Who's Editing/Writing Articles: Do You Notice a Change in Statistics?

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  1. Kenna McHugh profile image93
    Kenna McHughposted 5 weeks ago

    Who continues to edit and write here and notices an uptick or more in views, CPM or revenue?

    1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image87
      Patty Inglish, MSposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

      Editing only; increase 9% in views, 14% revenue.

      1. Kenna McHugh profile image93
        Kenna McHughposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

        Patty, Thank you. This is encouraging. I hope it's a viable amount.

        1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image87
          Patty Inglish, MSposted 2 weeks agoin reply to this

          It did not last long. I made 59 cents one day this week - burst out laughing. Good thing I have other $.

    2. OldRoses profile image68
      OldRosesposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

      I haven't written anything new or edited existing articles but I have noticed an alarming drops in CPMs - more than 50%.

      1. Kenna McHugh profile image93
        Kenna McHughposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

        Oh boy, it doesn't look good.

    3. eugbug profile image96
      eugbugposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

      I don't write or edit.
      Views continue to decline. CPM and revenue are declining too. Views are 10% of what they were three years ago. I presume revenue is being used to keep the site going and we're only getting a small fraction.

      1. Kenna McHugh profile image93
        Kenna McHughposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

        I hear you. But do you think the decline would stop if you wrote and edited?

        Also, your comment, "I presume revenue is being used to keep the site going, and we're only getting a small fraction." Do you think it is happening, or do you know for sure?

        1. eugbug profile image96
          eugbugposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

          No, just speculating, but we never got a definite answer on what share of revenue we get now. The TOS changed which I presume allowed variable revenue share to be implemented.
          I don't think the decline would stop if I alone wrote and edited. I think we would all have to do that.

          1. Kenna McHugh profile image93
            Kenna McHughposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

            Eugene, unfortunately, you're probably right.

    4. WriterJanis profile image90
      WriterJanisposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

      Updating here and overall, my views and earnings are down since most of my articles were taken odd of niche sites.

      1. Kenna McHugh profile image93
        Kenna McHughposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

        Janis, that seems to be the consensus. It would be nice if HP offered some guidance or worthwhile input.

  2. Titia profile image93
    Titiaposted 4 weeks ago

    I never got a huge amount of views, but I managed to reach threshold every two months. Since the move to Discover the views and earnings of those articles are way down.
    One article that got steadily about a 100 views per day, got 10 sofar today.

    But it got edited (again) 3 days after my request to  move it. Only after my second request my articles were moved to Discover.

    1. Kenna McHugh profile image93
      Kenna McHughposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

      Titia, thank you for the information. I have not touched my article since the announcement. The numbers are declining, and it's hard to get motivated without knowing what is truly happening. Will they offer us bread and marmalade next?

      1. Titia profile image93
        Titiaposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

        Kenna, I haven't touched my articles either, HP did that one on their own. I haven't edited any of them for at least over a year I think. I submitted one long time ago to Dengarden and got an email that I needed to improve my English. I used to use Grammarly for a little extra help. 
        Some of my articles have been edited several times and each time the current editor apparently found something that needed editing.

        1. Kenna McHugh profile image93
          Kenna McHughposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

          Titia, I hear you. I used to edit my articles weekly, but now I haven't done anything.

      2. Gregory DeVictor profile image100
        Gregory DeVictorposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

        Kenna, if you have an existing article on Discover that might be an ideal fit for HobbyLark, Owlcation, etc., why not manually submit it and see what happens.

        1. Kenna McHugh profile image93
          Kenna McHughposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

          Gregory, that's a Good idea. Thanks. I will do that.

  3. Genna East profile image90
    Genna Eastposted 4 weeks ago

    Yes, I still edit, Kenna, but also noticed a slip in views.

    Since this change has taken place, I also experienced the following during the past few weeks:  What I write has normally been scooped up by LetterPile within a matter of a few days.  (I receive an email stating. "Your article was selected..." etc.) However, a poem I wrote recently, which is featured, has not.  This is unusual.  Does this mean I have to submit all future work to LetterPile?  I’d prefer it not to be “dumped” in Discover for obvious reasons -- a slip in views for example -- and have no idea under which “category” or niches that poetry and other creative writing would be placed.

    My apologies to Team HP, but I’m still a little confused regarding certain aspects and the “state of play” initiated by these Discover-HP moves.

    1. Gregory DeVictor profile image100
      Gregory DeVictorposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

      Genna, based on what you stated above, I have been in a similar situation recently with HobbyLark.

