Annual Hubbie Awards Categories

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  1. Faith Reaper profile image85
    Faith Reaperposted 9 years ago
    Each year when the Hubbie Awards roll around, I am always thinking of other categories that may be appropriate for the Hubbie Awards.  Can you think of any other categories that you would like to see added in the Awards selection?  I am always amazed how some hubbers do so well in their layout and presentation of their hubs, so I think that a category of Best Presentation in a Hub Award or something along those lines would be great (However, there is already a Most Beautiful Hub Award).  Also, there are always those special ones who you always look forward to leaving a comment because their comments are always stellar in relation to the topic of the hub (However, there is already a Most Supportive Hubber).  It would be hard to choose just one hubber in my opinion on best commenter though, for I have so many who leave amazing comments.  Having stated that, however, I think it would be nice to have a category for Best Commenter on HubPages.  What do you think?  Thank you for your participation here.

    1. profile image0
      Christy Kirwanposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      What a great idea, Faith! I'll check with the Team. I think a Best Commenter award would be an excellent addition. smile

      1. Faith Reaper profile image85
        Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Oh, wow, Christy, thank you so much for checking with the Team!  I am glad you think Best Commenter award would be an excellent addition.

        1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image86
          Patty Inglish, MSposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          I like it too! I admire the prolific, thoughful commenters, because I sometimes can't think of anything to say. I'll work on that, because I know people like feedback.

          1. Faith Reaper profile image85
            Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            Hi Patty,

            Yes, most do like good feedback on their hubs.  Or at least just knowing someone who reads at least takes the time to leave a meaningful comment.

      2. Faith Reaper profile image85
        Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Not sure if there were to be a category of Best Commenter, would they have to have Level 8 status already ...  to be qualified?

        Thank you so much!

      3. Faith Reaper profile image85
        Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I have been reading fiction writers and I am torn between short story fiction writers and those who write flash fiction.  I would be hard to choose one creative fiction writer, so maybe break that category into two: Best Short Story Fiction Writer and Best Flash Fiction Writer?  Just a thought.

      4. sallybea profile image82
        sallybeaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Definitely I have one in mind.

        1. Faith Reaper profile image85
          Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Hi sallybea,

          I am sure we all have one that immediately comes to mind, but then I have quite a few that come to mind and so it may be difficult to just choose one.

    2. Patty Inglish, MS profile image86
      Patty Inglish, MSposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Unless I've missed the category, how about one for best Hubber expert (other than staff) on IT, Tech Problems, and Website/Blog setup. We have a a few Hubbers that help with these every day. It would be more than the category "Most Helpful", because a lot of people need help with the tricky technology and such, if they have never written online previously. Thanks!

      1. Faith Reaper profile image85
        Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Patty,

        Oh, yes, that is a good one there no doubt!  I can think of one right now who I would vote for under that category.  I am no techy, and those who are valuable to me.

        I hope they do add that category.

  2. Phyllis Doyle profile image95
    Phyllis Doyleposted 9 years ago

    "Best Commenter" is a good one - but, it would be so hard to choose seeing as how we would probably all vote based on comments on our own hubs.

    I think "Most Compassionate", and "Best Historical Hub" would be nice.

    1. Faith Reaper profile image85
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Phyllis, yes it would be so hard on that one for sure to narrow it down to just one out of the hundreds for sure for Best Commenter. 

      Oh, those are two great categories there you have come up with for sure.  I can think of a hubber for each one already! 

      Thank you so much for participating, Phyllis.

  3. The Examiner-1 profile image59
    The Examiner-1posted 9 years ago

    Perhaps I am not here long enough to know all of the awards but how about Best Proofreader, Best Content, Best Grammar...things like those.

    By the way, I like the award for the commenter but you could say that there are two accolades for your types of comments.

    1. Faith Reaper profile image85
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Kevin,

      Yes, the one I came up with good be construed as already under the other two categories.

      They have Best All Around Hub, Best Poet, Best Fiction Writer, etc.

      On your suggestions, I guess if we never see any typos or grammar in one's hubs, but there are hundreds who write perfect grammar with no typos, so kind of hard to narrow those down too.

  4. LuisEGonzalez profile image78
    LuisEGonzalezposted 9 years ago

    How about basing the selections ( winners) on a little more than simply "likes". I always seem to lose out for best photographer to the birds.

    Note the sarcastic innuendo?

    1. Faith Reaper profile image85
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Luis,

      LOL, well, what is great about the Hubbie is that fellow writers vote, and so that is what makes it special to me, especially being it is not determined by HP staff, etc.  It is kind of like the People's Choice Awards.

  5. Mark Ewbie profile image60
    Mark Ewbieposted 9 years ago

    Some good ideas.

    Although it pains me a little - maybe those who won last year should not be eligible the following year.  Give others a chance.

    1. Faith Reaper profile image85
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Mark,

      LOL, yes, I understand ... that's an idea there. However, being the Hubbie Awards are voted on by fellow writers, and we have a lot of new ones around here from Squidoo ...maybe those from Squidoo just happen to love certain hubbers who won last year and they have no clue that is the case.  So, they would have to skip over their first choice and maybe even their second and third?

  6. Marcy Goodfleisch profile image80
    Marcy Goodfleischposted 9 years ago

    Can somebody post the current list, so we can get ideas for expansion or tweaking?

    1. Writer Fox profile image37
      Writer Foxposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      It's several months away.  I think there are too many categories already: … -are-open/

      1. Faith Reaper profile image85
        Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Hi again, Writer Fox,

        So, true, there are a lot already.  Maybe cut out some and add more interesting categories?

        I thought they normally have it in June, but the last two years they were delayed until June?  If that is the case, May is upon us, and so really just a little over a month away. Does anyone know when they will be this year, being it has been brought up here? 

        Thank you!

    2. Mark Ewbie profile image60
      Mark Ewbieposted 9 years agoin reply to this
      1. Marcy Goodfleisch profile image80
        Marcy Goodfleischposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I meant the list of categories, but I'm glad to see your name there - always well deserved!!!

        1. Faith Reaper profile image85
          Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Hi Marcie,

          Yes, I was thinking that same thing for it has been a year and hard to remember exactly what categories there are already.

      2. Faith Reaper profile image85
        Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Tee Hee ...

      3. Patty Inglish, MS profile image86
        Patty Inglish, MSposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Well, how about a Hubbie for Winner of the Most Hubbies? smile

  7. janshares profile image93
    jansharesposted 9 years ago

    How about these:

    "Smartest Hubber" - Able to give concise, insightful explanations of what's going on; objective analysis of situations; offers new information; helps other hubbers see things from another angle, without emotionality, judgment, or drama.

    "Wisest Hubber" - Able to rise above the quandary and offer a thoughtful, food-for-thought type of perspective with neutrality; poignant philosophical point of view.

    "Most Nomadic Hubber" - Appears after long absences to make comments and observations; in and out of forums.

    "Most Unfeatured Hubber" - just kidding hmm

    "Most Elusive Hubber" - Bright, creative, very intelligent, keeps us on our toes trying to figure them out.

    1. paradigm search profile image54
      paradigm searchposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      "Most Demented Hubber" - I'd be a lock for that one.

      1. Faith Reaper profile image85
        Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        You have my vote!  LOL

    2. Faith Reaper profile image85
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, Jan,

      Those are all great!  Thank you for coming up with these.  LOL on the Most "Unfeatured" hubber ... kind of reminds me of when HP actually had Hubber Most Likely to be Banned ... and I am glad they did away with that one for it is so negative.

      1. janshares profile image93
        jansharesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Ha ha, glad you liked them.


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