Reviving the Hubbie Awards?

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  1. paolaenergya profile image90
    paolaenergyaposted 14 months ago

    Remember the Hubbie Awards? The last ones were in 2019: … d-winners/

    While I understand there is a lot of work behind them, it would be nice to revive them in 2024 to bring back the community spirit of the site (and possibly build momentum for hubbers who feel a bit stuck at the moment). Having prizes may be over the top, unless it's some kind of e-voucher, as writers are from all over the world.

    Maybe there could be a form with a voting button and you need to be logged into your account to be allowed to vote, with only one vote per profile.

    Or maybe this wouldn't be of interest anymore and we have collectively moved on from the past?

    Ideas welcome!

    1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
      Miebakagh57posted 14 months agoin reply to this

      I've not participated in the Hubpages Hubbie Award. But I've voted once, and can't remembered the year.                                             But it's obvious before hubpages was taken over by TAG.                                                My question is:what criteria will the award take if it come on stream again?

  2. Rupert Taylor profile image96
    Rupert Taylorposted 14 months ago

    Actually Paola, the last Hubbie Awards were in 2022. I know, I won one.

    Last year, the editors presented a list of nominees, just as the Oscars, Emmies, and most other awards do, and there was a fair bit of kvetching about that.

    It requires a lot of work and I think the team is stretched extremely thin at present. Judging by the crap that shows up in my feed I cannot imagine the size of the total pile they have to deal with.

  3. paolaenergya profile image90
    paolaenergyaposted 14 months ago

    Hi Rupert, congratulations on your win last year! I went by the information that is available on the blog, which stops at 2020. I wasn't aware the awards went on in 2022.

    Yes, I can see the huge amount of work required to select hubs and writers, which is why I thought an internal voting form may simplify that. Then again, there's the issue of bots which may pollute the results...

    1. Jodah profile image89
      Jodahposted 14 months agoin reply to this

      Yes it was 2022. The HP blog hasn’t been updated since before then though. But it wasn’t the same as before, even though I have won a few hubbies in the past and always supported it, I don’t think it really works anymore. Rupert was one of the deserving winners last year though.

  4. PaulGoodman67 profile image96
    PaulGoodman67posted 14 months ago

    As the others have said, they revived it last year.

    I tend to agree with John that it maybe doesn't quite work anymore. Some sort of community event or other way to bring people together would be good, though.

    1. paolaenergya profile image90
      paolaenergyaposted 14 months agoin reply to this

      Yes, something that can engage our community of writers would be good. I wonder how many writers we have here.

  5. psycheskinner profile image77
    psycheskinnerposted 14 months ago

    I think hubbies could just be for simple quantitative things like the most popular hub, most improved traffic for the year, and most comments (if we ever get those back).  I'd be happy to congratulate whoever got an award like that even though it certainly wouldn't be me lol.

    1. paolaenergya profile image90
      paolaenergyaposted 14 months agoin reply to this

      Yes! I'd be interested to see which hubs received the most traffic this year and which ones got shared the most. Oh, and the hubber who has been writing here for the longest time/has published the most hubs.

    2. Miebakagh57 profile image73
      Miebakagh57posted 14 months agoin reply to this

      Yes, I lol. But a guy among us is complaining of less and less traffic and views.

  6. paolaenergya profile image90
    paolaenergyaposted 14 months ago

    I found last year's post about the Hubbies, I had completely missed it: … bie-awards

    For those of you who voted, how did  you find the Google form? Was it easy to fill in/vote?

    1. PaulGoodman67 profile image96
      PaulGoodman67posted 14 months agoin reply to this

      Yes, voting was easy. But there were a lot of people angry about only having a limited number of hubbers to choose from, as Rupert mentions earlier in the thread.

      I've always seen it as a bit of fun to generate community engagement, not something to be taken too seriously.

      Regarding your question about writer numbers, I think the problem nowadays is how many of them are active. I suspect that it's only a small minority.

  7. Lady Dazy profile image53
    Lady Dazyposted 12 months ago

    Maybe this would be a good idea to give the site more of a community feel. I would also like to see the comments brought back too. When I first started here, you could comment on other member`s posts but now this has been stopped.

    1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
      Miebakagh57posted 12 months agoin reply to this

      The comment has been done away with. It's gone forever.                                             But this comment will smoke out one of hubpage's staff. M.

    2. Matt Wells profile imageSTAFF
      Matt Wellsposted 12 months agoin reply to this

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