      Currently, I have 98 articles on HobbyLark. Previously, after publishing an American nostalgia article, it would generally be moved within several days from Discover to HobbyLark. Occasionally, I would have to manually submit the article to get it moved from Discover to Hobbylark. However, that was the exception rather than the rule.

      Over the past month, I have published three new American nostalgia articles. The three articles deal with the years 1941, 1942, and 1943 respectively.

      Regarding the 1941 article: I published the article and it just stayed on Discover for about a week. With encouragement from the HP writer Glenn S., I manually submitted the 1941 article for consideration on HobbyLark.

      The article was moved to HobbyLark very quickly. This happened a couple of weeks ago.

      I plan to do the same with the other two articles.

      Here is a suggestion: Perhaps you might consider manually submitting your article (poem) to LetterPile for consideration. Just see what happens.

      If you would like, let us know what happens.

      Best of luck.

      Edit: I am not sure right now if these articles are being edited, or even looked at, before they are moved to HobbyLark, Owlcation, Letterpile, etc. (What are your thoughts on this   issue?)

      1. Genna East profile image90
        Genna Eastposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

        Thanks, Greg.  Linda experienced a similar issue and made the same recommendation. I will let you know what happens.

        I doubt the niche sites you mention are editing.  I’m always editing my work as I amend content, phrasing, etc.  While editing the work I’ve written since my return, I found two typos.  (I’m the world’s worst typist.)  In addition, I’ve noticed on more than one occasion articles written by others who neglected to utilize a footnote when paraphrasing another author.

      2. Genna East profile image90
        Genna Eastposted 3 weeks agoin reply to this

        Just to give you an update regarding my last comment regarding the need to actually submit a poem to LP, LetterPile has not published any new poetry in the past couple of weeks. I have no idea as to why.

        1. Gregory DeVictor profile image100
          Gregory DeVictorposted 3 weeks agoin reply to this

          Genna, I have been periodically checking on HobbyLark to see what is happening. Nothing new seems to have been published there either for about three weeks. My 1941  article was moved three weeks ago today, and another author's article has an August 24 date on it. I submitted my 1942 article last week, but have heard absolutely nothing.

          This is a real epic adventure.

          Edit: Genna, did you submit anything recently to Letterpile? Just curious.

          1. Genna East profile image90
            Genna Eastposted 3 weeks agoin reply to this

            Hi Greg…

            It’s odd, isn’t it?  I’m sorry you experienced something similar.  The recent poem, “Dreams of Nanna…A Poem in Remembrance,” was published on August 30th.  I submitted this to LP on Sept 9th.  The last poetry LP published was on August 28th.  So, it’s been nearly three weeks.

            1. Gregory DeVictor profile image100
              Gregory DeVictorposted 3 weeks agoin reply to this

              Gee, I wonder what is going on. Well, it looks like the exact same happened to both of us, and perhaps to others as well.

              1. Shesabutterfly profile image97
                Shesabutterflyposted 3 weeks agoin reply to this

                I am not editing or writing, but I have been keeping an eye on Owlcation. As far as I can tell, the 28th of August was the last time they moved articles over.

                Despite saying they were keeping WeHaveKids, there have been no new articles since mid July. Delishably has a couple newer ones with the last ones being Sept 3rd.

                Perhaps with limited staff they have decided to forgo editing/moving submissions as well as new articles? It doesn't bode well for the future of HP. I'm beginning to think these last few niche sites will either be moved over once they see how PetHelpful and Dengarden transition or they will be shut down and shuffled to Discover. Assuming they want to keep HP at all.

                1. Gregory DeVictor profile image100
                  Gregory DeVictorposted 3 weeks agoin reply to this

                  Thanks for the update. I have been paying very close attention to HobbyLark, and probably check on that site several times a day. What I told Genna above hasn't changed at all.

                  Yes, with limited staff, maybe HP is not prioritizing moving articles from Discover to the remaining niche sites.

                  I often wonder too if articles on Owlcation, LP, Owlcation, etc. will be eventually be moved to Discover. Time will certainly tell.

              2. Genna East profile image90
                Genna Eastposted 3 weeks agoin reply to this

                Thank you for the helpful feedback. So this is happening with various sites. Perhaps we should post these comments on the other thread, “Upcoming Changes to Pethelpful, Dengarden, and Discover,” to gain more feedback or insight from others who have experienced the same conundrum. Sadly, this does not bode well.

                1. Gregory DeVictor profile image100
                  Gregory DeVictorposted 3 weeks agoin reply to this

                  I guess that I am going to wait and see how all of this is going turn out. Some of the writers here believe that the remaining niche sites will eventually be absorbed into Discover. If that happens with Owlcation or HobbyLark, for example, there is going to be an "adjustment period" that could take days or probably weeks. Each article will have to be reindexed by Google, and go through the process of "slowly or quickly" showing up again in Google's organic search results for designated key phrases. From what I am reading on this forum about the transition thus far, things don't sound promising.

