We're Moving Content To Discover HubPages

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  1. theraggededge profile image89
    theraggededgeposted 8 weeks ago

    All my Exemplore articles are on Discover now.

    1. TheShadowSpecter profile image80
      TheShadowSpecterposted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

      The same happened to me.  The Exemplore niche site still exists, but it appears that HubPages will eventually eliminate it altogether in the near future and move the remaining articles on it to HubPages Discover.  Interestingly enough, it has not adversely affected the amount of traffic I have been receiving on my articles.  However, when they moved my SoapBoxie articles over to HubPages Discover, I noticed a world of a difference in that the number of views I was receiving plummetted drastically.

  2. Miebakagh57 profile image73
    Miebakagh57posted 8 weeks ago

    Seems all network or niche sites will move up to discover?

    1. PaulGoodman67 profile image96
      PaulGoodman67posted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

      No, not all, maybe, read the newsletter.

      1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
        Miebakagh57posted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

        'No, not all, maybe...' =  Seems?                                          The news letter is contradicting itself.

  3. Solaras profile image82
    Solarasposted 8 weeks ago

    So, in checking to see which niche sites are gone, my efforts reveal:

    Gone (redirects to HubPages)


    Almost gone (Website exists with no content under headings)


  4. Rupert Taylor profile image96
    Rupert Taylorposted 8 weeks ago

    When did all these get dumped? We were told changes would only be made on Thursdays, or did I misinterpret something? Wouldn't be the first time.

    As the niche sites vanish, my traffic declines.

    1. PaulGoodman67 profile image96
      PaulGoodman67posted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

      I know some people want to see the “bright side” and I probably sound negative, but like you, I don’t feel good about what’s happening…

    2. Miebakagh57 profile image73
      Miebakagh57posted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

      Hopefully, you're still enjoying your rutapaga plus w**n.

    3. SerenityHalo profile image92
      SerenityHaloposted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

      I think we were also supposed to receive emails as articles were dumped to Discover. I received zero such emails.

      1. PaulGoodman67 profile image96
        PaulGoodman67posted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

        You’re not alone.

  5. theraggededge profile image89
    theraggededgeposted 8 weeks ago

    Regarding Exemplore - under the 'Divination' tab, they've left a video for one of my articles (one that has almost two million views). The video says to click on the link to the article but the article is now on Discover and there is no link.

    As Exemplore itself was one of the main sources of traffic for me, how is that going to work now? It's sinking in my traffic stats, garnering a mere 60-ish views a day.

    1. Kenna McHugh profile image92
      Kenna McHughposted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

      Bev, Wow! I am so sorry. Unbelievable.

    2. sallybea profile image81
      sallybeaposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

      Earnings (what earnings?)  So sad after regular income for many years.

      1. TheShadowSpecter profile image80
        TheShadowSpecterposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

        I know what you mean.  One of the hubbers mentioned that he had once been earning $100 a day on HubPages.  I also read that there was someone on HubPages who was earning $5,000 a month.  I would liike to have been one of those people.  Now I hear that such an opportunity may not materialize on this writing platform ever again.

        1. Kenna McHugh profile image92
          Kenna McHughposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

          Paul posted one time about a $10K payout.

          1. SerenityHalo profile image92
            SerenityHaloposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

            That is an incredible amount.

            1. TheShadowSpecter profile image80
              TheShadowSpecterposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

              That is phenomenal.  Even though Paul has only 62 articles posted on his HubPages channel, he has over 600 followers.  He must be very active on social media to have that large of a following.  That would seem time-consuming on his end; but if it gets him a $10,000 payout, I guess it's well worth it.  Hopefully, HubPages will make it possible again for any of us to achieve that goal.

              1. Kenna McHugh profile image92
                Kenna McHughposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

                Paul used to own HubPages before TAG bought it and ruined it. When Paul owned it, he posted on the forums that he had to adjust PayPal to make the 10K payout. He felt it was a win for the company.

            2. Kenna McHugh profile image92
              Kenna McHughposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

              Andrea, yes, it is impressive. I'd love to see that happen again. With Google today, HP has to advertise on Google. I don't think they'll do that.

              1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                Miebakagh57posted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

                Kenna, you're right. And that would bring back  AdSense I suppose?

                1. Kenna McHugh profile image92
                  Kenna McHughposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

                  Yes. It was when HP had Adsense.

                  1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                    Miebakagh57posted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

                    And yes too, the moment  I configure my AdSense code with my hubpages account, I began to earn. You can't get that with hubpages nowadays.

            3. bravewarrior profile image84
              bravewarriorposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

              Incredible is the opposite of credible. How did he do it and for how long? And how long ago?

              1. SerenityHalo profile image92
                SerenityHaloposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

                Those are all good questions. I assume it was before the Panda update.

          2. bravewarrior profile image84
            bravewarriorposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

            ???!!! I don't even think Bill (billybuc) ever made that with the thousands of articles he posted and thousands of followers he has/had!

            We all made more when comments were attached to each post than we do now. Now we're drowning.

