,
Not a good move!
There's something even more interesting. They are interlinking the niche sites, I believe. I can see all my previous comments that I ever made on anyone's or my hubs. I can see all my comments on AxleAddict after logging in there.
After logging in, I can see all of my comments on AxleAddict that I've ever made on the following sites:
This is certainly something much more than we know, I guess
Wow, Misbah. This is getting weirder my the minute.
That's weird, Misbah. I wonder what the reasoning is behind it?
You have a comments and my profile tab above the comment section. I don't think anyone else can see your profile. If you try clicking on a username in the comments your only option is to ignore them.
Since we have no where to see comments on HP, I wonder if this is so we can see everything we've commented on. You can't sort it and it's not organized by date or article, so it's not helpful in my opinion. Especially for those with hundreds of comments.
I agree. I don't think it's useful in any way. Actually I am also curious to know why they made such an update.
I winder why they made this update too. I do not get many span or stupid comments at all, and I delete when necessary. I hope they restore the comments.
I'm hoping for the best. Pamela, I read your article about hair loss today, and it was, as always, very informative and educational.
Blessings to you!
Thank you, Misbah. Take care.
Love and blessings.
I read your article too.
I knew a gal once who wore a wig, she had some kind of disease where she had no hair, bit no one knew except her immediate family.
Some persons are born with scary any hair or few scanty hairs on the head. As they grew up the hairs either grew likewise, or fade off. This is heredity and I think hair transplant surgery cannot help?
I posted a full review of my testing of the new comment mechanism. But I posted it under a different thread since that forum was leading in that direction. Afterward, I realized it should be here.
So,if interested, go look at https://hubpages.com/community/forum/35 … ost4208924
Thank you for that Glenn. Somehow, I wish I hadn't read your observations though. It seems to make things sound even worse.
I don't even seem to be able to find a "log in" button on AxleAddict.
Okay, that worked this time. The first time when I clicked "comments" it just took me to related articles. I notice when you click "My Profile" it shows comments you have made on other niche sites (as you said). That just seems strange.
That sounds like a major problem.
If the test user never reads my reply after I go to all that trouble...what's the point.
I haven't been able to read any comments yet on axle...like John, it takes me to other articles.
As we all can see, Hubpages has not removed the 'Comment' tab from the right side of the feed. So, do you think there's any chance that the comment tab will be restored in the future? When I click the sign in button, it takes me back to the feed. Is that comment button, which is still present on the right side of the feed is a ray of hope for us? Just wondering…..
I just wasted my valuable time trying to read sbd comment on AxleAddict.
The page quit responding several times.
Then i had to reload several times to get to comment.
After all this it wants my email & then sends me a code.
Once again...it had to be reloaded.
I didn't ever get to where I could leave a comment.
Personally...if I have to wait on a code before typing a comment....the comment isn't going to get made.
If I can't do it simply and quickly...I won't leave one.
Kindly remember that people have other obligations and they will not spend all day trying to figure this out.
Simple....Easy. please make it this way for comments & reading.
I haven’t tried it, but all this seems so complicated, to login or comment.
I am afraid, the writers are losing their interest in publishing something new, and that includes me too.
Thank you for this information, Brenda.
I'm yet to take a second go at AxleAddict to gain an experience.
I haven't tried it wither. It does seem a bit over-whelming. I think we will lose people if it is not fixed. Thank you, Brenda, for making that effort and informing us.
Brenda - hear hear. What I would like to see is ability for anyone—anyone!—who reads my article to ask a question/make a comment without effort. In addition, I’d like to be able to respond. Hmmm…I guess what I’m saying is I’d like to see comments work the way they worked when I started on HP just a bit over 1.5 years ago. Doesn’t seem hard…
I agree, Box. It wasn't broken, so why did they feel the need to fix it? Give it back to us the way it was before they took it away. Simple. Period.
Do they Know the word. SIMPLE ....
maybe we need to write a word prompt for this one...lol
This has to be hassle-free.
I will not waste my time & effort.
I know others won't!!
I will lose readers.
I'm still trying to make a go at the challenge. Perhaps, my device and browser is the issue. I'll make a third go later.
Funny how multiple spaces can be rendered in comments but not in hubs.
Is my device that responsible? That I can't tell!
Maybe, but the thing is the extra spaces don't disappear when comments are posted. I'd like to be able to do them in hubs, but they get stripped out and replaced by a single space.
eugbug, that I know but I can't help it. So what's the issue? Like you, I'm good on articles. But the comment is a different thing. I think the oddity also appear on another writers comments? As far as hubpages is concern, I'm good to go.
Not a problem. I'm not complaining about spaces in your comments. What I mean is that it is interesting that we can add spaces together in comments, but we aren't allowed use more than one space between words in hubs because of the way the code works. It removes extra spaces. Sometimes it would be useful to have more than one space in a line, for example to indent the start of a line when adding equations.
eugbug, that I got it. You're okay, and am okay. Curiously, I use a small TEKNO hand set, whose parent browser is OPERA 4. Critically, if I make one space, I could not get a good paragraphy. I had to make up to 30 spaces! I hope you're understanding that on my end side?
Hi all! Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue the roll-out process while simultaneously working toward improving the commenting system. Comments have just been turned on for WanderWisdom, though it may take a few hours for them to show up.
As of now, the system is identical to what you see on AxleAddict, but our engineers are working on making some of the improvements you all identified as soon as possible. We can't yet say which improvements will be possible or when they will be live, but we will keep you posted. As simple as we wish this process was, even a seemingly tiny feature can require anywhere from hours to days (or weeks!) of engineering work to produce/modify. We truly do appreciate your patience!