  4. Carb Diva profile image99
    Carb Divaposted 4 weeks ago

    Genna, I write on Delishably and have noticed the same thing. I wrote 3 articles and all went to Discover. Period. Usually they are moved to the niche site in 2 days 3 tops. But, when I submitted 1 to Delishably it was approved within 24 hours.

    1. Genna East profile image90
      Genna Eastposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

      Thank you, Linda.  I was hoping I wouldn’t have to do this, but it seems this is another change to which we have to adapt. It is helpful to know that I am not the only one who has noticed this.

    2. SerenityHalo profile image92
      SerenityHaloposted 3 weeks agoin reply to this

      I submitted an article to Delishably more than a month ago, and it has been sitting there quietly on Discover. I sent another one last night. I was keeping an eye on Delishably to see if new things were going there and then I got bored and moved on… it seems new things are going there again.

      It’s disappointing since things used to get on Delishably speedily. It’s sad if the only way to get on a niche site is to submit and then wait two weeks to submit anything else. Perhaps that is a more normal pace compared to other outlets.

      1. Gregory DeVictor profile image100
        Gregory DeVictorposted 3 weeks agoin reply to this

        I  submitted another article to HobbyLark on Sunday of last week, and it is still resting on Discover. In the past, most of my articles would get moved to HobbyLark within 1-5 days after making it through QA. Once in awhile, I would have to manually submit the article to HobbyLark, but that was more of an exception. But it did happen.

        Edit: Whenever I had to manually submit an article to HobbyLark, it would generally get moved in several days, with or without editing.

  5. Miebakagh57 profile image73
    Miebakagh57posted 4 weeks ago

    At this hubpages.discover challenging times? I'll probably wait, until the hurricane is over.                                           But few weeks ago, I editted a title to my lowest score 39% hub. It got featured. Seems like a black hole ln the universe of my data bank to manipulate the scores of the other hubs. Good for me.

  6. Miebakagh57 profile image73
    Miebakagh57posted 3 weeks ago

    Sorry guys, I've some poems to publish. But my computer keyboard has not receive a respond in favour of HubPages.

  7. Dean Traylor profile image98
    Dean Traylorposted 3 weeks ago

    Since mid August, I've published one article and three poems. Surprisingly two of the three poems are doing better than the well-researched article. The poems were spur of the moment additions (not wasting my time researching for new article). Only notice a slight uptick with CPM and revenue, but nothing to get excited about. Haven't added anything new for a few weeks. Why bother?

  8. Janda Raker profile image92
    Janda Rakerposted 2 weeks ago

    I haven't been on the forums much, just have generally been discouraged by the results from my few articles, not motivated to add more. But then suprisingly, I'm seeing progress this month! I've had more than twice as many clicks as the previous month! My articles have been published on Wander Wisdom, and I'm not seeing anything to indicate they will be moved. Does anyone know? Two of my seven are not there now but are just on "Hub Pages" generically. Does anyone think I should do anything to try to get them back on Wander Wisdom? Please advise.

    1. Gregory DeVictor profile image100
      Gregory DeVictorposted 2 weeks agoin reply to this

      Hello Janda,

      It appears that you are in a similar situation that I am in right now.

      Over the past five weeks, I published four new American nostalgia articles. About a month ago, I submitted one of them to HobbyLark, and it was moved there rather quickly. Since that time, I submitted two more articles to HobbyLark, and neither of them have been moved there yet. It also appears that no other articles have been moved to HobbyLark recently from any HP author. My 1941 article has a September 7 date on it, which is when I had to edit a blatant grammatical error in the first text capsule.

      Regarding Wander Wisdom, I see that the newest article there has an August 27 date on it.

      In your case, I would encourage you to submit one of your articles to Wander Wisdom now, and to just wait and see what happens. That is what I am doing.

      As you know, things are quite uncertain at HP right now.

      Best of luck.

      Edit: Just so you know, my last article was moved to HobbyLark on August 26. It also looks like the most recent articles that were moved to Letterpile were in late August.

  9. Janda Raker profile image92
    Janda Rakerposted 11 days ago

    Thanks fo your input, Gregory! I do have two travel articles that are just in Discover right now, one about Venice and the other about Hawaii. I think I will try submitting them for the move to Wander Wisdom, as it does seem to be staying intact right now. I feel bad for writers who have worked so hard for HubPaqes and now have to make some choices, not knowing the outcome!


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