        2. bravewarrior profile image84
          bravewarriorposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

          I'd love to know who was earning $5000/month. That just doesn't sound right. That's not easy to do when writers have private clients, let alone on a site that has thousands of writers on the site and revenue share is/was lopsided.

          HP is rapidly turning into a content mill. Even the mills paid more than HP does today.

          1. TheShadowSpecter profile image80
            TheShadowSpecterposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

            I read about it on a discussion thread regarding HubPages.  However, it wasn't a discussion thread on the HubPages writing site itself.  It was an old discussion thread from another website, so I'm thinking that perhaps this person was able to make $5,000 a month inasmuch as HubPages made that earning capacity possible for everyone at the time.  I'll try to find that discussion thread again, and I'll post a link to it here.  I tried to track down that same person here on HubPages, but I had no luck.  It could be that he is no longer a member of the HubPages writing site.

          2. TheShadowSpecter profile image80
            TheShadowSpecterposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

            I haven't found that same old discussion thread I told you about.  However, I did come across an author who goes by the user name of Creator Club who claims in his article that he's earning over $5,000 a month on HubPages.  It's a fairly recent article too.  His article is titled "This is How I’m Making $5000 a Month on Hupages.com."

            1. SerenityHalo profile image92
              SerenityHaloposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

              This person has an extremely high following on Medium. I am honestly gobsmacked if they’re making $5,000 on HP. Who are they? They’re doing something right, if it’s true.

              1. Shesabutterfly profile image97
                Shesabutterflyposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

                They have maybe 10 articles on niche sites and plagiarize (At least the newer articles contain plagiarism). I didn't look at much of the older material, but some of it is posted on Medium as well.

                I'm surprised they can make that much from Discover alone. The image in that link shows the HP account.

            2. EricDockett profile image98
              EricDockettposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

              Calling B.S.

              That writer hasn't even hit 100k views with 500+ articles. The math doesn't add up.

              As for the 10k payment, that was right after Christmas, if I remember correctly. The issue was the payment exceeded the amount PayPal would send at once, and had to be sent in two batches.

              Paul did seem proud that one of the authors were able to earn like that.

              I was extremely motivated by his announcement at the time. It gave you hope and something to shoot for.

              How times have changed.

              Edit: Or maybe it was the amount HP could send to PayPal at once. Something like that.

              1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                Miebakagh57posted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

                Ba... OMG!

              2. Kenna McHugh profile image92
                Kenna McHughposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

                Yes. Eric that sounds more like it. So sad the way things are now.

              3. SerenityHalo profile image92
                SerenityHaloposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

                Yeah, I’m having a hard time believing it as well. The math doesn’t pan out. It’s a strange claim to make up and/or odd to edit a screenshot of PayPal earnings. What a bizarre case….

                1. Health Reports profile image89
                  Health Reportsposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

                  There could be 2 reasons for doing this.  1 - You want to tease people wanting a side hustle to read your article and share it, on how easy it is to make $60K at Hubpages.  Those are some of the most successful articles on Medium - "How to Write and Earn on Medium."

                  The other option would be that they want to be banned by HP for posting their earnings as well as a screen shot of their PayPal account, since $5K a moth is something to sneeze at.

                  1. SerenityHalo profile image92
                    SerenityHaloposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

                    The second reason got a chuckle out of me.

                2. EricDockett profile image98
                  EricDockettposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

                  As another person said, that is the kind of headline that will get a click over there.

                  According to my Medium feed, a great many people have figured out how to be rich and successful online. Of course, the first thing they do is write an article about it.

                  1. PaulGoodman67 profile image96
                    PaulGoodman67posted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

                    Yes, Medium is awash with such clickbait! After a while, I just learned to ignore it.

              4. TheShadowSpecter profile image80
                TheShadowSpecterposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

                I couldn't find this guy anywhere on the HubPages writing site.  Then again he may go under a different user name here on HubPages.  However, you could be right about him.  That is, he may be one of those fake-it-until-you-make-it type of content creators.  It's so hard to know whether some of these people are telling the truth unless they can offer proof in the pudding that they are.

                1. EricDockett profile image98
                  EricDockettposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

                  The username is on the screenshot they posted.

                  1. TheShadowSpecter profile image80
                    TheShadowSpecterposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

                    I know that his name is Creator Club on the Medium platform.  I did look at the screenshot of the amount of money he allegedly received from PayPal that is found in his Medium article.  However, I typed his Medium user name "Creator Club" in the HubPages search field and came up with no search results that would contain an account of his.  Of course, because I am not a member of Medium, I do not have access to the entire article wherein he claims to have made over $5,000 in one month.  Is there some other place I should be looking for his user name on HubPages that I am unaware of?

        3. Miebakagh57 profile image73
          Miebakagh57posted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

          So sad. And so what should we do? Write and increasing new articles?

  6. PaulGoodman67 profile image96
    PaulGoodman67posted 7 weeks ago

    Meanwhile, traffic and earnings are lower than ever. I'm not saying it's necessarily to do with the Discover move, as they've been declining for three years, but it's still a pretty miserable state of affairs.


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