For those of you who have identified ads as another serious issue with user experience on HubPages, please know that this issue is at the top of our agenda, right alongside commenting. We are aware that the current ad experience is undesirable and are working on new potential layouts that will maintain author and site earnings while improving the reader experience.
Thank you so much for giving us an update on the progress so far.
Doing something about those ads sounds like a win..win.
We are all trying our best to be patient.
Thank you for working out all the bugs & making everything seem smoother.
I hope the comments will be a smooth transition.
Thank you HubPages. It's a welcome development and understanding. Seriously, this is what we writers has been thinking and complaining, especially the ad question. I hope Hubpages will modify the ad after Google...at the top right, and buttom end of an article. Critically, I hope also that as comment has been restore to both AxleAddict and Wonder Wisdom in just about a month, you'll later do so for the other sites, hubpages and discover.hubpages. Seriously also, you've live up to your promises. Keep up the good work. Thanks again as our expectations are not in vain.
Thank you for the update. It is welcome and much appreciated. good luck with the continued roll-out of comments, and it is great to know the advertising is being looked at.
Why not put on the brakes and stop the rollout to new sites while you iron out the problems? At least sort out the moderation and notification system before going any further.
It doesn't really matter what you roll out right now. I will never know when I have a comment with the current system. Worse, I will never know if there are spam or inappropriate comments on my articles.
In the past, we were always told to delete nonsense comments, or any comment that doesn't add value to the article. Now, it seems like the door is open for just about anything.
Every day the editors are going through my articles and correcting errors in an effort to improve the sites, which I appreciate. It makes no sense to have them spending their time doing that while you allow junk comments that can hurt the sites.
I know you don't want it that way, so why not put a hold on things until you can get it right?
I could not agree more! Who's going to be monitoring all the flags to admin (assuming author's can even find comments in the first place)? What kind of content is going to be considered for deletion? I really do not see how this current system can work long term. It's going to be a tax on the authors and HP staff.
What happens when staff and author's disagree about what comments can/cannot be deleted? I do not have articles on either of these niche sites, but I don't want comments coming in this capacity to my articles. Can we flag inane & generic comments and will they be removed? Those kind of comments do not fall under inappropriate content, but they will hurt the site as a whole.
Good news, HP. Will the ability to comment be restored to our feed?
Good news, HP. We are eager to hear more and more fantastic news from you.
Best Wishes!
Thank you HP for the updates.
Good to know that the advertisement part is also being considered.
Looking forward to more positive updates from the team.
Thank you.
That's commendable. I like the comment. Much thanks.
I'm still having problems accessing comments on both of these.
Using email and having to log in will not work for most readers will simply click backwards without leaving a comment.
As for me...i can't even get that far tonight.
And i doubt I will take time to do each one
I hope writers have understood that the old style of commenting is never going to come back and maybe it's a good thing because the comments had become something like you scratch my back and I scratch your back. In fact the professional look of an article was disturbed with the comments most of which were inane.
I don't expect readers should always comment on my articles. But should they post a comment that borders on criticism, encouragement, and updates on the subject, that's welcome. Also, don't expect me to comment on your article if I don't have a word or two to input. Should you force me to post spams? Critically, if one has no basic background of the author's topic, don't post comments.
I would never approve any comment unless it pertained to the content of the article. Any comment which was generic or inane was deleted.
And I never do like-for-like, comment-for-comment. As I don't read my feed, there's no point. I read articles directly on the network sites I'm interested in.
I emailed HP with my concerns about comments, too many distracting ads and falling revenue. I received a detailed and lengthy reply. I was assured by it that HP are trying to solve the comments and excessive ads issues. I was also given helpful tips and advice.
I am glad they gave you a detailed reply and tips, Liz. It seems like they are trying.
Why not share same here? It's not enough just to inform us. Let's have the meat.
Apologies for the delay.
Haley said "I can personally appreciate how important comments are to this community, and I know you've always been particularly active when it comes to giving new authors feedback and being a positive and helpful part of the community. Thank you for that. We are working through numerous roadblocks right now—engineering and otherwise—to try to reinstate some of the features that made the old commenting system work so well. I don't know how many features we'll be able to recreate or what the timeline will look like, but this is a big priority for us."
Haley also included the following information:
How to Drive Traffic to Your Articles
Make sure the title accurately describes the content of the article.
Give answer(s) to relevant search queries up front (see inverted pyramid diagram below).
Each answer should come directly after the relevant H2 or H3, not several sentences into the section.
Make sure content is scannable, e.g.:
Use H2/H3 to give your article a clear, easily skimmable structure. (Imagine yourself as a mobile reader—Which text blocks feel overwhelming? Where would you get lost while scrolling?)
Use bullets or numbering to make information easier to read at a glance.
Break content into logical, bite-sized pieces (~5 lines per paragraph).
Consider how your article looks on a mobile device (long paragraphs and stacked photos are not ideal). The vast majority of our traffic comes from mobile.
Ensure that your content is of high quality, e.g.:
Displays proper grammar and spelling and rich vocabulary.
Displays expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E.A.T.).
Update or edit your content every six months (or every three months, depending on how much work you want to put in). These updates/edits might include:
Adding new content.
Updating content to keep it current (e.g., statistics).
Rearranging content.
Adding new media.
Making significant edits (a comma here and an em dash there likely aren’t enough).
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You can also share to Pinterest by clicking the red “P” between your name and your author bio, but this will automatically select the top photo in the article as your Pinterest image. (You can change it once you’re in Pinterest, but it’s a bit fiddly.)
You can also share to Facebook by clicking the blue “f” between your name and your author bio.
That is good to know. I really hope they fix those problems.
Liz, would you mind sharing the tips and advice you received from HP?
Sounds great. I'd love to hear those tips and advice too.
Thank you for sharing this Liz. It does sound like they are doing their best.
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